/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * */ package org.biojava.bio.molbio; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.biojava.bio.Annotation; import org.biojava.bio.BioError; import org.biojava.bio.SmallAnnotation; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.ChangeTable; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.LineSplitParser; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.Parser; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.RegexSplitter; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.TagDropper; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.TagValueContext; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.TagValueListener; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.TagValueParser; import org.biojava.bio.program.tagvalue.ValueChanger; import org.biojava.bio.seq.DNATools; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.IllegalAlphabetException; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.IllegalSymbolException; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.SymbolList; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeListener; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeType; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeVetoException; import org.biojava.utils.ParserException; import org.biojava.utils.SmallSet; /** *

RestrictionEnzymeManager manages collections of * static RestrictionEnzyme instances. A properties file * should be placed in the CLASSPATH containing a key * "rebase.data.file" and a corresponding value of a REBASE file * (standard REBASE format #31 conventionally named withrefm.### where * ### is the version number). This file will be loaded by the * RestrictionEnzymeManager ClassLoader. The * properties are loaded as a ResourceBundle, so the file * should be named "RestrictionEnzymeManager.properties".


Since 1.5, a format #31 REBASE file can be loaded at anytime * using the method loadEnzymeFile and optionally filtered * for commercially available enzymes.

* * @author Keith James * @author George Waldon * @since 1.3 */ public final class RestrictionEnzymeManager { /** * REBASE_DATA_KEY the ResourceBundle key which * specifies the location of the REBASE flat file. */ public static final String REBASE_DATA_KEY = "rebase.data.file"; /** * REBASE_TAG_NAME the REBASE tag containing the * enzyme name. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_NAME = "<1>"; /** * REBASE_TAG_ISZR the REBASE tag containing the * enzyme isoschizomers. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_ISZR = "<2>"; /** * REBASE_TAG_SITE the REBASE tag containing the * enzyme site. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_SITE = "<3>"; /** * REBASE_TAG_METH the REBASE tag containing the * methylation site. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_METH = "<4>"; /** * REBASE_TAG_ORGN the REBASE tag containing the * organism. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_ORGN = "<5>"; /** * REBASE_TAG_SRCE the REBASE tag containing the * source. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_SRCE = "<6>"; /** * REBASE_TAG_COMM the REBASE tag containing the * commercial suppliers. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_COMM = "<7>"; /** * REBASE_TAG_REFS the REBASE tag containing the * references. */ public static final String REBASE_TAG_REFS = "<8>"; private static boolean loadCommercialOnly = false; private static ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(RestrictionEnzymeManager.class.getName()); static { String rebaseDataFileName = bundle.getString(REBASE_DATA_KEY); InputStream is = RestrictionEnzymeManager.class.getResourceAsStream(rebaseDataFileName); loadData(is); } private static Map nameToSite; private static Map nameToEnzyme; private static Map nameToIsoschizomers; private static Map sizeToCutters; private static Map enzymeToPattern; private static Map enzymeToAnnotation; private static Map enzymeToSuppliers; /** * RestrictionEnzymeManager is a static utility * method class and no instances should be created. */ private RestrictionEnzymeManager() { } /** * loadEnzymeFile loads a new REBASE file (or any file using * REBASE format #31). * * @param is an InputStream over the file to load. * @param commercialOnly indicates whether or not only