/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * * Created on Dec 4, 2005 * */ package org.biojava.bio.structure; import org.biojava.bio.structure.jama.Matrix; import org.biojava.bio.structure.jama.SingularValueDecomposition; /** A class that calculates the superimposition between two sets of atoms * inspired by the biopython SVDSuperimposer class... * * * example usage: *
 * try{

            // get some arbitrary amino acids from somewhere
            String filename   =  "/Users/ap3/WORK/PDB/5pti.pdb" ;

            PDBFileReader pdbreader = new PDBFileReader();
            Structure struc = pdbreader.getStructure(filename);
            Group g1 = (Group)struc.getChain(0).getGroup(21).clone();
            Group g2 = (Group)struc.getChain(0).getGroup(53).clone();

            if ( g1.getPDBName().equals("GLY")){
                if ( g1 instanceof AminoAcid){
                    Atom cb = Calc.createVirtualCBAtom((AminoAcid)g1);

            if ( g2.getPDBName().equals("GLY")){
                if ( g2 instanceof AminoAcid){
                    Atom cb = Calc.createVirtualCBAtom((AminoAcid)g2);

            Structure struc2 = new StructureImpl((Group)g2.clone());


            Atom[] atoms1 = new Atom[3];
            Atom[] atoms2 = new Atom[3];

            atoms1[0] = g1.getAtom("N");
            atoms1[1] = g1.getAtom("CA");
            atoms1[2] = g1.getAtom("CB");

            atoms2[0] = g2.getAtom("N");
            atoms2[1] = g2.getAtom("CA");
            atoms2[2] = g2.getAtom("CB");

            SVDSuperimposer svds = new SVDSuperimposer(atoms1,atoms2);

            Matrix rotMatrix = svds.getRotation();
            Atom tranMatrix = svds.getTranslation();

            // now we have all the info to perform the rotations ...


            //          shift structure 2 onto structure one ...

            // write the whole thing to a file to view in a viewer

            String outputfile = "/Users/ap3/WORK/PDB/rotated.pdb";

            FileOutputStream out= new FileOutputStream(outputfile);
            PrintStream p =  new PrintStream( out );

            Structure newstruc = new StructureImpl();

            Chain c1 = new ChainImpl();

            Chain c2 = struc2.getChain(0);

            // show where the group was originally ...
            Chain c3 = new ChainImpl();



            System.out.println("wrote to file " + outputfile);

        } catch (Exception e){
* * * @author Andreas Prlic * @since 1.5 * @version %I% %G% */ public class SVDSuperimposer { Matrix rot; Matrix tran; Matrix centroidA; Matrix centroidB; /** Create a SVDSuperimposer object and calculate a SVD superimposition of two sets of atoms. * * @param atomSet1 Atom array 1 * @param atomSet2 Atom array 2 * @throws StructureException */ public SVDSuperimposer(Atom[] atomSet1,Atom[]atomSet2) throws StructureException{ if ( atomSet1.length != atomSet2.length ){ throw new StructureException("The two atom sets are not of same length!"); } Atom cena = Calc.getCentroid(atomSet1); Atom cenb = Calc.getCentroid(atomSet2); double[][] centAcoords = new double[][]{{cena.getX(),cena.getY(),cena.getZ()}}; centroidA = new Matrix(centAcoords); double[][] centBcoords = new double[][]{{cenb.getX(),cenb.getY(),cenb.getZ()}}; centroidB = new Matrix(centBcoords); // center at centroid Atom[] ats1 = Calc.centerAtoms(atomSet1); Atom[] ats2 = Calc.centerAtoms(atomSet2); double[][] coordSet1 = new double[ats1.length][3]; double[][] coordSet2 = new double[ats2.length][3]; // copy the atoms into the internal coords; for (int i =0 ; i< ats1.length;i++) { coordSet1[i] = ats1[i].getCoords(); coordSet2[i] = ats2[i].getCoords(); } calculate(coordSet1,coordSet2); } /** Do the actual calculation. * * @param coordSet1 coordinates for atom array 1 * @param coordSet2 coordiantes for atom array 2 */ private void calculate(double[][] coordSet1, double[][]coordSet2){ // now this is the bridge to the Jama package: Matrix a = new Matrix(coordSet1); Matrix b = new Matrix(coordSet2); // # correlation matrix Matrix b_trans = b.transpose(); Matrix corr = b_trans.times(a); SingularValueDecomposition svd = corr.svd(); // A = U*S*V'. Matrix u = svd.getU(); // v is alreaady transposed ! difference to numermic python ... Matrix vt =svd.getV(); Matrix vt_orig = (Matrix) vt.clone(); Matrix u_transp = u.transpose(); Matrix rot_nottrans = vt.times(u_transp); rot = rot_nottrans.transpose(); // check if we have found a reflection //printMatrix(rot); double det = rot.det(); //System.out.println(det); if (det<0) { vt = vt_orig.transpose(); vt.set(2,0,(0 - vt.get(2,0))); vt.set(2,1,(0 - vt.get(2,1))); vt.set(2,2,(0 - vt.get(2,2))); Matrix nv_transp = vt.transpose(); rot_nottrans = nv_transp.times(u_transp); rot = rot_nottrans.transpose(); } Matrix cb_tmp = centroidB.times(rot); tran = centroidA.minus(cb_tmp); } /** Calculate the RMS (root mean square) deviation of two sets of atoms. * * @param atomSet1 atom array 1 * @param atomSet2 atom array 2 * @return the RMS of two atom sets * @throws StructureException */ public static double getRMS(Atom[] atomSet1, Atom[] atomSet2) throws StructureException { if ( atomSet1.length != atomSet2.length ){ throw new StructureException("The two atom sets are not of same length!"); } double sum = 0.0; for ( int i =0 ; i < atomSet1.length;i++){ double d = Calc.getDistance(atomSet1[i],atomSet2[i]); sum += (d*d); } double avd = ( sum/ atomSet1.length); //System.out.println("av dist" + avd); return Math.sqrt(avd); } /** Get the Rotation matrix that is required to superimpose the two atom sets. * * @return a rotation matrix. */ public Matrix getRotation(){ return rot; } /** Get the shift vector. * * @return the shift vector */ public Atom getTranslation(){ Atom a = new AtomImpl(); a.setX(tran.get(0,0)); a.setY(tran.get(0,1)); a.setZ(tran.get(0,2)); return a; } /** Simple debug method to print a Matrix object on System.out. * * @param m a Matrix */ public void printMatrix(Matrix m){ for (int i = 0 ; i < m.getRowDimension(); i++){ for (int j = 0 ; j< m.getColumnDimension(); j++){ System.out.print("\t" + m.get(i,j) + " "); } System.out.println(""); } } }