/* * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * * Created on 16.03.2004 * */ package org.biojava.bio.structure.io; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.biojava.bio.structure.AminoAcid; import org.biojava.bio.structure.AminoAcidImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.AtomImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Author; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Chain; import org.biojava.bio.structure.ChainImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.DBRef; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Group; import org.biojava.bio.structure.GroupIterator; import org.biojava.bio.structure.HetatomImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Compound; import org.biojava.bio.structure.JournalArticle; import org.biojava.bio.structure.NucleotideImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.PDBHeader; import org.biojava.bio.structure.SSBond; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Structure; import org.biojava.bio.structure.StructureException; import org.biojava.bio.structure.StructureImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.StructureTools; /** * This class implements the actual PDB file parsing. Do not access it directly, but * via the PDBFileReader class. * *


* * During the PDBfile parsing several Flags can be set: * * *

* To provide excessive memory usage for large PDB files, there is the ATOM_CA_THRESHOLD. * If more Atoms than this threshold are being parsed in a PDB file, the parser will automatically * switch to a C-alpha only representation. *

* *

* The result of the parsing of the PDB file is a new {@link Structure} object. *

* * * For more documentation on how to work with the Structure API please * see * http://biojava.org/wiki/BioJava:CookBook#Protein_Structure * * * * *



* Q: How can I get a Structure object from a PDB file? *


* A: *

 public {@link Structure} loadStructure(String pathToPDBFile){
 	    // The PDBFileParser is wrapped by the PDBFileReader
		{@link PDBFileReader} pdbreader = new {@link PDBFileReader}();

