/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * */ package org.biojava.bio.seq.io; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.biojava.bio.Annotation; import org.biojava.bio.BioError; import org.biojava.bio.seq.DNATools; import org.biojava.bio.seq.Feature; import org.biojava.bio.seq.RemoteFeature; import org.biojava.bio.seq.StrandedFeature; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.AlphabetIndex; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.AlphabetManager; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.BetweenLocation; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.FuzzyLocation; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.FuzzyPointLocation; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.IllegalSymbolException; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.Location; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.PointLocation; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.Symbol; import org.biojava.utils.ClassTools; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * AbstractGenEmblFileFormer contain file formatting code * common to both GenBank and EMBL file formats. * * @author Keith James * @author Greg Cox * @since 1.2 */ class AbstractGenEmblFileFormer { private static final String FEATURE_DATA_FILE = "org/biojava/bio/seq/io/FeatureQualifier.xml"; private static final Map FEATURE_DATA = new HashMap(); private static final Map QUALIFIER_DATA = new HashMap(); static { /* This loads an XML file containing information on which * qualifiers are valid (or even mandatory) for a particular * feature key. It also indicates whether the value should be * contained within quotes. */ loadFeatureData(FEATURE_DATA_FILE, FEATURE_DATA, QUALIFIER_DATA); } /* Defines types of qualifier lines encountered: FIRST - the first * line of the qualifier, OVERWIDE - contains a very wide token * which can not be wrapped without breaking it, NOFIT - a line * which is too wide, but may be wrapped without breaking tokens, * FIT - a line which is short enough to add without wrapping it. */ static final int FIRST = 0; static final int OVERWIDE = 1; static final int NOFIT = 2; static final int FIT = 3; /* Defines the various types of Location available. Each is * represented differently within an EMBL/Genbank flatfile. */ static final int RANGE = 0; static final int POINT = 1; static final int FUZZY_RANGE = 2; static final int FUZZY_POINT = 3; static final int BETWEEN_LOCATION = 4; // Get separator for system String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); SymbolTokenization dnaTokenization; AlphabetIndex dnaIndex; int aCount, cCount, gCount, tCount, oCount; Symbol a, c , g, t; { dnaIndex = AlphabetManager.getAlphabetIndex(DNATools.getDNA()); a = DNATools.a(); c = DNATools.c(); g = DNATools.g(); t = DNATools.t(); try { dnaTokenization = DNATools.getDNA().getTokenization("token"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BioError("Couldn't initialize tokenizer for the DNA alphabet",e); } } /** * formatSequenceProperty formats text into * EMBL/Genbank style header lines. * * @param sb a StringBuffer. * @param text a String to format. * @param leader a String to append to the start of * each line. * @param wrapWidth an int indicating the number of * columns per line. * * @return a StringBuffer. */ StringBuffer formatSequenceProperty(StringBuffer sb, String text, String leader, int wrapWidth) { BreakIterator boundary = BreakIterator.getLineInstance(); boundary.setText(text); int start = boundary.first(); int end = boundary.next(); int lineLength = 0; sb.append(leader); while (end != BreakIterator.DONE) { String word = text.substring(start, end); lineLength = lineLength + word.length(); if (lineLength >= wrapWidth) { sb.append(nl); sb.append(leader); lineLength = word.length(); } sb.append(word); start = end; end = boundary.next(); } return sb; } /** * formatQualifierBlock formats text into * EMBL/Genbank style qualifiers. * * @param text a String to format. * @param leader a String to append to the start of * each line. * @param wrapWidth an int indicating the number of * columns per line. * * @return a StringBuffer. */ StringBuffer formatQualifierBlock(StringBuffer sb, String text, String leader, int wrapWidth) { int tokenType = FIRST; int position = leader.length(); sb.append(leader); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(text); TOKEN: while (t.