/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * */ package org.biojava.bio.seq.db; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.biojava.bio.BioException; import org.biojava.bio.seq.db.emblcd.DivisionLkpReader; import org.biojava.bio.seq.db.emblcd.EmblCDROMIndexReader; import org.biojava.bio.seq.db.emblcd.EmblCDROMRandomAccess; import org.biojava.bio.seq.db.emblcd.EntryNamIdxReader; import org.biojava.bio.seq.db.emblcd.EntryNamRandomAccess; import org.biojava.bio.seq.io.SequenceBuilderFactory; import org.biojava.bio.seq.io.SequenceFormat; import org.biojava.bio.seq.io.SymbolTokenization; /** *

EmblCDROMIndexStores implement a read-only * IndexStore backed by EMBL CD-ROM format binary * indices. The required index files are typically named * "division.lkp" and "entrynam.idx". As an IndexStore * performs lookups by sequence ID, the index files "acnum.trg" and * "acnum.hit" (which store additional accession number data) are not * used.

* *

The sequence IDs are found using a binary search via a pointer * into the index file. The whole file is not read unless a request * for all the IDs is made using the getIDs() method. The set of IDs * is then cached after the first pass. This class also has a * close() method to free resources associated with the * underlying RandomAccessFile.

* *

The binary index files may be created using the EMBOSS programs * dbifasta, dbiblast, dbiflat or dbigcg. The least useful from the * BioJava perspective is dbigcg because we do not have a * SequenceFormat implementation for GCG format * files.

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The Index instances returned by this class do not * have the record length set because this information is not * available in the binary index. The value -1 is used instead, as * described in the Index interface.