		{@link Structure} structure = null;
			structure = pdbreader.getStructure(pathToPDBFile);
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return structure;
* * * @author Andreas Prlic * @author Jules Jacobsen * @since 1.4 */ public class PDBFileParser { private final boolean DEBUG = false; // required for parsing: private String pdbId; //the actual id of the entry private Structure structure; private List current_model; // contains the ATOM records for each model private Chain current_chain; private Group current_group; private List seqResChains; // contains all the chains for the SEQRES records // for printing private static final String NEWLINE; private Map header ; private PDBHeader pdbHeader; private JournalArticle journalArticle; private List> connects ; private List> helixList; private List> strandList; private List> turnList; private int lengthCheck ; private boolean isLastCompndLine = false; private boolean isLastSourceLine = false; private Compound current_compound; private List compounds = new ArrayList(); private List compndLines = new ArrayList(); private List sourceLines = new ArrayList(); private List journalLines = new ArrayList(); private List dbrefs; // for parsing COMPOUND and SOURCE Header lines private int molTypeCounter = 1; //private int continuationNo; private String continuationField; private String continuationString = ""; private DateFormat dateFormat; private static final List compndFieldValues = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( "MOL_ID:", "MOLECULE:", "CHAIN:", "SYNONYM:", "EC:", "FRAGMENT:", "ENGINEERED:", "MUTATION:", "BIOLOGICAL_UNIT:", "OTHER_DETAILS:" )); private static final List ignoreCompndFieldValues = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( "HETEROGEN:","ENGINEEREED:","FRAGMENT,", "MUTANT:","SYNTHETIC:" )); // ENGINEEREED in pdb219d private static final List sourceFieldValues = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList("ENGINEERED:", "MOL_ID:", "SYNTHETIC:", "FRAGMENT:", "ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC:", "ORGANISM_COMMON:", "ORGANISM_TAXID:","STRAIN:", "VARIANT:", "CELL_LINE:", "ATCC:", "ORGAN:", "TISSUE:", "CELL:", "ORGANELLE:", "SECRETION:", "GENE:", "CELLULAR_LOCATION:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_TAXID:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_STRAIN:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_VARIANT:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_CELL_LINE:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_ATCC_NUMBER:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_ORGAN:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_TISSUE:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_CELL:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_ORGANELLE:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_CELLULAR_LOCATION:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_VECTOR_TYPE:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_VECTOR:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_PLASMID:", "EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_GENE:", "OTHER_DETAILS:")); boolean parseSecStruc; boolean alignSeqRes; private String previousContinuationField = ""; /** Secondary strucuture assigned by the PDB author/ * */ public static final String PDB_AUTHOR_ASSIGNMENT = "PDB_AUTHOR_ASSIGNMENT"; /** Helix secondary structure assignment. * */ public static final String HELIX = "HELIX"; /** Strand secondary structure assignment. * */ public static final String STRAND = "STRAND"; /** Turn secondary structure assignment. * */ public static final String TURN = "TURN"; int atomCount; /** the maximum number of atoms that will be parsed before the parser switches to a CA-only * representation of the PDB file. If this limit is exceeded also the SEQRES groups will be * ignored. */ public static final int ATOM_CA_THRESHOLD = 500000; /** the maximum number of atoms we will add to a structure this protects from memory overflows in the few really big protein structures. */ public static final int MAX_ATOMS = 700000; // tested with java -Xmx300M private boolean atomOverflow; /** Set the flag to only read in Ca atoms - this is useful for parsing large structures like 1htq. * */ public boolean parseCAOnly; static { NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); } public PDBFileParser() { structure = null ; current_model = new ArrayList(); current_chain = null ; current_group = null ; header = init_header() ; pdbHeader = new PDBHeader(); connects = new ArrayList>() ; parseSecStruc = false; alignSeqRes = true; helixList = new ArrayList>(); strandList = new ArrayList>(); turnList = new ArrayList>(); current_compound = new Compound(); dbrefs = new ArrayList(); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy"); atomCount = 0; atomOverflow = false; parseCAOnly = false; } /** the flag if only the C-alpha atoms of the structure should be parsed. * * @return the flag */ public boolean isParseCAOnly() { return parseCAOnly; } /** the flag if only the C-alpha atoms of the structure should be parsed. * * @param parseCAOnly boolean flag to enable or disable C-alpha only parsing */ public void setParseCAOnly(boolean parseCAOnly) { this.parseCAOnly = parseCAOnly; } /** Flag if the SEQRES amino acids should be aligned with the ATOM amino acids. * * @return flag if SEQRES - ATOM amino acids alignment is enabled */ public boolean isAlignSeqRes() { return alignSeqRes; } /** define if the SEQRES in the structure should be aligned with the ATOM records * if yes, the AminoAcids in structure.getSeqRes will have the coordinates set. * @param alignSeqRes */ public void setAlignSeqRes(boolean alignSeqRes) { this.alignSeqRes = alignSeqRes; } /** is secondary structure assignment being parsed from the file? * default is null * @return boolean if HELIX STRAND and TURN fields are being parsed */ public boolean isParseSecStruc() { return parseSecStruc; } /** a flag to tell the parser to parse the Author's secondary structure assignment from the file * default is set to false, i.e. do NOT parse. * @param parseSecStruc if HELIX STRAND and TURN fields are being parsed */ public void setParseSecStruc(boolean parseSecStruc) { this.parseSecStruc = parseSecStruc; } /** initialize the header. */ private Map init_header(){ HashMap header = new HashMap (); header.put ("idCode",""); header.put ("classification","") ; header.put ("depDate","0000-00-00"); header.put ("title",""); header.put ("technique",""); header.put ("resolution",null); header.put ("modDate","0000-00-00"); //header.put ("journalRef",""); //header.put ("author",""); //header.put ("compound",""); return header ; } /** * Returns a time stamp. * @return a String representing the time stamp value */ protected String getTimeStamp(){ Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance() ; // Get the components of the time int hour24 = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); // 0..23 int min = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); // 0..59 int sec = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND); // 0..59 String s = "time: "+hour24+" "+min+" "+sec; return s ; } /** initiate new group, either Hetatom, Nucleotide, or AminoAcid */ private Group getNewGroup(String recordName,Character aminoCode1) { Group group; if ( recordName.equals("ATOM") ) { if (aminoCode1 == null) { // it is a nucleotide NucleotideImpl nu = new NucleotideImpl(); group = nu; } else if (aminoCode1 == StructureTools.UNKNOWN_GROUP_LABEL){ group = new HetatomImpl(); } else { AminoAcidImpl aa = new AminoAcidImpl() ; aa.setAminoType(aminoCode1); group = aa ; } } else { group = new HetatomImpl(); } //System.out.println("new group type: "+ group.getType() ); return group ; } // Handler methods to deal with PDB file records properly. /** Handler for HEADER Record Format COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "HEADER" 11 - 50 String(40) classification Classifies the molecule(s) 51 - 59 Date depDate Deposition date. This is the date the coordinates were received by the PDB 63 - 66 IDcode idCode This identifier is unique within PDB */ private void pdb_HEADER_Handler(String line) { //System.out.println(line); String classification = line.substring (10, 50).trim() ; String deposition_date = line.substring (50, 59).trim() ; String pdbCode = line.substring (62, 66).trim() ; pdbId = pdbCode; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Parsing entry " + pdbId); } header.put("idCode",pdbCode); structure.setPDBCode(pdbCode); header.put("classification",classification); header.put("depDate",deposition_date); pdbHeader.setIdCode(pdbCode); pdbHeader.setClassification(classification); try { Date dep = dateFormat.parse(deposition_date); pdbHeader.setDepDate(dep); header.put("depDate",deposition_date); } catch (ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** parses the following record:
