/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.biolegato.sequence.canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.LineNumberReader; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import org.biolegato.main.DataCanvas; /** *

Colour mask support file

* *

The file contains many methods and constants for colour mask support in * SequenceTextArea objects. The methods and constants are outlined below:

* *

To read in colour masks, use EITHER of the below class methods: *

  1. public static ColourMask readCharMaskFile (File file)
  2. * *
  3. public static ColourMask readPosMaskFile (File file)
  4. *

* *


* *

The two main types of colour masks:

* *
  1. Character-based colour masks
    These colour masks determine the colour of each character based on * the letter code of the character. For example if a character is A, the * colour could be Green, etc.
  2. *
  3. Position-based colour masks
    Unlike character-based colour masks, position-based colour masks * determine the colour of the character based on the position of the * character within a string. For example, if a character is in the 3rd * position of a string, it could be green regardless of whether the * character is A or B.
  4. *
* *

Character based colour format specification

* *

The character based file format parsed by this class is the BioLegato * character based colour mask format. It is defined as follows:

  1. The colour mask name is determined from the file name.
  2. *
  3. All filenames should have the extension.csv; however, any file may be * read in, regardless of extension.
  4. *
  5. All files are tab delimited (all whitespace represented within this * specification are tabs)
  6. *
  7. Each file begins with the line "aa colour"
  8. *
  9. Each line after the first contains in the left column a list of * characters (non-delimited), and an HTML-style colour (6 digit hexadecimal * number preceded by '#') in the right hand column. The semantics of the * file indicate that every line using this format will be interpreted as * telling BioLegato to use the colour in the right column for all of the * characters in the left column.
  10. *
* *

An example of the above format:

* * aa colour * abc #FFFFFF * k #ACEED0 * yz #040404 * ** * @author Graham Alvare * @author Brian Fristensky */ public final class ColourMask { /** * The type of mask represented by this ColourMask object. */ private MaskType type; /** * The list of colours for the mask. */ private Color[] colours; /** * The name of the colour mask (used for displaying to the user). */ private String name; /** *

These are the default colours specified in GDE colour mask files.

* *

The format of a GDE colour mask file is indicated by numbers, which in * this implementation of the format correspond to indices in the hash.

*/ public static final Color[] STDCOLOURS = new Color[]{ /* * DEFAULT GDE COLOURS */ // Red new Color(255, 0, 0), // Orange new Color(240, 180, 20), // Blue new Color(0, 0, 255), // Black new Color(0, 0, 0), // Green new Color(0, 200, 0), // Pink new Color(255, 0, 160), // Tirquoise new Color(0, 160, 200), // Cyan new Color(0, 127, 255), // Olive 2 new Color(105, 139, 30), // Purple new Color(128, 0, 255), // Blue-grey new Color(125, 158, 192), // Dark yellow new Color(205, 205, 0), // Deep pink new Color(139, 10, 80), // Burnt sienna new Color(233, 116, 81), // Medium tirquoise new Color(0, 180, 127), // Charteuse (med) new Color(127, 230, 0)}; /** * The colour mask file reader for GDE's position-based colour mask files. */ public static final FileFilter CHAR_MASK_FILTER = new FileFilter() { /** * Determines whether a file is of type "character colour mask" ** * @param pathname the file to test * @return true if the file is of type "character colour mask" */ public boolean accept(File pathname) { return true; } /** * Returns the description of "character colour mask" ** * @return the string "Character-based colour mask file" */ public String getDescription() { return "Character-based colour mask file"; } }; /** * The colour mask file reader for BioLegato's * character-based colour mask files. */ public static final FileFilter GDE_MASK_FILTER = new FileFilter() { /** * Determines whether a file is of type "position colour mask" ** * @param pathname the file to test * @return true if the file is of type "position colour mask" */ public boolean accept(File pathname) { return true; } /** * Returns the description of "position colour mask" ** * @return the string "GDE colour mask file" */ public String getDescription() { return "GDE colour mask file"; } }; /** * The type of mask defined by the colour mask class * (i.e. is it a character or position based mask) */ public static enum MaskType { POSITION, CHARACTER; } /** * The current default FOREG colour of normal unselected text */ public static final Color FOREG = Color.BLACK; /** * The functional maximum size of the hashtable. * NOTE: 36 hash size = 26 letters + 10 numerical digits (0 to 9). */ public static final int HASH_SIZE = 36; /** * Creates a new instance of a colour mask ** * @param type the type of the colour mask * (Positional or Character based) * @param name the name of the colour mask * (used in comboboxes for human identification) * @param colours the array of colours to use in the mask */ protected ColourMask (MaskType type, String name, Color[] colours) { this.type = type; this.colours = colours; this.name = name; } /** * Draws a character string using the character colour coding specified by * the ColourMask object. ** * @param gfx the Graphics object to draw the text string to. * @param array the array of characters to draw in colour. * @param offset the offset, within the array, to begin drawing characters. * @param length the number of characters, within the array, to draw. * @param xstart the X-coordinate to begin drawing characters at. * @param ystart the Y-coordinate to begin drawing characters at. */ public void drawString (Graphics gfx, char[] array, int offset, int length, int xstart, int ystart) { // The hash key to find the colour of the current character. int hash_key = 0; // Obtain the width of the character (assuming a fixed width font, // all characters should have equal width; however, for non-fixed width // fonts, the G character is generally one of the widest characters, // and is, thus, used as the standard width). final int width = gfx.getFontMetrics().charWidth('G'); // the maximum position to draw within the character array. final int end = Math.min(array.length - 1, offset + length); // Loop through all of the characters in the array. Also, track // the current x position of the character to draw. for (int index = offset, x = xstart; index < end; index++, x+= width) { // Handle position based colour masks. hash_key = index; // Handle character based colour masks. if (type == MaskType.CHARACTER) { hash_key = Character.digit(array[index], HASH_SIZE); } // Obtain the colour from the mask based on the hash_key. // If the hash_key is out of bounds (e.g. the string is longer than // the maximum position in a position-based colour mask), then just // use the standard BioLegato foreground colour. if (hash_key >= 0 && hash_key < colours.length) { gfx.setColor(colours[hash_key]); } else { gfx.setColor(FOREG); } // Draw the character to the screen. gfx.drawChars(array, index, 1, x, ystart); } } /** *

