/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * * Created on 26.04.2004 * @author Andreas Prlic * */ package org.biojava.bio.structure; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.FileConvert; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.PDBFileReader; import org.biojava.bio.structure.HetatomImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.NucleotideImpl; /** * * Interface for a structure object. Provides access to the data of a PDB file. * * A structure object allows to access the PDB header information as well * as to the data from the ATOM records. The header information is * currently available through the following objects: * * * The structure object provides access to the data from the ATOM records through * a hierarchy of sub-object: *
 * Structure
 *         |
 *         {@link Chain}
 *             |
 *             {@link Group}
 *                 |
 *                 {@link Atom}
* * For more documentation on how to work with the Structure API please * see * http://biojava.org/wiki/BioJava:CookBook#Protein_Structure * * * *

* Q: How can I get a Structure object from a PDB file? *


* A:

public {@link Structure} loadStructure(String pathToPDBFile){
		{@link PDBFileReader} pdbreader = new {@link PDBFileReader}();

		{@link Structure} structure = null;
			structure = pdbreader.getStructure(pathToPDBFile);
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return structure;

Q: How can I calculate Phi and Psi angles of AminoAcids?


public void calcPhiPsi({@link Structure} structure){

		// get the first chain from the structure

		{@link Chain} chain  = structure.getChain(0);

		// A protein chain consists of a number of groups. These can be either
		// {@link AminoAcid}, {@link HetatomImpl Hetatom} or {@link NucleotideImpl Nucleotide} groups.
		// Note: BioJava provides access to both the ATOM and SEQRES data in a PDB file.
		// since we are interested in doing calculations here, we only request the groups
		// from the ATOM records

		//  get the Groups of the chain that are AminoAcids.
		List groups = chain.getAtomGroups("amino");

		{@link AminoAcid} a;
		{@link AminoAcid} b;
		{@link AminoAcid} c ;

		for ( int i=0; i < groups.size(); i++){

			// since we requested only groups of type "amino" they will always be amino acids
			// Nucleotide and Hetatom groups will not be present in the groups list.

			b = ({@link AminoAcid})groups.get(i);

			double phi =360.0;
			double psi =360.0;

			if ( i > 0) {
				a = ({@link AminoAcid})groups.get(i-1) ;
				try {

					// the Calc class provides utility methods for various calculations on
					// structures, groups and atoms

					phi = {@link Calc}.getPhi(a,b);
				} catch ({@link StructureException} e){
					phi = 360.0 ;
			if ( i < groups.size()-1) {
				c = ({@link AminoAcid})groups.get(i+1) ;
				try {
					psi = {@link Calc}.getPsi(b,c);
				}catch ({@link StructureException} e){
					psi = 360.0 ;

			System.out.print(b.getPDBCode() + " " + b.getPDBName() + ":"  );

			System.out.println(String.format("\tphi: %+7.2f psi: %+7.2f", phi, psi));