commercially available * enzymes are loaded. * * @since 1.5 */ public static synchronized void loadEnzymeFile(InputStream is, boolean commercialOnly) { loadCommercialOnly = commercialOnly; loadData(is); } /** * getAllEnzymes returns an unmodifable set of all * available enzymes. * * @return a Set of RestrictionEnzymes. */ public static Set getAllEnzymes() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(enzymeToPattern.keySet()); } /** * getEnzyme returns an enzyme by name. * * @param name a String such as EcoRI, case * sensitive. * * @return a RestrictionEnzyme. */ public static RestrictionEnzyme getEnzyme(String name) { if (! nameToEnzyme.containsKey(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown RestrictionEnzyme name '" + name + "'"); return (RestrictionEnzyme) nameToEnzyme.get(name); } /** * getIsoschizomers returns an unmodifable set of the * isoschizomers of this enzyme. * * @param name a String such as EcoRI, case * sensitive. * * @return a Set of RestrictionEnzymes. */ public static Set getIsoschizomers(String name) { if (! nameToIsoschizomers.containsKey(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown RestrictionEnzyme name '" + name + "'"); Set result = (Set) nameToIsoschizomers.get(name); if(result.contains(null)) return Collections.EMPTY_SET; return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); } /** * getRecognitionSequence returns a string that describes * the recognition site of this enzyme. It corresponds to the field <3> * of the REBASE file. * * @param name a String such as EcoRI, case * sensitive. * @return a String describing the recognition sequence, * e.g. "G^AATTC" for EcoRI. * @since 1.5 */ public static String getRecognitionSequence(String name) { if (! nameToSite.containsKey(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown RestrictionEnzyme name '" + name + "'"); return (String) nameToSite.get(name); } /** * getNCutters returns an unmodifable set of all * enzymes with a cut site of size n. * * @param n an int cut site size. * * @return a Set of RestrictionEnzymes. */ public static Set getNCutters(int n) { Integer size = new Integer(n); if (! sizeToCutters.containsKey(size)) return Collections.EMPTY_SET; return Collections.unmodifiableSet((Set) sizeToCutters.get(size)); } /** * getPatterns returns two Pattern * objects for an enzyme, one matches the forward strand and one * the reverse. This enables searching of both strands of a * sequence without reverse-complementing it. As * Pattern objects are thread-safe these may be used * for all searches. * * @param enzyme a RestrictionEnzyme. * * @return a Pattern [] array with the forward strand * Pattern at index 0 and the reverse at index 1. */ public static Pattern [] getPatterns(RestrictionEnzyme enzyme) { if (! enzymeToPattern.containsKey(enzyme)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("RestrictionEnzyme '" + enzyme.getName() + "' is not registered. No precompiled Pattern is available"); return (Pattern []) enzymeToPattern.get(enzyme); } /** * getAnnotation returns an immutable, static * annotation describing the enzyme. This is suitable for adding * to Features which represent restriction sites. The * annotation produced currently contains one key "dbxref" in line * with the GenBank/EMBL qualifier for the "misc_binding" feature * key. The key has a corresponding value "REBASE:<enzyme * name>". * * @param enzyme a RestrictionEnzyme. * * @return an Annotation. */ public static Annotation getAnnotation(RestrictionEnzyme enzyme) { if (! enzymeToAnnotation.containsKey(enzyme)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("RestrictionEnzyme '" + enzyme.getName() + "' is not registered. No Annotation is available"); return (Annotation) enzymeToAnnotation.get(enzyme); } /** * getSuppliers returns a string describing the suppliers * of this enzyme according to REBASE encoding for commercial sources * or an empty String if the enzyme is not commecially available. * *

REBASE #31 version 604 code:


A GE Healthcare (8/05)
* B Invitrogen Corporation(8/05)
* C Minotech Biotechnology (9/05)
* E Stratagene (9/05)
* F Fermentas International Inc. (2/06)
* G Qbiogene (9/05)
* H American Allied Biochemical, Inc. (9/05)
* I SibEnzyme Ltd. (2/06)
* J Nippon Gene Co., Ltd. (8/05)
* K Takara Bio Inc. (9/05)
* M Roche Applied Science (8/05)