Returns the name of the colour mask.

* *

This is useful for any comboboxes or other widgets which wish to * elicit the name of the colour mask.

** * @return the name of the colour mask. */ @Override public String toString() { return name; } /** * Reads and parses a character colour mask file. ** * @param file the file to read. * @return an array of colour masks defined by the file. */ public static ColourMask readCharMaskFile(File file) throws IOException{ // The index of the tab chracter within a given line. This is used // for reading BioLegato's character colour mask files. int tidx = 0; // The index within the colour hash to add the current colour. int hashpos = 0; // A character array representation of the current line. char[] carr = null; // The current line read in by the reader object. String line = ""; // The name of the current colour mask. String maskname = null; // The current colour parsed from the file. Color colour = Color.BLACK; // The reader object for reading the colour mask. LineNumberReader reader = null; // The colour mask hash for storing the colours. Color[] hash = new Color[ColourMask.HASH_SIZE]; // create a new line reader object reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(file.getPath())); // loop through the file, line by line do { line = reader.readLine(); if (line != null) { line = line.trim().toLowerCase(); // skip the first line // NOTE: we support both spellings of colour in the character // colour mask file. Colour is the official spelling of // most of the English speaking world (including Canada // and the U.K.), color is the official spelling of the // United States. if (!"aa\tcolour".equals(line) && !"aa\tcolor".equals(line) && !"".equals(line)) { // Ensure that there is a tab (and # symbol) on the current // line. All character colour mask files are TSV's (without // quotation marks), which use the # symbol to specify RGB // colour codes in hexadecimal (similar to HTML). if ((tidx = line.indexOf("\t#")) >= 0) { try { // Parse the two columns of the colour mask file, // (the characters to colour, and the colour to use // for displaying them). carr = line.substring(0, tidx).trim().toCharArray(); // Read the colour code on the current line. colour = new Color(Integer.parseInt( line.substring(tidx + 2).trim(), 16)); // Read each character on the current line, and // set it's character colour to the colour specified // on the current line (NOTE: this is done by // altering the character colour mask hashtable). for (char chr : carr) { hashpos = Character.digit(chr, HASH_SIZE); if (hashpos >= 0) { hash[hashpos] = colour; } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Print an error message if the colour code is NOT // a valid hexadecimal number. System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader -" + " Error in file \"" + file.getPath() + "\" on line " + reader.getLineNumber() + " -- invalid colour: " + line.substring(tidx + 2).trim()); } } else { // Print an error message if the line in the character // colour mask file is not formatted properly. System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader -" + " Error in file \"" + file.getPath() + "\" on line " + reader.getLineNumber() + " -- missing tabulation: " + line); } } } } while (line != null); // Set the name of the colour mask to the filename it was read from. maskname = file.getName().toLowerCase(); // If the colur mask ends with the extension CSV, remove this from the // colour mask's name. if (maskname.endsWith(".csv")) { maskname = maskname.substring(0, maskname.length() - 4); } // Return the character colour mask object parsed from the file. return new ColourMask(ColourMask.MaskType.CHARACTER, maskname, hash); } /** * Reads and parses a position colour mask file. ** * @param file the file to read. * @return an array of colour masks defined by the file. */ public static ColourMask readPosMaskFile (File file) throws IOException { // The current position number within the mask. int number = 1; // The length of the colour mask. int length = 0; // The current line to parse in the file. String line = ""; // The name of the colour mask. String name = file.getName(); // The GDE number of the current colour parsed (corresponds to GDE // standard colours in the array STDCOLOURS). int cnum = 0; // The colours in the colour mask Color[] colours = null; // The reader object for reading the colour mask. BufferedReader reader = null; // boolean nodash = false; // Not currently supported // Open a buffered reader for reading the colour mask file. reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file.getPath())); // Read the first line of the file. line = reader.readLine(); // If the current line of the file contains the name field, parse it. if (line != null && line.toLowerCase().startsWith("name:")) { name = line.substring(5); line = reader.readLine(); } // If the current line of the file contains the length field, parse it. if (line != null && line.toLowerCase().startsWith("length:")) { try { length = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(7)); colours = new Color[length]; } catch (Throwable nfe) { nfe.printStackTrace(System.err); } line = reader.readLine(); } else { // If there is no length field, print an error message and continue. System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader -" + " Invalid colour GDE mask file -" + " missing \"length:\" field!"); } // Print an error message if the nodash field is used in the file. if (line != null && line.toLowerCase().startsWith("nodash:")) { System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader -" + " Biolegato does not support \"nodash:\"" + " in GDE colour mask files"); // nodash = true; line = reader.readLine(); } // Make sure the file contains a start field. if (line != null && line.toLowerCase().startsWith("start:")) { // Read the next line. line = reader.readLine(); // Keep reading the file until we have reached the maximum length // of the position colour mask. for (number = 0; line != null && number < length; number++) { // Trim the whitespace from the current line. line = line.trim(); // Make sure that the line contains only numbers on it. // // NOTE: each line in a position colour mask file, past the // start field, contains exactly one number. This number // corresponds to a GDE colour code. The GDE colour codes // used by BioLegato are listed in STDOLOURS. if (DataCanvas.testNumber(line)) { try { // Parse the GDE colour code on the line. cnum = Integer.parseInt(line); if (cnum > 0 && cnum <= STDCOLOURS.length) { colours[number] = STDCOLOURS[cnum - 1]; } else { // Print an error message if the GDE colour code // is invalid (less than zero or greater than 16). System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader -" + " Invalid colour #" + cnum); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Print an error if there was any trouble parsing the // numerical value of the GDE colour code. nfe.printStackTrace(System.err); } } else { // Print an error message if the line in the file did not // contain a numerical value (i.e. only number digits). System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader - " + "\"" + line + "\" is not a colour"); } // Read the next line in the file. line = reader.readLine(); } // Almost never executed. // Code to handle an array length that exceeds the number of colours // indicated by the colour length property of the file. if (number < length) { Color[] temp = colours; colours = new Color[number]; System.arraycopy(temp, 0, colours, 0, colours.length); System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader -" + " Reached end of file before end of colour"); } } else { // Print an error message if the file did not start with the "start" // field (i.e. an invalid GDE "position-based" colour mask file). System.err.println("Sequence Colour Mask Reader -" + " Missing GDE colour mask data!"); } // Return the colour mask corresponding to the data stored in the file. return new ColourMask(ColourMask.MaskType.POSITION, name, colours); } }