/* SimpleGotoEventSource.java * * created: Sat Jun 17 2000 * * This file is part of Artemis * * Copyright (C) 2000 Genome Research Limited * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header: //tmp/pathsoft/artemis/uk/ac/sanger/artemis/SimpleGotoEventSource.java,v 1.1 2004-06-09 09:45:10 tjc Exp $ */ package uk.ac.sanger.artemis; import uk.ac.sanger.artemis.*; import uk.ac.sanger.artemis.sequence.*; import uk.ac.sanger.artemis.util.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.EventObject; /** * An simple implementation of GotoEventSource. * * @author Kim Rutherford * @version $Id: SimpleGotoEventSource.java,v 1.1 2004-06-09 09:45:10 tjc Exp $ **/ public class SimpleGotoEventSource implements GotoEventSource { /** * Create a new SimpleGotoEventSource that operates on the given * EntryGroup. We need an EntryGroup reference so we know where the last * base is. **/ public SimpleGotoEventSource (final EntryGroup entry_group) { this.entry_group = entry_group; } /** * This method sends an GotoEvent to all the GotoEvent listeners that will * make the given base visible. * @param base_marker The base to make visible. **/ public void gotoBase (final Marker base_marker) { final GotoEvent new_event = new GotoEvent (this, base_marker); sendGotoEvent (new_event); } /** * This method sends a GotoEvent to all the GotoEvent listeners that will * make the first base of the sequence visible. **/ public void gotoFirstBase () { gotoBase (1); } /** * This method sends a GotoEvent to all the GotoEvent listeners that will * make the last base of the sequence visible. **/ public void gotoLastBase () { gotoBase (getEntryGroup ().getSequenceLength ()); } /** * This method sends an GotoEvent to all the GotoEvent listeners that will * make the given base visible. * @param destination_base The base to make visible. * @return The reference of a MarkerRange object for the given base or null * if the call fails. It will fail only if the destination_base is less * than 1 or greater than the length of the sequence. **/ public MarkerRange gotoBase (final int destination_base) { try { final Strand forward_strand = getEntryGroup ().getBases ().getForwardStrand (); final Marker destination_marker = forward_strand.makeMarker (destination_base); gotoBase (destination_marker); return new MarkerRange (destination_marker.getStrand (), destination_base, destination_base); } catch (OutOfRangeException e) { return null; } } /** * Send the given event to all the GotoListeners. **/ public void sendGotoEvent (final GotoEvent goto_event) { // don't send if there is nowhere to go to if (goto_event.getMarker () != null) { fireAction (goto_listener_list, goto_event); } } /** * Send an event to those object listening for it. * @param listeners A Vector of the objects that the event should be sent * to. * @param event The event to send **/ private void fireAction (final Vector listeners, final EventObject event) { final Vector targets; // copied from a book - synchronising the whole method might cause a // deadlock synchronized (this) { targets = (Vector) listeners.clone (); } for (int i = 0 ; i < targets.size () ; ++i) { GotoListener target = (GotoListener) targets.elementAt (i); if (event instanceof GotoEvent) { final GotoListener goto_listener = (GotoListener) target; goto_listener.performGoto ((GotoEvent) event); } else { throw new Error ("EntryEdit.fireAction () - unknown event"); } } } /** * Adds the specified event listener to receive Goto events from this * object. * @param l the GotoEvent listener. **/ public void addGotoListener (final GotoListener l) { goto_listener_list.addElement (l); } /** * Removes the specified event listener so that it no longer receives Goto * events from this object. * @param l the GotoEvent listener. **/ public void removeGotoListener (final GotoListener l) { goto_listener_list.removeElement (l); } /** * Return the EntryGroup object that was passed to the constructor. **/ public EntryGroup getEntryGroup () { return entry_group; } /** * The EntryGroup object that was passed to the constructor. **/ private EntryGroup entry_group; /** * A vector of those objects listening for Goto events. **/ final private Vector goto_listener_list = new Vector (); }