     1 -  6       Record name      "HELIX "
     8 - 10       Integer          serNum       Serial number of the helix.
                                                This starts at 1 and increases
    12 - 14       LString(3)       helixID      Helix identifier. In addition
                                                to a serial number, each helix is
                                                given an alphanumeric character
                                                helix identifier.
    16 - 18       Residue name     initResName  Name of the initial residue.
    20            Character        initChainID  Chain identifier for the chain
                                                containing this helix.
    22 - 25       Integer          initSeqNum   Sequence number of the initial
    26            AChar            initICode    Insertion code of the initial
    28 - 30       Residue name     endResName   Name of the terminal residue of
                                                the helix.
    32            Character        endChainID   Chain identifier for the chain
                                                containing this helix.
    34 - 37       Integer          endSeqNum    Sequence number of the terminal
    38            AChar            endICode     Insertion code of the terminal
    39 - 40       Integer          helixClass   Helix class (see below).
    41 - 70       String           comment      Comment about this helix.
    72 - 76       Integer          length       Length of this helix.
*/ private void pdb_HELIX_Handler(String line){ String initResName = line.substring(15,18).trim(); String initChainId = line.substring(19,20); String initSeqNum = line.substring(21,25).trim(); String initICode = line.substring(25,26); String endResName = line.substring(27,30).trim(); String endChainId = line.substring(31,32); String endSeqNum = line.substring(33,37).trim(); String endICode = line.substring(37,38); //System.out.println(initResName + " " + initChainId + " " + initSeqNum + " " + initICode + " " + // endResName + " " + endChainId + " " + endSeqNum + " " + endICode); Map m = new HashMap(); m.put("initResName",initResName); m.put("initChainId", initChainId); m.put("initSeqNum", initSeqNum); m.put("initICode", initICode); m.put("endResName", endResName); m.put("endChainId", endChainId); m.put("endSeqNum",endSeqNum); m.put("endICode",endICode); helixList.add(m); } /** Handler for
      COLUMNS     DATA TYPE        FIELD           DEFINITION
 1 -  6     Record name      "SHEET "
 8 - 10     Integer          strand       Strand number which starts at 1
                                          for each strand within a sheet
                                          and increases by one.
12 - 14     LString(3)       sheetID      Sheet identifier.
15 - 16     Integer          numStrands   Number of strands in sheet.
18 - 20     Residue name     initResName  Residue name of initial residue.
22          Character        initChainID  Chain identifier of initial
                                          residue in strand.
23 - 26     Integer          initSeqNum   Sequence number of initial
                                          residue in strand.
27          AChar            initICode    Insertion code of initial residue
                                          in strand.
29 - 31     Residue name     endResName   Residue name of terminal residue.
33          Character        endChainID   Chain identifier of terminal
34 - 37     Integer          endSeqNum    Sequence number of terminal
38          AChar            endICode     Insertion code of terminal
39 - 40     Integer          sense        Sense of strand with respect to
                                          previous strand in the sheet. 0
                                          if first strand, 1 if parallel,
                                          -1 if anti-parallel.
42 - 45     Atom             curAtom      Registration. Atom name in
                                          current strand.
46 - 48     Residue name     curResName   Registration. Residue name in
                                          current strand.
50          Character        curChainId   Registration. Chain identifier in
                                          current strand.
51 - 54     Integer          curResSeq    Registration. Residue sequence
                                          number in current strand.
55          AChar            curICode     Registration. Insertion code in
                                          current strand.
57 - 60     Atom             prevAtom     Registration. Atom name in
                                          previous strand.
61 - 63     Residue name     prevResName  Registration. Residue name in
                                          previous strand.
65          Character        prevChainId  Registration. Chain identifier in
                                          previous strand.
66 - 69     Integer          prevResSeq   Registration. Residue sequence
                                          number in previous strand.
70          AChar            prevICode    Registration. Insertion code in
                                              previous strand.
*/ private void pdb_SHEET_Handler( String line){ String initResName = line.substring(17,20).trim(); String initChainId = line.substring(21,22); String initSeqNum = line.substring(22,26).trim(); String initICode = line.substring(26,27); String endResName = line.substring(28,31).trim(); String endChainId = line.substring(32,33); String endSeqNum = line.substring(33,37).trim(); String endICode = line.substring(37,38); //System.out.println(initResName + " " + initChainId + " " + initSeqNum + " " + initICode + " " + // endResName + " " + endChainId + " " + endSeqNum + " " + endICode); Map m = new HashMap(); m.put("initResName",initResName); m.put("initChainId", initChainId); m.put("initSeqNum", initSeqNum); m.put("initICode", initICode); m.put("endResName", endResName); m.put("endChainId", endChainId); m.put("endSeqNum",endSeqNum); m.put("endICode",endICode); strandList.add(m); } /** * Handler for TURN lines
 1 -  6      Record name      "TURN "
 8 - 10      Integer          seq           Turn number; starts with 1 and
                                            increments by one.
12 - 14      LString(3)       turnId        Turn identifier
16 - 18      Residue name     initResName   Residue name of initial residue in
20           Character        initChainId   Chain identifier for the chain
                                            containing this turn.
21 - 24      Integer          initSeqNum    Sequence number of initial residue
                                            in turn.
25           AChar            initICode     Insertion code of initial residue
                                            in turn.
27 - 29      Residue name     endResName    Residue name of terminal residue
                                            of turn.
31           Character        endChainId    Chain identifier for the chain
                                            containing this turn.
32 - 35      Integer          endSeqNum     Sequence number of terminal
                                            residue of turn.
36           AChar            endICode      Insertion code of terminal residue
                                            of turn.
41 - 70      String           comment       Associated comment.

