/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ */ package org.biojava.bio.structure; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.PDBParseException; /** A class that can change one amino acid to another. Side chain atoms are neglected, only the Cb atom is kept. * * * example usage: *
 String filename   =  "/Users/ap3/WORK/PDB/5pti.pdb" ;
 String outputfile =  "/Users/ap3/WORK/PDB/mutated.pdb" ;
 PDBFileReader pdbreader = new PDBFileReader();
     Structure struc = pdbreader.getStructure(filename);
     String chainId = " ";
     String pdbResnum = "3";
     String newType = "ARG";
     // mutate the original structure and create a new one.
      Mutator m = new Mutator();
      Structure newstruc = m.mutate(struc,chainId,pdbResnum,newType);
      FileOutputStream out= new FileOutputStream(outputfile); 
      PrintStream p =  new PrintStream( out );
      p.println (newstruc.toPDB());
  } catch (Exception e) {
* @author Andreas Prlic * @since 1.5 * @version %I% %G% */ public class Mutator{ List supportedAtoms; public Mutator(){ supportedAtoms = new ArrayList(); supportedAtoms.add("N"); supportedAtoms.add("CA"); supportedAtoms.add("C"); supportedAtoms.add("O"); supportedAtoms.add("CB"); } /** creates a new structure which is identical with the original one. * only one amino acid will be different. * * * * * @param struc the structure object that is the container for the residue to be mutated * @param chainId the id (name) of the chain to be mutated. @see Chain.getName() * @param pdbResnum the PDB residue number of the residue * @param newType the new residue type (3 characters) * @return a structure object where one residue has been modified * @throws PDBParseException */ public Structure mutate(Structure struc, String chainId, String pdbResnum, String newType) throws PDBParseException{ // create a container for the new structure Structure newstruc = new StructureImpl(); // first we need to find our corresponding chain // get the chains for model nr. 0 // if structure is xray there will be only one "model". List chains = struc.getChains(0); // iterate over all chains. Iterator iter = chains.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()){ Chain c = (Chain)iter.next(); if (c.getName().equals(chainId)) { // here is our chain! Chain newchain = new ChainImpl(); newchain.setName(c.getName()); List groups = c.getAtomGroups(); // now iterate over all groups in this chain. // in order to find the amino acid that has this pdbRenum. Iterator giter = groups.iterator(); while (giter.hasNext()){ Group g = (Group) giter.next(); String rnum = g.getPDBCode(); // we only mutate amino acids // and ignore hetatoms and nucleotides in this case if (rnum.equals(pdbResnum) && (g.getType().equals("amino"))){ // create the mutated amino acid and add it to our new chain AminoAcid newgroup = mutateResidue((AminoAcid)g,newType); newchain.addGroup(newgroup); } else { // add the group to the new chain unmodified. newchain.addGroup(g); } } // add the newly constructed chain to the structure; newstruc.addChain(newchain); } else { // this chain is not requested, add it to the new structure unmodified. newstruc.addChain(c); } } return newstruc; } /** create a new residue which is of the new type. * Only the atoms N, Ca, C, O, Cb will be considered. * @param oldAmino * @param newType * @return a new, mutated, residue * @throws PDBParseException */ public AminoAcid mutateResidue(AminoAcid oldAmino, String newType) throws PDBParseException { AminoAcid newgroup = new AminoAcidImpl(); newgroup.setPDBCode(oldAmino.getPDBCode()); newgroup.setPDBName(newType); AtomIterator aiter =new AtomIterator(oldAmino); while (aiter.hasNext()){ Atom a = (Atom)aiter.next(); if ( supportedAtoms.contains(a.getName())){ newgroup.addAtom(a); } } return newgroup; } }