* * * * @author Andreas Prlic * @since 1.4 * @version %I% %G% */ public interface Structure extends Cloneable{ /** returns an identical copy of this Structure object * * @return identical copy of this Structure object */ public Structure clone(); /** * String representation of object. */ public String toString(); /** * * set PDB code of structure . * * @param pdb_id a String specifying the PDBCode * @see #getPDBCode * */ public void setPDBCode (String pdb_id) ; /** * * get PDB code of structure. * * @return a String representing the PDBCode value * @see #setPDBCode */ public String getPDBCode () ; /** set biological name of Structure . * * @param name a String specifying the biological name of the Structure * @see #getName */ public void setName(String name); /** get biological name of Structure. * * @return a String representing the biological name of the Structure * @see #setName */ public String getName(); /** set the Header data . * * @param h a Map object specifying the header * @see #getHeader */ public void setHeader(Map h) ; /** get Header data . * * @return a Map object representing the header value * @see #setHeader * @deprecated use getPDBHeader instead * @see #getPDBHeader */ public Map getHeader() ; /** sets/gets an List of Maps which corresponds to the CONECT lines in the PDB file:
       COLUMNS         DATA TYPE        FIELD           DEFINITION
        1 -  6         Record name      "CONECT"
        7 - 11         Integer          serial          Atom serial number
       12 - 16         Integer          serial          Serial number of bonded atom
       17 - 21         Integer          serial          Serial number of bonded atom
       22 - 26         Integer          serial          Serial number of bonded atom
       27 - 31         Integer          serial          Serial number of bonded atom
       32 - 36         Integer          serial          Serial number of hydrogen bonded
       37 - 41         Integer          serial          Serial number of hydrogen bonded
       42 - 46         Integer          serial          Serial number of salt bridged
       47 - 51         Integer          serial          Serial number of hydrogen bonded
       52 - 56         Integer          serial          Serial number of hydrogen bonded
       57 - 61         Integer          serial          Serial number of salt bridged
the HashMap for a single CONECT line contains the following fields:
  • atomserial (mandatory) : Atom serial number
  • bond1 .. bond4 (optional): Serial number of bonded atom
  • hydrogen1 .. hydrogen4 (optional):Serial number of hydrogen bonded atom
  • salt1 .. salt2 (optional): Serial number of salt bridged atom
  • * * @param connections a List object specifying the connections * @see #getConnections */ public void setConnections(List> connections); /** * Returns the connections value. * @return a List object representing the connections value * @see #setConnections */ public List> getConnections(); /** return number of Chains in this Structure. * @return an int representing the number of Chains in this Structure */ public int size() ; /** return number of chains of model. * * @param modelnr an int specifying the number of the Model that should be used * @return an int representing the number of Chains in this Model */ public int size(int modelnr); /** return number of models . * in this implementation also XRAY structures have "1 model", since * model is the container for the chains. * to test if a Structure is an NMR structure use @see isNMR , * since this is based on the info in the PDB file header. * * @return an int representing the number of models in this Structure */ public int nrModels() ; /** test if this structure is an nmr structure. * * @return true if this Structure has been resolved by NMR */ public boolean isNmr() ; /** set NMR flag. * * @param nmr true to declare that this Structure has been solved by NMR. */ public void setNmr(boolean nmr); /** add a new model. * * @param model a List object containing the Chains of the new Model */ public void addModel(List model); /** a convenience function if one wants to edit and replace the * models in a structure. allows to set (replace) the model at position * with the new List of Chains. * @param position starting at 0 * @param model */ public void setModel(int position, List model); /** retrieve all Chains belonging to a model . * @see #getChains(int modelnr) * * @param modelnr an int * @return a List object containing the Chains of Model nr. modelnr */ public List getModel(int modelnr); /** retrieve all chains - if it is a NMR structure will return the chains of the first model. * This is the same as getChains(0); * @see #getModel(int modelnr) * @see #getChains(int modelnr) * * @return a List object containing the Chains of Model nr. modelnr */ public List getChains(); /** set the chains of a structure, if this is a NMR structure, * this will only set model 0. * * @see #setChains(int, List) * * @param chains the list of chains for this structure. */ public void setChains(List chains); /** retrieve all chains of a model. * @see #getModel * * @param modelnr an int * @return a List object containing the Chains of Model nr. modelnr */ public List getChains(int modelnr); /** set the chains for a model * @param chains * @param modelnr */ public void setChains( int modelnr, List chains); /** add a new chain. * * @param chain a Chain object */ public void addChain(Chain chain); /** add a new chain, if several models are available. * * @param chain a Chain object * @param modelnr an int specifying to which model the Chain should be added */ public void addChain(Chain chain, int modelnr); /** retrieve a chain by it's position within the Structure . * * @param pos an int for the position in the List of Chains. * @return a Chain object */ public Chain getChain(int pos); /** retrieve a chain by it's position within the Structure and model number. * * @param pos an int * @param modelnr an int * @return a Chain object */ public Chain getChain(int pos, int modelnr); /** request a particular chain from a structure. * by default considers only the first model. * @param chainId the ID of a chain that should be returned * @return Chain the requested chain * @throws StructureException */ public Chain findChain(String chainId) throws StructureException; /** check if a chain with the id chainId is contained in this structure. * * @param chainId the name of the chain * @return true if a chain with the id (name) chainId is found */ public boolean hasChain(String chainId); /** request a particular chain from a particular model * @param modelnr the number of the model to use * @param chainId the ID of a chain that should be returned * @return Chain the requested chain * @throws StructureException */ public Chain findChain(String chainId, int modelnr) throws StructureException; /** request a particular group from a structure. * by default considers only the first model in the structure. * @param chainId the ID of the chain to use * @param pdbResnum the PDB residue number of the requested group * @return Group the requested Group * @throws StructureException * */ public Group findGroup(String chainId, String pdbResnum) throws StructureException; /** request a particular group from a structure. * considers only model nr X. count starts with 0. * @param chainId the ID of the chain to use * @param pdbResnum the PDB residue number of the requested group * @param modelnr the number of the model to use * @return Group the requested Group * @throws StructureException */ public Group findGroup(String chainId, String pdbResnum, int modelnr) throws StructureException; /** request a chain by it's PDB code * by default takes only the first model * * @param chainId the chain identifier * @return the Chain that matches the chainID * @throws StructureException */ public Chain getChainByPDB(String chainId) throws StructureException; /** request a chain by it's PDB code * by default takes only the first model * * @param chainId the chain identifier * @param modelnr request a particular model; * @return the Chain that matches the chainID in the model * @throws StructureException */ public Chain getChainByPDB(String chainId, int modelnr) throws StructureException; /** create a String that contains the contents of a PDB file . * * @return a String that looks like a PDB file * @see FileConvert */ public String toPDB(); /** set the compounts * * @param molList */ public void setCompounds(ListmolList); /** get all the Compounds that are defined in the PDB Header * * @return a list of compound */ public List getCompounds(); /** set the list of database references for this structure * @param dbrefs list of DBRef objects * * */ public void setDBRefs(List dbrefs); /** get the list of database references * * @return list of DBRef objects */ public List getDBRefs(); /** request a particular compound by its id * * @param molId * @return a compound */ public Compound getCompoundById(String molId); /** return the header information for this PDB file * * @return the PDBHeader object */ public PDBHeader getPDBHeader(); /** * return whether or not the entry has an associated journal article * or publication. The JRNL section is not mandatory and thus may not be * present. * @return flag if a JournalArticle has been found. */ public boolean hasJournalArticle(); /** * get the associated publication as defined by the JRNL records in a PDB * file. * @return a JournalArticle */ public JournalArticle getJournalArticle(); /** * set the associated publication as defined by the JRNL records in a PDB * file. * @param journalArticle */ public void setJournalArticle(JournalArticle journalArticle); /** get the list of SSBonds as they have been defined in the PDB files * * @return a list of SSBonds */ public List getSSBonds(); /** set the list of SSBonds for this structure * * @param ssbonds */ public void setSSBonds(List ssbonds); /** add a single SSBond to this structure * * @param ssbond */ public void addSSBond(SSBond ssbond); /** the the header information for this PDB file * * @param header the PDBHeader object */ public void setPDBHeader(PDBHeader header); /** get the ID used by Hibernate * * @return the ID used by Hibernate */ public Long getId() ; /** set the ID used by Hibernate * * @param id */ public void setId(Long id) ; }