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = t.nextToken(); String separator = ""; int tokenLen = s.length(); // The first token has to be treated differently. It // always starts immediately after the '=' character if (! (tokenType == FIRST)) { separator = " "; if (tokenLen + 1 > wrapWidth) tokenType = OVERWIDE; else if (position + tokenLen + 1 > wrapWidth) tokenType = NOFIT; else tokenType = FIT; } switch (tokenType) { case FIRST: // The first line always always starts immediately // after the '=' character, even if it means // forcing a break if (! (position + tokenLen > wrapWidth)) { sb.append(s); position += s.length(); tokenType = FIT; continue TOKEN; } separator = " "; case OVERWIDE: // Force breaks in the token until the end is // reached for (int i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) { if (position == wrapWidth) { sb.append(nl); sb.append(leader); position = leader.length(); } sb.append(s.charAt(i)); position++; } position = tokenLen % wrapWidth; break; case NOFIT: // Token won't fit, so pass it to the next line sb.append(nl); sb.append(leader); sb.append(s); position = tokenLen + leader.length(); break; case FIT: // Token fits on this line sb.append(separator); sb.append(s); position += (tokenLen + 1); break; default: // Nothing break; } // end switch } // end while return sb; } /** * formatQualifier creates a qualifier string and * adds quotes or parens to EMBL/Genbank qualifier values as * specified in the internally loaded XML feature table * description. * * @param key an Object (the qualifier key). * @param value an Object (the qualifier content). * * @return a String bounded by the correct tokens. */ StringBuffer formatQualifier(StringBuffer sb, Object key, Object value) { sb.append('/'); sb.append(key); // Default is to quote unknown qualifiers String form = "quoted"; if (QUALIFIER_DATA.containsKey(key)) form = (String) ((Map) QUALIFIER_DATA.get(key)).get("form"); // This is a slight simplification. There are some types of // qualifier which are unquoted unless they contain // spaces. We all love special cases, don't we? if (form.equals("quoted")) { sb.append("=\""); sb.append(value); sb.append("\""); } else if (form.equals("bare")) { sb.append('='); sb.append(value); } else if (form.equals("paren")) { sb.append('('); sb.append(value); sb.append(')'); } else if (! form.equals("empty")) { sb.append('='); sb.append(value); } return sb; } /** * formatTokenBlock divides up the tokens * representing the Symbols into blocks of the * specified length, with a single space delimeter. * * @param syms a Symbol [] array whose tokens are to * be formatted. * @param blockSize an int indicating the size of * each block. * * @return a StringBuffer. */ StringBuffer formatTokenBlock(StringBuffer sb, Symbol [] syms, int blockSize, SymbolTokenization tokenization) throws IllegalSymbolException { for (int i = 0; i < syms.length; i++) { sb.append(tokenization.tokenizeSymbol(syms[i])); if ((i + 1) % blockSize == 0) sb.append(' '); } return sb; } /** * Formats the location of a feature. This version is required * when formatting remote locations, since the location field of a * remote feature is the projection of that feature on the * sequence. When a distinction is made between 'order' and * 'join' this method will likely be extended for that also. * * @param theFeature The feature with the location to format * * @return String The formatted location */ public String formatLocation(Feature theFeature) { String formattedLocation = null; StrandedFeature.Strand featureStrand = StrandedFeature.POSITIVE; String joinType = "join"; Annotation ann = theFeature.getAnnotation(); if (ann.containsProperty(Feature.PROPERTY_DATA_KEY)) { Map dat = (Map) ann.getProperty(Feature.PROPERTY_DATA_KEY); if (dat.containsKey("JoinType")) { joinType = (String) dat.get("JoinType"); } } if (theFeature instanceof RemoteFeature) { StringBuffer tempBuffer = new StringBuffer(); List regionList = ((RemoteFeature)theFeature).getRegions(); if (regionList.size() > 1) { tempBuffer.append(joinType); tempBuffer.append('('); } java.util.ListIterator tempIterator = regionList.listIterator(); while (tempIterator.hasNext()) { // Set up remote location RemoteFeature.Region tempRegion = (RemoteFeature.Region)(tempIterator.next()); if (tempRegion.getSeqID() != null) { tempBuffer.append(tempRegion.getSeqID()); tempBuffer.append(':'); } // Add the actual location String tempLocation = null; if (theFeature instanceof StrandedFeature) { featureStrand = ((StrandedFeature)theFeature).getStrand(); } tempLocation = this.formatLocation(tempRegion.getLocation(), featureStrand); tempBuffer.append(tempLocation); // Only have commas between two subregions if (tempIterator.hasNext()) { tempBuffer.append(','); } } // Close out the join block if needed if (regionList.size() > 1) { tempBuffer.append(')'); } formattedLocation = tempBuffer.substring(0); } else { if (theFeature instanceof StrandedFeature) { featureStrand = ((StrandedFeature)theFeature).getStrand(); } StringBuffer tempBuffer = new StringBuffer(); formattedLocation = this.formatLocationBlock(tempBuffer, theFeature.getLocation(), featureStrand.getValue(), "", Integer.MAX_VALUE, joinType).toString(); } return formattedLocation; } /** * formatLocation creates an EMBL/Genbank style * representation of a Location. This is a * convenience method only. The version which has a * StringBuffer parameter (and returns the * StringBuffer) is preferred. If a compound location is * formatted using this method, it is returned as a join-type location * rather than an order-type. * * @param loc a Location to format. * @param strand a StrandedFeature.Strand * indicating the Location's strand. * * @return a StringBuffer. */ public String formatLocation(Location loc, StrandedFeature.Strand strand) { // Using arbitrary leader and wrapwidth wide enough to always // make one line. StringBuffer sb = formatLocationBlock(new StringBuffer(), loc, strand.getValue(), "", Integer.MAX_VALUE, "join"); return sb.substring(0); } /** * formatLocation creates an EMBL/Genbank style * representation of a Location. Supported location * forms: * *
     *   123
     *  <123 or >123
     *  (123.567)
     *  (123.567)..789
     *   123..(567.789)
     *  (123.345)..(567.789)
     *   123..456
     *  <123..567 or 123..>567 or <123..>567
     *   123^567
     *   AL123465:(123..567)
* * If a compound location is formatted using this method, it is returned as * a join-type location rather than an order-type. * * To preserve the join/order distinction; and to format locations like * AL123465:(123..567), use the formatLocation(Feature) method. * * @param sb a StringBufferLocation to format. * @param strand a StrandedFeature.Strand * indicating the Location's strand. * * @return a StringBuffer. */ public StringBuffer formatLocation(StringBuffer sb, Location loc, StrandedFeature.Strand strand) { // Using arbitrary leader and wrapwidth wide enough to always // make one line return formatLocationBlock(sb, loc, strand.getValue(), "", Integer.MAX_VALUE, "join"); } /** * formatLocationBlock creates an EMBL/Genbank style * representation of a Location wrapped to a specific * width. * * If a compound location is formatted using this method, it is returned as * a join-type location rather than an order-type. * * To preserve the join/order distinction; and to format locations like * AL123465:(123..567), use the formatLocation(Feature) method. * * @param loc a Location to use as a template. * @param strand an int indicating the * Location's strand. * @param leader a String to append to the start of * each line. * @param wrapWidth an int indicating the number of * columns per line. * * @return a StringBuffer. */ StringBuffer formatLocationBlock(StringBuffer sb, Location loc, int strand, String leader, int wrapWidth) { return this.formatLocationBlock(sb, loc, strand, leader, wrapWidth, "join"); } /** * formatLocationBlock creates an EMBL/Genbank style * representation of a Location wrapped to a specific * width. * * @param loc a Location to use as a template. * @param strand an int indicating the * Location's strand. * @param leader a String to append to the start of * each line. * @param wrapWidth an int indicating the number of * columns per line. * @param joinType Only used if the location is a compound * location. It is prepended to the list of locations. * * @return