* @param line */ private void pdb_TURN_Handler( String line){ String initResName = line.substring(15,18).trim(); String initChainId = line.substring(19,20); String initSeqNum = line.substring(20,24).trim(); String initICode = line.substring(24,25); String endResName = line.substring(26,29).trim(); String endChainId = line.substring(30,31); String endSeqNum = line.substring(31,35).trim(); String endICode = line.substring(35,36); //System.out.println(initResName + " " + initChainId + " " + initSeqNum + " " + initICode + " " + // endResName + " " + endChainId + " " + endSeqNum + " " + endICode); Map m = new HashMap(); m.put("initResName",initResName); m.put("initChainId", initChainId); m.put("initSeqNum", initSeqNum); m.put("initICode", initICode); m.put("endResName", endResName); m.put("endChainId", endChainId); m.put("endSeqNum",endSeqNum); m.put("endICode",endICode); turnList.add(m); } /** Handler for REVDAT Record format: COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "REVDAT" 8 - 10 Integer modNum Modification number. 11 - 12 Continuation continuation Allows concatenation of multiple records. 14 - 22 Date modDate Date of modification (or release for new entries). This is not repeated on continuation lines. 24 - 28 String(5) modId Identifies this particular modification. It links to the archive used internally by PDB. This is not repeated on continuation lines. 32 Integer modType An integer identifying the type of modification. In case of revisions with more than one possible modType, the highest value applicable will be assigned. 40 - 45 LString(6) record Name of the modified record. 47 - 52 LString(6) record Name of the modified record. 54 - 59 LString(6) record Name of the modified record. 61 - 66 LString(6) record Name of the modified record. */ private void pdb_REVDAT_Handler(String line) { // only keep the first... String modDate = (String) header.get("modDate"); if ( modDate.equals("0000-00-00") ) { // modDate is still initialized String modificationDate = line.substring (13, 22).trim() ; header.put("modDate",modificationDate); try { Date dep = dateFormat.parse(modificationDate); pdbHeader.setModDate(dep); } catch (ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** @author Jules Jacobsen * Handler for * SEQRES record format * SEQRES records contain the amino acid or nucleic acid sequence of residues in each chain of the macromolecule that was studied. *

