/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * * Created on 05.03.2004 * @author Andreas Prlic * */ package org.biojava.bio.structure; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.PDBParseException; /** * * Generic Implementation of a Group interface. * AminoAcidImpl and NucleotideImpl are closely related classes. * @see AminoAcidImpl * @see NucleotideImpl * @author Andreas Prlic * @author Horvath Tamas * @version %I% %G% * @since 1.4 */ public class HetatomImpl implements Group { /** this is a "hetatm". * */ public static final String type = GroupType.HETATM ; Map properties ; long id; /* stores if 3d coordinates are available. */ boolean pdb_flag ; /* 3 letter name of amino acid in pdb file. */ String pdb_name ; /* pdb numbering. */ String pdb_code ; List atoms ; //WeakReference parent; Chain parent; /* Construct a Hetatom instance. */ public HetatomImpl() { super(); pdb_flag = false; pdb_name = null ; pdb_code = null ; atoms = new ArrayList(); properties = new HashMap(); parent = null; } /* returns an identical copy of this structure public Object clone() { Hetatom n = new Hetatom(); } */ /** * returns true or false, depending if this group has 3D coordinates or not. * @return true if Group has 3D coordinates */ public boolean has3D() { return pdb_flag; } /** flag if group has 3D data. * * @param flag true to set flag that this Group has 3D coordinates */ public void setPDBFlag(boolean flag){ pdb_flag = flag ; } /** * Returns the PDBCode. * @see #setPDBCode * @return a String representing the PDBCode value */ public String getPDBCode() { return pdb_code; } /** set the PDB code. * @see #getPDBCode */ public void setPDBCode(String pdb) { pdb_code = pdb ; } /** set three character name of Group . * * @param s a String specifying the PDBName value * @see #getPDBName * @throws PDBParseException ... */ public void setPDBName(String s) throws PDBParseException { // hetatoms can have pdb_name length < 3. e.g. CU (see 1a4a position 1200 ) //if (s.length() != 3) { //throw new PDBParseException("amino acid name is not of length 3!"); //} pdb_name =s ; } /** * Returns the PDBName. * * @return a String representing the PDBName value * @see #setPDBName */ public String getPDBName() { return pdb_name;} /** add an atom to this group. */ public void addAtom(Atom atom){ atom.setParent(this); atoms.add(atom); if (atom.getCoords() != null){ // we have got coordinates! setPDBFlag(true); } }; /** remove all atoms * */ public void clearAtoms() { atoms.clear(); setPDBFlag(false); } /** getnumber of atoms. * @return number of atoms */ public int size(){ return atoms.size(); } /** get all atoms of this group . * returns a List of all atoms in this Group * @return an List object representing the atoms value */ public List getAtoms(){ //Atom[] atms = (Atom[])atoms.toArray(new Atom[atoms.size()]); return atoms ; } /** set the atoms of this group * @see org.biojava.bio.structure.Atom * @param atoms a list of atoms */ public void setAtoms(List atoms){ for (Atom a: atoms){ a.setParent(this); } this.atoms = atoms; if ( atoms.size() > 0) { pdb_flag = true; } } /** get an atom throws StructureException if atom not found. * @param name a String * @return an Atom object * @throws StructureException ... */ public Atom getAtom(String name) throws StructureException { for (int i=0;i= atoms.size())) { throw new StructureException("No atom found at position "+position); } Atom a = atoms.get(position); return a ; } /** test is an Atom with name is existing. */ public boolean hasAtom(String name){ for (int i=0;i amino atoms are : N, CA, C, O, CB GLY does not have CB (unless we would calculate some artificially

Example: 1DW9 chain A first group is a Selenomethionine, provided as HETATM, but here returns true.
     HETATM    1  N   MSE A   1      11.720  20.973   1.584  0.00  0.00           N
     HETATM    2  CA  MSE A   1      10.381  20.548   1.139  0.00  0.00           C
     HETATM    3  C   MSE A   1       9.637  20.037   2.398  0.00  0.00           C
     HETATM    4  O   MSE A   1      10.198  19.156   2.985  0.00  0.00           O
     HETATM    5  CB  MSE A   1      10.407  19.441   0.088  0.00  0.00           C
@see #getType */ public boolean hasAminoAtoms(){ // if this method call is performed too often, it should become a // private method and provide a flag for Group object ... String[] atoms ; if ( getType().equals("amino") & getPDBName().equals("GLY")){ atoms = new String[] { "N","CA","C","O"}; } else { atoms = new String[] { "N","CA","C","O","CB" }; } for (int i = 0 ; i < atoms.length; i++) { if ( ! hasAtom(atoms[i])) { //System.out.println("not amino atoms"); return false ; } } return true ; } /** properties of this amino acid. currerntly available properties. * are: * phi * psi * * @see #getProperties */ public void setProperties(Map props) { properties = props ; } /** return properties. * * @return a HashMap object representing the properties value * @see #setProperties */ public Map getProperties() { return properties ; } /** set a single property . * * @see #getProperties * @see #getProperty */ public void setProperty(String key, Object value){ properties.put(key,value); } /** get a single property . * @param key a String * @return an Object * @see #setProperty * @see #setProperties */ public Object getProperty(String key){ return properties.get(key); } /** return an AtomIterator. * * @return an Iterator object */ public Iterator iterator() { Iterator iter = new AtomIterator(this); return iter ; } /** returns and identical copy of this Group object . * @return and identical copy of this Group object */ public Object clone(){ HetatomImpl n = new HetatomImpl(); n.setPDBFlag(has3D()); n.setPDBCode(getPDBCode()); try { n.setPDBName(getPDBName()); } catch (PDBParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // copy the atoms for (int i=0;i