* * @author Keith James * @since 1.2 */ public class EmblCDROMIndexStore implements IndexStore { private File divisionLkp; private File entryNamIdx; // Optional PATH prefix to append to the filename(s) extracted // from the binary indices private File pathPrefix; private SequenceFormat format; private SequenceBuilderFactory factory; private SymbolTokenization parser; // Maps the file numbers used in the indices to the real file names private Map seqFiles; // Set view of file names private Set fileSet; // Lazily instantiated if someone asks for all the IDs at once private Set seqIds; // The database name defined in the index header private String name; // Details of the master index records private long divRecordCount; // Details of the ID/offset records private int entryRecordLength; private long entryRecordCount; // The random access file containing ID/offset records private EmblCDROMRandomAccess entryRandomAccess; /** * Creates a new EmblCDROMIndexStore backed by a * random access binary index. * * @param divisionLkp a File containing the master * index. * @param entryNamIdx a File containing the sequence * IDs and offsets. * @param format a SequenceFormat. * @param factory a SequenceBuilderFactory. * @param parser a SymbolTokenization. * * @exception IOException if an error occurs. */ public EmblCDROMIndexStore(File divisionLkp, File entryNamIdx, SequenceFormat format, SequenceBuilderFactory factory, SymbolTokenization parser) throws IOException { // Set to the empty abstract path this(new File(""), divisionLkp, entryNamIdx, format, factory, parser); } /** * Creates a new EmblCDROMIndexStore backed by a * random access binary index. * * @param pathPrefix a File containing the abstract * path to be appended to sequence database filenames retrieved * from the binary index. * @param divisionLkp a File containing the master * index. * @param entryNamIdx a File containing the sequence * IDs and offsets. * @param format a SequenceFormat. * @param factory a SequenceBuilderFactory. * @param parser a SymbolTokenization. * * @exception IOException if an error occurs. */ public EmblCDROMIndexStore(File pathPrefix, File divisionLkp, File entryNamIdx, SequenceFormat format, SequenceBuilderFactory factory, SymbolTokenization parser) throws IOException { this.divisionLkp = divisionLkp; this.entryNamIdx = entryNamIdx; this.format = format; this.factory = factory; this.parser = parser; this.pathPrefix = pathPrefix; initialise(); } /** * getPathPrefix returns the abstract path currently * being appended to the raw sequence database filenames extracted * from the binary index. This value defaults to the empty * abstract path. * * @return a File. */ public File getPathPrefix() { return pathPrefix; } /** * setPathPrefix sets the abstract path to be * appended to sequence database filenames retrieved from the * binary index. E.g. if the binary index refers to the database * as 'SWALL' and the pathPrefix is set to * "/usr/local/share/data/seq/", then the IndexStore * will know the database path as * "/usr/local/share/data/seq/swall" and any Index * instances produced by the store will return the latter path * when their getFile() method is called. This value defaults to * the empty abstract path. * * @param pathPrefix a File prefix specifying the * abstract path to append. */ public void setPathPrefix(File pathPrefix) { this.pathPrefix = pathPrefix; } /** * getName returns the database name as defined * within the EMBL CD-ROM index. * * @return a String value. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * store adds an Index to the store. As * EMBL CD-ROM indices are read-only, this implementation throws a * BioException. * * @param index an Index. * * @exception IllegalIDException if an error occurs. * @exception BioException if an error occurs. */ public void store(Index index) throws IllegalIDException, BioException { throw new BioException("Failed to add Index: store is read-only." + " To add sequences use the dbi programs" + " supplied in EMBOSS"); } /** * commit commits changes. As EMBL CD-ROM indices are * read-only, this implementation throws a * BioException. * * @exception BioException if an error occurs. */ public void commit() throws BioException { throw new BioException("Failed to commit: store is read-only." + " To add sequences use the dbi programs" + " supplied in EMBOSS"); } /** * rollback rolls back changes made since the last * commit. As EMBL CD-ROM indices are read-only, this * implementation does nothing. */ public void rollback() { } public Index fetch(String id) throws IllegalIDException, BioException { Index index = null; try { Object [] enRecord = entryRandomAccess.findRecord(id); if (enRecord.length == 0) throw new IllegalIDException("Failed to find ID: " + id); // Append current pathPrefix index = new SimpleIndex(new File(pathPrefix, (String) seqFiles.get((Integer) enRecord[3])), ((Long) enRecord[1]).longValue(), -1, id); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BioException("Failed to retrieve index for ID: " + id); } return index; } public Set getIDs() { if (seqIds == null) { seqIds = new HashSet((int) entryRecordCount); BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(entryNamIdx)); EmblCDROMIndexReader ent = new EntryNamIdxReader(bis); for (long i = 0; i < entryRecordCount; i++) { Object [] enRecord = ent.readRecord(); seqIds.add((String) enRecord[0]); } bis.close(); } // File was not found, so don't try to close it catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.err.println("Failed to find file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); fnfe.printStackTrace(); } // File was opened, so try to close it catch (IOException ioe) { try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe2) { System.err.println("Failed to close input stream from file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); } System.err.println("Failed to read file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); ioe.printStackTrace(); } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(seqIds); } public Set getFiles() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(fileSet); } public SequenceFormat getFormat() { return format; } public SequenceBuilderFactory getSBFactory() { return factory; } public SymbolTokenization getSymbolParser() { return parser; } /** * close closes the underlying * EntryNamRandomAccess which in turn closes the * lower level RandomAccessFile. This frees the * resources associated with the file. * * @exception IOException if an error occurs. */ public void close() throws IOException { entryRandomAccess.close(); } /** * initialise reads the headers of the index files to * obtain data about the record sizes and counts, database name * and sequence filenames. It then opens a random access file to * the ID index for lookups. * * @exception IOException if an error occurs. */ private void initialise() throws IOException { BufferedInputStream bis = null; // First try to get details of file names and numbers from // master index file. try { bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(divisionLkp)); EmblCDROMIndexReader div = new DivisionLkpReader(bis); divRecordCount = div.readRecordCount(); // The database name is the same in all the index headers name = div.readDBName(); seqFiles = new HashMap((int) divRecordCount); // Store the file number->name mapping for (long i = divRecordCount; --i >= 0;) { Object [] divRecord = div.readRecord(); Integer fileNumber = (Integer) divRecord[0]; String fileName = (String) divRecord[1]; seqFiles.put(fileNumber, fileName); } // Keep a Set view fileSet = new HashSet((int) divRecordCount); fileSet.addAll(seqFiles.values()); bis.close(); } // File was not found, so don't try to close it catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.err.println("Failed to find file " + divisionLkp.getName()); // Rethrow throw fnfe; } // File was opened, so try to close it catch (IOException ioe) { try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe2) { System.err.println("Failed to close input stream from file " + divisionLkp.getName()); } System.err.println("Failed to read full set of sequence IDs file " + divisionLkp.getName()); // Rethrow throw ioe; } // Now try to get details of sequence ID index file try { bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(entryNamIdx)); EmblCDROMIndexReader ent = new EntryNamIdxReader(bis); entryRecordLength = ent.readRecordLength(); entryRecordCount = ent.readRecordCount(); bis.close(); } // File was not found, so don't try to close it catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.err.println("Failed to find file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); // Rethrow throw fnfe; } // File was opened, so try to close it catch (IOException ioe) { try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe2) { System.err.println("Failed to close input stream from file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); } System.err.println("Failed to read file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); // Rethrow throw ioe; } // Try to set up random access file try { entryRandomAccess = new EntryNamRandomAccess(entryNamIdx, 300, entryRecordLength, entryRecordCount); } // File was not found, so don't try to close it catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.err.println("Failed to find file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); try { bis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe2) { System.err.println("Failed to close random access file " + entryNamIdx.getName()); } // Rethrow throw fnfe; } } }