* N New England Biolabs (2/06)
* O Toyobo Biochemicals (9/05)
* Q Molecular Biology Resources (8/05)
* R Promega Corporation (9/05)
* S Sigma Chemical Corporation (9/05)
* U Bangalore Genei (9/05)
* V Vivantis Technologies (1/06)
* X EURx Ltd. (9/05)
* Y CinnaGen Inc. (9/05) *

* * @param enzyme a RestrictionEnzyme. * * @return a String. * @since 1.5 */ public static String getSuppliers(RestrictionEnzyme enzyme) { if (! enzymeToSuppliers.containsKey(enzyme)) return ""; return (String) enzymeToSuppliers.get(enzyme); } /** * register regisiters a new * RestrictionEnzyme with the manager. It does not * check that the isoschizomers are known to the manager. If there * are custom isoschizomers in the Set, they should * be also be registered. * * @param enzyme a RestrictionEnzyme to register. * * @param isoschizomers a Set of * RestrictionEnzymes which are isoschizomers. */ public synchronized static void register(RestrictionEnzyme enzyme, Set isoschizomers) { for (Iterator ii = isoschizomers.iterator(); ii.hasNext();) { Object o = ii.next(); if (! (o instanceof RestrictionEnzyme)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Isoschizomers set may contain only RestrictionEnzymes. Found '" + o + "'"); } } registerEnzyme(enzyme); String name = enzyme.getName(); nameToIsoschizomers.put(name, isoschizomers); } /** * registerEnzyme registers an enzyme, but does not * populate its isoschizomers. This is because registering the * contents of a REBASE file and registering a custom enzyme * handle addition of isoschizomers differently, but both use this * method for all other registration functions. * * @param enzyme a RestrictionEnzyme. */ private static void registerEnzyme(RestrictionEnzyme enzyme) { String name = enzyme.getName(); nameToEnzyme.put(name, enzyme); Integer sizeKey = new Integer(enzyme.getRecognitionSite().length()); if (sizeToCutters.containsKey(sizeKey)) { Set s = (Set) sizeToCutters.get(sizeKey); s.add(enzyme); } else { Set s = new HashSet(); s.add(enzyme); sizeToCutters.put(sizeKey, s); } Pattern forward = Pattern.compile(enzyme.getForwardRegex()); Pattern reverse = Pattern.compile(enzyme.getReverseRegex()); enzymeToPattern.put(enzyme, new Pattern [] { forward, reverse }); Annotation annotation = new SmallAnnotation(); try { annotation.setProperty("dbxref", "REBASE:" + name); } catch (ChangeVetoException cve) { throw new BioError("Assertion Failure: failed to modify Annotation", cve); } annotation.addChangeListener(ChangeListener.ALWAYS_VETO,ChangeType.UNKNOWN); enzymeToAnnotation.put(enzyme, annotation); } private static void loadData(InputStream is) { nameToSite = new HashMap(); nameToEnzyme = new HashMap(); nameToIsoschizomers = new HashMap(); sizeToCutters = new HashMap(); enzymeToPattern = new HashMap(); enzymeToAnnotation = new HashMap(); enzymeToSuppliers = new HashMap(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); // Basic linesplit parser LineSplitParser lsParser = new LineSplitParser(); lsParser.setEndOfRecord(TagValueParser.EMPTY_LINE_EOR); lsParser.setSplitOffset(3); lsParser.setContinueOnEmptyTag(true); lsParser.setMergeSameTag(true); // The end of the chain RebaseEnzymeBuilder builder = new RebaseEnzymeBuilder(); // Create isoschizomer value splitter RegexSplitter iso = new RegexSplitter(Pattern.compile("([^,]+)"), 1); // Create site value splitter RegexSplitter site = new RegexSplitter(Pattern.compile("(\\(-?\\d+/-?\\d+\\)|[A-Za-z^]+)"), 1); ChangeTable table = new ChangeTable(); table.setSplitter(REBASE_TAG_ISZR, iso); table.setSplitter(REBASE_TAG_SITE, site); ValueChanger changer = new ValueChanger(builder, table); // Filter tags TagDropper rebaseTags = new TagDropper(changer); // Retain the enzyme name rebaseTags.addTag(REBASE_TAG_NAME); // Retain isoschizomers rebaseTags.addTag(REBASE_TAG_ISZR); // Retain recognition sequence rebaseTags.addTag(REBASE_TAG_SITE); // Retain commercial supplier rebaseTags.addTag(REBASE_TAG_COMM); Parser parser = new Parser(); while (parser.read(br, lsParser, rebaseTags)) { continue; } // Replace isoschizomer names with RestrictionEnzymes Map tempMap = new HashMap(); Set tempSet = null; for (Iterator ni = nameToIsoschizomers.keySet().iterator(); ni.hasNext();) { Object name = ni.next(); Set isoschizomers = (Set) nameToIsoschizomers.get(name); if (isoschizomers.size() == 0) tempSet = Collections.EMPTY_SET; else tempSet = (Set) isoschizomers.getClass().newInstance(); tempMap.put(name, tempSet); for (Iterator ii = isoschizomers.iterator(); ii.hasNext();) { String isoName = (String) ii.next(); Object re = nameToEnzyme.get(isoName); //bug fix suggested by George Waldon if(re!