# # Keys (Column 3: "type") constrained to be either: # (a) a term from the "lite" sequence ontology, SOFA; # (b) a SOFA accession number (SO:000000). # # key Qualifiers (@=mandatory) # ======= ======================== centromere ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified note comment private curation region ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score contig ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score comment #supercontig ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score #chromosome ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified note comment description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score gene ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score private comment #CDS ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified codon_start description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score results note comment job polypeptide ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref product molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score mass isoelectric charge source private signal_peptide membrane_structure cytoplasmic_polypeptide_region non_cytoplasmic_polypeptide_region transmembrane_polypeptide_region cytoplasm_location transmembrane non_cytoplasm_location GPI_anchor_cleavage_site comment curation translation pseudogene ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score private pseudogenic_exon ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score private pseudogenic_transcript ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score product intron ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score exon ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified codon_start description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score three_prime_UTR ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified systematic_id note comment private curation five_prime_UTR ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified systematic_id note comment private curation transcript ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified private comment primary_transcript ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation tRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag rRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag tmRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag mRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag ncRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag snRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag scRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag snoRNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified product note comment controlled_curation private locus_tag polypeptide_domain ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified polypeptide_motif ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified signal_peptide ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified match ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified nucleotide_match ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified gff_source gff_seqname score translated_nucleotide_match ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified protein_match ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified cluster gff_source gff_seqname score sequence_difference ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified direct_repeat ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified inverted_repeat ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified dispersed_repeat ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified repeat_family ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified gff_source gff_seqname score transposable_element ID Name Alias Parent Target Gap Derives_from Note Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified binding_site ID Name Alias Parent Target Gap Derives_from Note Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified #minus_10_signal ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial standard_name #minus_35_signal ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial standard_name #three_prime_clip ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name #five_prime_clip ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name #CAAT_signal ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial #D_loop ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial #GC_signal ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial three_prime_LTR ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name five_prime_LTR ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name N_region ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation codon codon_start evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial product pseudo standard_name #STS ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name #TATA_box ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial #attenuator ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial phenotype #enhancer ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name gap ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified @estimated_length score #iDNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment number partial standard_name #mature_peptide ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified EC_number allele citation codon codon_start evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial product pseudo standard_name #modified_base_site ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified @mod_base allele citation evidence frequency gene label locus_tag map note comment operon ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified @operon allele citation evidence function label map note comment phenotype pseudo standard_name polyA_signal_sequence ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial polyA_site ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment #precursor_RNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial product standard_name primary_transcript ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial standard_name #primer_binding_site ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified PCR_conditions allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name promoter ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial phenotype pseudo standard_name #protein_binding_site ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified @bound_moiety allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name origin_of_replication ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation direction evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial standard_name repeat_region ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene insertion_seq label locus_tag map note comment partial rpt_family rpt_type rpt_unit standard_name DNA_transposon repeat_unit ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial rpt_family rpt_type rpt_unit #satellite_DNA ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment partial rpt_family rpt_type rpt_unit standard_name #stem_loop ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial standard_name #terminator ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation evidence gene label locus_tag map note comment operon partial standard_name #transit_peptide ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified allele citation codon codon_start evidence function gene label locus_tag map note comment partial product pseudo standard_name