a StringBuffer. */ StringBuffer formatLocationBlock(StringBuffer sb, Location loc, int strand, String leader, int wrapWidth, String joinType) { // Indicates how many characters have been added to the // current line int position = leader.length(); boolean join = false; boolean complement = false; List locs = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator li = loc.blockIterator(); li.hasNext();) { locs.add(li.next()); } /* There are issues here about choosing various forms: * join(complement(...),complement(...)) * complement(join(...,...)) * * The former has the locations sorted in reverse order. */ Collections.sort(locs, Location.naturalOrder); if (!loc.isContiguous()) { join = true; sb.append(joinType); sb.append('('); position += 5; } if (strand == -1) { Collections.reverse(locs); complement = true; } int locType = 0; // Records the length of the String(s) added to the buffer to // determine whether we need to wrap the line int pre, post; int diff = 0; for (Iterator li = locs.iterator(); li.hasNext();) { Location thisLoc = (Location) li.next(); pre = sb.length(); if (PointLocation.class.isInstance(thisLoc)) locType = POINT; else if (FuzzyLocation.class.isInstance(thisLoc)) locType = FUZZY_RANGE; else if (FuzzyPointLocation.class.isInstance(thisLoc)) locType = FUZZY_POINT; else if (BetweenLocation.class.isInstance(thisLoc)) locType = BETWEEN_LOCATION; else locType = RANGE; StringBuffer lb = new StringBuffer(); switch (locType) { case POINT: PointLocation pl = (PointLocation) thisLoc; sb.append(complement ? toComplement(formatPoint(lb, pl).substring(0)) : formatPoint(lb, pl).substring(0)); break; case FUZZY_RANGE: FuzzyLocation fl = (FuzzyLocation) thisLoc; sb.append(complement ? toComplement(formatFuzzyRange(lb, fl).substring(0)) : formatFuzzyRange(lb, fl).substring(0)); break; case FUZZY_POINT: FuzzyPointLocation fpl = (FuzzyPointLocation) thisLoc; sb.append(complement ? toComplement(formatFuzzyPoint(lb, fpl).substring(0)) : formatFuzzyPoint(lb, fpl).substring(0)); break; case RANGE: sb.append(complement ? toComplement(formatRange(lb, thisLoc).substring(0)) : formatRange(lb, thisLoc).substring(0)); break; case BETWEEN_LOCATION: BetweenLocation tempLocation = (BetweenLocation) thisLoc; String formattedLocation = formatBetween(lb, tempLocation).toString(); if (complement) { formattedLocation = toComplement(formattedLocation); } sb.append(formattedLocation); break; default: // Maybe exception here? break; } // If there is another location after this if ((locs.indexOf(thisLoc) + 1) < locs.size()) sb.append(','); post = sb.length(); // The number of characters just added diff = post - pre; // If we have exceeded the line length if ((position + diff) > wrapWidth) { // Insert a newline just prior to this location string sb.insert((sb.length() - diff), nl + leader); position = leader.length() + diff; } else { position += diff; } } if (join) { sb.append(')'); // If adding the ")" has made the line too long, move the // last range to the next line if ((position + 1) > wrapWidth) { sb.insert((sb.length() - diff), nl + leader); position++; diff++; } } return sb; } /** * formatFuzzyRange creates an EMBL/Genbank style * String representation of a FuzzyLocation. * * @param sb a StringBuffer to format the location * into. * @param fl a FuzzyLocation. * * @return a String representation of the location. */ private StringBuffer formatFuzzyRange(StringBuffer sb, FuzzyLocation fl) { if (! fl.hasBoundedMin()) { // <123 sb.append('<'); sb.append(fl.getMin()); } else if (fl.getOuterMin() != fl.getInnerMin()) { // (123.567) sb.append('('); sb.append(fl.getOuterMin()); sb.append('.'); sb.append(fl.getInnerMin()); sb.append(')'); } else { // 123 sb.append(fl.getMin()); } sb.append(".."); if (! fl.hasBoundedMax()) { // >567 sb.append('>'); sb.append(fl.getMax()); } else if (fl.getInnerMax() != fl.getOuterMax()) { // (567.789) sb.append('('); sb.append(fl.getInnerMax()); sb.append('.'); sb.append(fl.getOuterMax()); sb.append(')'); } else { // 567 sb.append(fl.getMax()); } return sb; } /** * formatFuzzyPoint creates an EMBL/Genbank style * String representation of a FuzzyPointLocation. * * @param sb a StringBuffer to format the location into. * @param fpl a FuzzyPointLocation. * * @return a String