#MESQUITEINIT BATCHFILE 1 name = 'PAUPConstraintTestParsimony' explanation = 'This template produces a batch file to request PAUP to find the most parsimonious trees that match a constraint, and the most parsimonious ones unconstrained, for each matrix. It asks PAUP to write the results to a score file. ' start1 = '#NEXUS^nbegin paup;^n log file=''.log'';^n set autoclose nowarnreset tcompress torder=right;^n defaults hs search options;' repeat1 = ' execute ''.nex'';^n set criterion=parsimony;^n constraint theConstraint= ;^n hs enforce noconverse constraint=theConstraint;^n pscore 1/scorefile=''Score.scr'' append;^n hs noenforce;^n pscore 1/scorefile=''Score.scr'' append;' end1 = ' log stop;^nend;' batchFileName1 = PaupCommands.nex start2 = 'MesquiteInstructions^nnumVariables = 2^nnumFiles = 1^nfile1 = ''itemsPerRecord=8 v1=4 v2=8''^nrecordLabel = ''Replicates''^nformula = ''v1-v2''^nlabel1 = ''Constrained treelength''^nlabel2 = ''Unconstrained treelength''' batchFileName2 = MesquiteInstructions matrixExportFormat = NEXUS_file_interpreter