=null) tempSet.add(re); } } nameToIsoschizomers = tempMap; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BioError("Failed to read REBASE data file",e); } } /** * RebaseEnzymeBuilder creates enzyme instances and * populates the maps. */ private static class RebaseEnzymeBuilder implements TagValueListener { private String recseq; private String name; private Set isoschizomers; private List isoBuffer; private SymbolList site; private int [] usCutPositions; private int [] dsCutPositions; private boolean isCommerciallyAvailable; private String tagState; private String suppliers; private boolean unknownSite; RebaseEnzymeBuilder() { } public void startRecord() throws ParserException { isoBuffer = new ArrayList(30); recseq = ""; site = null; dsCutPositions = null; usCutPositions = null; unknownSite = false; isCommerciallyAvailable = false; } public void endRecord() throws ParserException { if (! getRecordState()) return; if (unknownSite || site == null) return; int isoCount = isoBuffer.size(); if (isoCount < 30) { isoschizomers = new SmallSet(isoCount); for (int i = 0; i < isoCount; i++) isoschizomers.add(isoBuffer.get(i)); } else { isoschizomers = new HashSet(isoBuffer); } if(!loadCommercialOnly || isCommerciallyAvailable) { RestrictionEnzyme re = createEnzyme(); registerEnzyme(re); nameToIsoschizomers.put(name, isoschizomers); enzymeToSuppliers.put(re,suppliers); nameToSite.put(name,recseq); } } public void startTag(Object tag) throws ParserException { tagState = (String) tag; } public void endTag() throws ParserException { } public void value(TagValueContext context, Object value) throws ParserException { if (tagState.equals(REBASE_TAG_NAME)) name = (String) value; else if (tagState.equals(REBASE_TAG_ISZR)) isoBuffer.add(value); else if (tagState.equals(REBASE_TAG_SITE)) { recseq += (String) value; processSite(value); } else if (tagState.equals(REBASE_TAG_COMM)) processSuppliers(value); else throw new ParserException("Unable to handle value for tag '" + tagState + "'"); } boolean getRecordState() { return tagState != null; } RestrictionEnzyme createEnzyme() { RestrictionEnzyme enzyme = null; try { if (usCutPositions != null) { enzyme = new RestrictionEnzyme(name, site, usCutPositions[0], usCutPositions[1], dsCutPositions[0], dsCutPositions[1]); } else { enzyme = new RestrictionEnzyme(name, site, dsCutPositions[0], dsCutPositions[1]); } } catch (IllegalAlphabetException iae) { throw new BioError("New DNA SymbolList no longer consists on DNA Alphabet",iae); } return enzyme; } private void processSuppliers(Object value) throws ParserException { suppliers = (String) value; if(suppliers.length()!=0) isCommerciallyAvailable = true; } private void processSite(Object value) throws ParserException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer((String) value); int div, forIdx, revIdx; // REBASE marks enzymes whose site is not known with '?' if (sb.charAt(0) == '?') { unknownSite = true; return; } if (sb.charAt(0) == '(') { // Index separator div = sb.indexOf("/"); try { forIdx = Integer.parseInt(sb.substring(1, div)); revIdx = Integer.parseInt(sb.substring(div + 1, sb.length() - 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ParserException("Failed to parse cut site index",nfe); } // Indices before the site indicate a double cutter if (site == null) { usCutPositions = new int [2]; usCutPositions[0] = forIdx; usCutPositions[1] = revIdx; } else { dsCutPositions = new int [2]; dsCutPositions[0] = forIdx + site.length(); dsCutPositions[1] = revIdx + site.length(); } } else { // Explicit cut site marker int cut = sb.indexOf("^"); dsCutPositions = new int [2]; try { if (cut == -1) { site = DNATools.createDNA(sb.substring(0)); dsCutPositions[0] = 1; dsCutPositions[1] = 1; } else { sb.deleteCharAt(cut); site = DNATools.createDNA(sb.substring(0)); dsCutPositions[0] = cut; dsCutPositions[1] = site.length() - cut; } } catch (IllegalSymbolException iae) { throw new ParserException("Illegal DNA symbol in recognition site",iae); } } } } }