#MESQUITEINIT BATCHFILE 1 name = Basic_PAUP_tree_search explanation = 'Batch file to request PAUP to do basic tree search on each data matrix, saving a tree file and consensus tree for each. It will also produce consensus trees of the consensus trees from each search.' start1 = '#NEXUS^nbegin paup;^n set autoclose nowarnreset nowarntree nowarntsave;' repeat1 = 'execute ''.nex'';^nhs;^nsavetrees file = ''.trees'';^ncontree / strict= yes majrule=no treefile = ''CB'' append = yes;' end1 = 'gettrees file = ''CB'' warntree = no allblocks;^nsavetrees file = ''consensus.trees'';^ncontree / strict= yes treefile = ''StrictConsCons.trees'';^ncontree / strict= no majrule=yes treefile = ''MajRuleConsCons.trees'';^nend;' batchFileName1 = paupCommands.nex matrixExportFormat = NEXUS_file_interpreter