/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * */ package org.biojava.bio.gui.sequence; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.biojava.utils.AbstractChangeable; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeEvent; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeSupport; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeType; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeVetoException; /** *

* CrosshairRenderer draws a crosshair, optionally * with coordinates. The crosshair is set to a sequence position by a * click and then stays there through scrolls/rescales until the next * click. See the processMouseEvent documentation for * details of responses to various mouse actions. *

* * @author Keith James * @since 1.2 */ public class CrosshairRenderer extends AbstractChangeable implements PairwiseSequenceRenderer { /** * Constant OUTLINE indicating a change to the * crosshair paint. */ public static final ChangeType OUTLINE = new ChangeType("The outline paint has changed", "org.biojava.bio.gui.sequence.CrosshairRenderer", "OUTLINE", SequenceRenderContext.REPAINT); /** * xHair is the vertical line positioned along the * X-axis. */ protected Line2D xHair; /** * yHair is the horizontal line positioned along the * Y-axis. */ protected Line2D yHair; /** * point is the current location (in sequence * coordinates) of the crosshair in the X and Y sequences. */ protected Point point; // Crosshair location in sequence coordinates private int sPosX, sPosY; // Crosshair colour private Paint outline; // Display coordinates? private boolean display; /** * Creates a new CrosshairRenderer in light grey with * coordinates displayed. */ public CrosshairRenderer() { this(Color.lightGray); } /** * Creates a new CrosshairRenderer of the specified * colour, with coordinates displayed. * * @param outline a Paint. */ public CrosshairRenderer(Paint outline) { xHair = new Line2D.Double(); yHair = new Line2D.Double(); point = new Point(); sPosX = 1; sPosY = 1; display = true; this.outline = outline; } public void paint(Graphics2D g2, PairwiseRenderContext context) { Rectangle clip = g2.getClipBounds(); double xMin = clip.getMinX(); double xMax = clip.getMaxX(); double yMin = clip.getMinY(); double yMax = clip.getMaxY(); // Offset to get the hair to line up with the centre of a // residue double residueCentre = context.getScale() * 0.5; double gPosX = context.sequenceToGraphics(sPosX); gPosX += residueCentre; double gPosY = context.secondarySequenceToGraphics(sPosY); gPosY += residueCentre; if (context.getDirection() == PairwiseRenderContext.HORIZONTAL) { xHair.setLine(gPosX, yMin, gPosX, yMax); yHair.setLine(xMin, gPosY, xMax, gPosY); } else { xHair.setLine(xMin, gPosY, xMax, gPosY); yHair.setLine(gPosX, yMin, gPosX, yMax); } g2.setPaint(outline); g2.draw(xHair); g2.draw(yHair); if (display) { g2.setFont(context.getFont()); g2.drawString(sPosX + ", " + sPosY, (float) (gPosX + 5.0), (float) (gPosY - 5.0)); } } /** * coordinateDisplayOn toggles the display of * sequence coordinates. * * @param display a boolean. */ public void coordinateDisplayOn(boolean display) { this.display = display; } /** * getOutline returns the colour used to draw the * lines. * * @return a Paint. */ public Paint getOutline() { return outline; } /** * setOutline sets the the colour used to draw the * lines. * * @param outline a Paint. * * @exception ChangeVetoException if an error occurs. */ public void setOutline(Paint outline) throws ChangeVetoException { if (hasListeners()) { ChangeSupport cs = getChangeSupport(SequenceRenderContext.REPAINT); synchronized(cs) { ChangeEvent ce = new ChangeEvent(this, SequenceRenderContext.REPAINT, null, null, new ChangeEvent(this, OUTLINE, outline, this.outline)); cs.firePreChangeEvent(ce); this.outline = outline; cs.firePostChangeEvent(ce); } } else { this.outline = outline; } } /** *

processMouseEvent processes any * MouseEvents directed to the renderer.

* *

* Mouse actions are as follows (all are button-1 only): *


* * @param context a PairwiseRenderContext. * @param me a MouseEvent. * @param path a List. * * @return a SequenceViewerEvent. */ public SequenceViewerEvent processMouseEvent(PairwiseRenderContext context, MouseEvent me, List path) { path.add(this); // Only hit the point with left button if (! SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(me)) return new SequenceViewerEvent(this, null, sPosX, me, path); // Only hit the point with click/release/drag int id = me.getID(); if (! (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED || id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED || id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED || id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED)) return new SequenceViewerEvent(this, null, sPosX, me, path); // Only move the point on clicks or presses if (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED || id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) { double gPosX, gPosY; if (context.getDirection() == PairwiseRenderContext.HORIZONTAL) { gPosX = me.getPoint().getX(); gPosY = me.getPoint().getY(); } else { gPosX = me.getPoint().getY(); gPosY = me.getPoint().getX(); } sPosX = context.graphicsToSequence(gPosX); sPosY = context.graphicsToSecondarySequence(gPosY); // We were clicked, so set the point here point.setLocation(sPosX, sPosY); // Inform any REPAINT listeners that they need to repaint this if (hasListeners()) { ChangeSupport cs = getChangeSupport(SequenceRenderContext.REPAINT); synchronized(cs) { ChangeEvent ce = new ChangeEvent(this, SequenceRenderContext.REPAINT); cs.firePostChangeEvent(ce); } } } return new SequenceViewerEvent(this, point, sPosX, me, path); } }