Coalescence package for Mesquite

Wayne Maddison

August 2005

This package of modules and library classes provides a few basic calculations, simulations and visualizations concerning gene tree coalescence in population genetics. There is much more that can be done, and opportunities for other programmers to contribute coalescence calculations to Mesquite.


Just as MacClade was designed to provide tools to ask "what if the phylogenetic history had been like this", Mesquite is designed to extend such questions to other realms such as population genetics. Using, for instance, the insert node and the lineage width tools in the Tree Window, one can construct a population history with various expansions and contractions, and explore its consequences on its contained gene trees via simulations.The best way to understand what the package can do is to look at the example files (see below)

The coalescence package currently includes:

Thus, the modules are mostly focused on the topology of the gene tree and its relationship with a species tree. As shown in the examples, the package can be used to test some basic hypotheses in population genetics, especially hypotheses of population histories.


Effective population size is for the genes themselves, as if the organisms were haploid. Branch lengths of a population or species tree are treated as measured in units of generations. When a gene tree is drawn within a species tree, its branches are drawn green except if polytomies were automatically resolved to optimize fit to the species tree, in which case the resolved branches are drawn in magenta.


The modules included are:


Calculations with gene trees:


The coalescence package depends on modules and libraries from the more general Taxa Associations package. The Taxa Associations package is not yet a standalone package, and is included in service of the coalescence routines. These are the included modules from the Taxa Associations package:

Management and Utilities:

Graphics and analysis:

What remains to be done

Improvements to the existing modules remain to be made, including making them more efficient.

Many other calculations taking a gene tree perspective could be done, including those that have nucleotide sequence evolution occurring along the branches of the gene tree. This would allow direct comparison against observed sequences, without being forced to reconstruct a gene tree from the sequences before comparison with Mesquite's results. The solution to this will come from the Genesis package, which can be combined with the coalescence package to generate nucleotide sequences evolved on coalescence trees.


There are two folders (directories) whose contents need to be in the correct place for Mesquite to be able to use them. These two directories are called (1) "coalesce" and (2) "assoc". Find where you have Mesquite installed on your hard disk. These three directories should be in the "mesquite" directory within "Mesquite Folder".


There is a series of example data files in the directory "coalescence_examples". The files are self explanatory; begin with the file whose name begins with "00".

© Copyright 2002-2005 W. Maddison