representation of the location. */ private StringBuffer formatFuzzyPoint(StringBuffer sb, FuzzyPointLocation fpl) { if (! fpl.hasBoundedMin()) { // <123 sb.append('<'); sb.append(fpl.getMax()); } else if (! fpl.hasBoundedMax()) { // >567 sb.append('>'); sb.append(fpl.getMin()); } else { // (567.789) sb.append('('); sb.append(fpl.getMin()); sb.append('.'); sb.append(fpl.getMax()); sb.append(')'); } return sb; } /** * formatRange creates an EMBL/Genbank style String * representation of a RangeLocation. * * @param sb a StringBuffer to format the location into. * @param rl a Location. * * @return a String representation of the location. */ private StringBuffer formatRange(StringBuffer sb, Location rl) { // 123..567 sb.append(rl.getMin()); sb.append(".."); sb.append(rl.getMax()); return sb; } /** * formatPoint creates an EMBL/Genbank style String * representation of a PointLocation. * * @param sb a StringBuffer to format the location into. * @param pl a PointLocation. * * @return a String representation of the location. */ private StringBuffer formatPoint(StringBuffer sb, PointLocation pl) { sb.append(Integer.toString(pl.getMin())); return sb; } /** * Formats a between location x y into x^y. * * @param sb a StringBuffer to format the location into. * @param theLocation The between location object to be formatted * * @return A string representation of the location */ private StringBuffer formatBetween(StringBuffer sb, BetweenLocation theLocation) { sb.append(theLocation.getMin()); sb.append('^'); sb.append(theLocation.getMax()); return sb; } /** * toComplement accepts an EMBL/Genbank style String * representation of a Location and returns the * complementary strand version. * * @param value a String. * * @return a String representation of the * complementary strand location. */ private String toComplement(String value) { return "complement(" + value + ")"; } /** * loadFeatureData reads data describing EMBL/Genbank * features and qualifiers from an XML file and populates two data * Maps, one for features, one for qualifiers. The file describes * which qualifiers are optional or mandatory for a feature type * and which qualifiers are written within quotes (or * parantheses). The DTD used by the XML file is stored in the * file's internal subset. * * @param featureDataFile a String indicating the * name of the file. * @param featureData a Map to populate with * feature data. * @param qualifierData a Map to populate with * qualifier data. */ static void loadFeatureData(String featureDataFile, Map featureData, Map qualifierData) { try { InputStream featureDataStream = ClassTools.getClassLoader(EmblFileFormer.class).getResourceAsStream(featureDataFile); if (featureDataStream == null) throw new BioError("Failed to find resource: " + featureDataFile); InputSource is = new InputSource(featureDataStream); DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); // Get document and then the root element Document doc = parser.parse(is); NodeList featureNodes = doc.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes(); // For nodes in root element (features) int fNodeCount = featureNodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < fNodeCount; i++) { Node featureNode = featureNodes.item(i); if (! (featureNode instanceof Element)) continue; Element feature = (Element) featureNode; String fNodeName = feature.getNodeName(); if (fNodeName.equals("feature")) { String featureKey = feature.getAttribute("key"); NodeList qualifierNodes = feature.getChildNodes(); // For nodes in each feature (qualifiers) int qNodeCount = qualifierNodes.getLength(); for (int j = 0; j < qNodeCount; j++) { Node qualifierNode = qualifierNodes.item(j); if (! (qualifierNode instanceof Element)) continue; Element qualifier = (Element) qualifierNode; String qNodeName = qualifier.getNodeName(); if (qNodeName.equals("qualifier")) { Map qData = new HashMap(); qData.put("form", qualifier.getAttribute("form")); qData.put("mandatory", new Boolean(qualifier.getAttribute("mandatory"))); qualifierData.put(qualifier.getAttribute("name"), qData); } } featureData.put(featureKey, qualifierData.keySet()); } featureDataStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } catch (BioError be) { be.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }