package eventbasedparsing; import java.util.*; import; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import; /** * An XML ContentHandler that populates a list of * Hit Ids from the summary section of Blast-like * output.. Hit Ids are typically either database * accession * ids or from the summary section of Blast-like output. *

* Copyright © 2001 Cambridge Antibody Technology. * All Rights Reserved. *

* Primary author -

* * @author Cambridge Antibody Technology (CAT) * @version 1.0 * */ class TutorialEx1Handler extends DefaultHandler { /* * Handler-specific member data */ private ArrayList oDatabaseIdList; /* * Generic XML ContentHandler member data */ private String oName; private StringBuffer oPCDataBuffer = new StringBuffer(); private Stack oNameStack = new Stack(); private Stack oTmpStack = new Stack(); private int iCount; /** * Creates a new TutorialEx1Handler instance. * * @param poDatabaseIdList an ArrayList representation * for DatabaseIds */ public TutorialEx1Handler(ArrayList poDatabaseIdList) { super(); oDatabaseIdList = poDatabaseIdList; } /** * Overides parent class method. */ public void startElement(String poURI, String poLocalName, String poQName, Attributes poAtts) { oNameStack.push(poLocalName); oPCDataBuffer.setLength(0); if ( (oNameStack.peek().toString().equals("HitId")) && (this.findInStack("Summary") != -1) ){ oDatabaseIdList.add(poAtts.getValue("id")); } } /** * Overides parent class method. * */ public void endElement(String poURI, String poLocalName, String poQName) { //Deal with the PC Data - trim leading and trailing whitespace String oFinalBuffer = oPCDataBuffer.toString().trim(); //System.out.println(oFinalBuffer); //Clear PC Data Buffer as soon as dealt with oPCDataBuffer.setLength(0); oNameStack.pop(); } /** * Overrides parent class method. * */ public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { oPCDataBuffer.append(new String(ch,start,length)); } /** * Finds the distance of a query string from the top * of the stack of element names. * * @param poQuery A string description of an element name * @return int An integer representing distance. NB * it returns -1 if the query can't be found. Yes, it * should throw an exception really! */ public int findInStack(String poQuery) { iCount = 0; while ( ! (oNameStack.peek().toString().equals(poQuery)) ) { //here if we haven't found the object we're looking for //pop the object off the stack, and push onto tmpStack if (oNameStack.empty()) { //could not find query string in stack iCount = -1; break; } iCount++; oTmpStack.push(oNameStack.pop()); //System.out.println("Popped: " + oTmpStack.peek().toString()); //Final check if stack empty, because loop check will fail //if it is. if (oNameStack.empty()) { //could not find query string in stack iCount = -1; break; } } // Now restore name stack to original state while ( ! (oTmpStack.empty()) ) { oNameStack.push(oTmpStack.pop()); } return iCount; } }