#!/bin/sh - # this script will run a search program on a sequence input file or on each # file in a file of filenames # to customise this script see the function called run_one_prog below RCS_HEADER="$Header: /cvsroot/pathsoft/artemis/etc/run_tblastx,v 1.4 2005-12-20 13:50:10 tjc Exp $" cleanUp() { echo $1 cat $1 | while thisLine=`line` do rm -f $thisLine done rm -f $1 } PROG=`echo $RCS_HEADER | sed 's/.*run_\(.*\),v.*/\1/'` if [ $# = 4 -a x$1 = x-onefile ] then shift ONEFILE=t DATABASE=$3 export DATABASE else if [ $# = 2 ] then DATABASE=$2 export DATABASE else echo usage: $0 -onefile input_file output_file database 1>&2 echo or: $0 file_of_filenames database 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi # expand any ~ or environment variables EXPANDED_DATABASE=`echo "echo $DATABASE" | /bin/csh -f` ### change this function to suit your site: run_one_prog () { INPUT_FILE=$1 OUTPUT_FILE=$2 DATABASE=$3 DIRNAME=$4 ### change these lines: EXEC=${EXEC-`which blastall 2>/dev/null`} if [ ! -x "$EXEC" ]; then EXEC=`find Artemis* -name blastall 2>/dev/null` fi if [ ! -d "$BLASTDB" ]; then DATABASE_TMP="$PWD/"`find Artemis* -name blast-data 2>/dev/null`"/$DATABASE" if [ -f "$DATABASE_TMP" ]; then DATABASE="$DATABASE_TMP" fi fi echo "about to start $EXEC with input from $INPUT_FILE and output to" 1>&2 echo "$OUTPUT_FILE using database $DATABASE" 1>&2 EXTRA_ARGS= # add/change the flags to suit your site: HOSTNAME=`hostname` REMOTE=N case $HOSTNAME in deskpro*) REMOTE=Y ;; *) esac if [ $REMOTE = "Y" ]; then WDIR=`pwd` export WDIR # rsh babel "cd $WDIR; lsrun -v blastwrap.pl $EXEC -d $DATABASE -i $INPUT_FILE -p tblastx \ # $EXTRA_ARGS >! $OUTPUT_FILE" rsh babel "cd $WDIR; bsub -q longblastq -o $OUTPUT_FILE -e ${PROG}_errors.new -I flexi_blast.pl -tx $DATABASE $INPUT_FILE $EXTRA_ARGS" else # lsrun -v blastwrap.pl $EXEC -d $DATABASE -i $INPUT_FILE -p tblastx \ # $EXTRA_ARGS 2>&1 > $OUTPUT_FILE | # tee ${PROG}_errors.new 1>&2 bsub -q long -o $OUTPUT_FILE -e ${PROG}_errors.new -I flexi_blast.pl -tx $DATABASE $INPUT_FILE $EXTRA_ARGS fi #### end of changes # Artemis can read compressed files count=0; while (test ! -f $OUTPUT_FILE) && (test $count -lt 1000) ; do sleep 2; count+=1; done if [ -s ${PROG}_errors.new ] then ( echo ERROR running $PROG: ; echo; echo =================================================== cat ${PROG}_errors.new ) >> $OUTPUT_FILE cat ${PROG}_errors.new >> ${PROG}_errors fi gzip -9 $OUTPUT_FILE zip -j ${DIRNAME}tblastx.zip ${OUTPUT_FILE}.gz rm -f ${OUTPUT_FILE}.gz } (echo "#!/bin/sh -"; echo "kill $$") > $PROG.kill chmod a+x $PROG.kill DIR=`dirname $PWD/$1` if [ x$ONEFILE = x ] then for i in `cat $1` do run_one_prog $i $i.out $EXPANDED_DATABASE "$DIR/" done else run_one_prog $1 $2 $EXPANDED_DATABASE "$DIR/" fi cleanUp $1 exit 0