* Record Format *

* COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 - 6 Record name "SEQRES" *

* 9 - 10 Integer serNum Serial number of the SEQRES record * for the current chain. Starts at 1 * and increments by one each line. * Reset to 1 for each chain. *

* 12 Character chainID Chain identifier. This may be any * single legal character, including a * blank which is used if there is * only one chain. *

* 14 - 17 Integer numRes Number of residues in the chain. * This value is repeated on every * record. *

* 20 - 22 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 24 - 26 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 28 - 30 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 32 - 34 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 36 - 38 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 40 - 42 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 44 - 46 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 48 - 50 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 52 - 54 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 56 - 58 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 60 - 62 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 64 - 66 Residue name resName Residue name. *

* 68 - 70 Residue name resName Residue name. */ private void pdb_SEQRES_Handler(String line) throws PDBParseException { // System.out.println("PDBFileParser.pdb_SEQRES_Handler: BEGIN"); // System.out.println(line); //TODO: treat the following residues as amino acids? /* MSE Selenomethionine CSE Selenocysteine PTR Phosphotyrosine SEP Phosphoserine TPO Phosphothreonine HYP 4-hydroxyproline 5HP Pyroglutamic acid; 5-hydroxyproline PCA Pyroglutamic Acid LYZ 5-hydroxylysine GLX Glu or Gln ASX Asp or Asn GLA gamma-carboxy-glutamic acid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 SEQRES 1 A 376 LYS PRO VAL THR VAL LYS LEU VAL ASP SER GLN ALA THR SEQRES 1 A 21 GLY ILE VAL GLU GLN CYS CYS THR SER ILE CYS SER LEU SEQRES 2 A 21 TYR GLN LEU GLU ASN TYR CYS ASN SEQRES 1 B 30 PHE VAL ASN GLN HIS LEU CYS GLY SER HIS LEU VAL GLU SEQRES 2 B 30 ALA LEU TYR LEU VAL CYS GLY GLU ARG GLY PHE PHE TYR SEQRES 3 B 30 THR PRO LYS ALA SEQRES 1 C 21 GLY ILE VAL GLU GLN CYS CYS THR SER ILE CYS SER LEU SEQRES 2 C 21 TYR GLN LEU GLU ASN TYR CYS ASN SEQRES 1 D 30 PHE VAL ASN GLN HIS LEU CYS GLY SER HIS LEU VAL GLU SEQRES 2 D 30 ALA LEU TYR LEU VAL CYS GLY GLU ARG GLY PHE PHE TYR SEQRES 3 D 30 THR PRO LYS ALA */ //System.out.println(line); String recordName = line.substring(0, 6).trim(); String chainID = line.substring(11, 12); String newLength = line.substring(13,17).trim(); String subSequence = line.substring(18, 70); //System.out.println("newLength " + newLength ); if ( lengthCheck == -1 ){ lengthCheck = Integer.parseInt(newLength); } //String residueNumber = line.substring(22, 27).trim() ; StringTokenizer subSequenceResidues = new StringTokenizer(subSequence); Character aminoCode1 = null; if (! recordName.equals(AminoAcid.SEQRESRECORD)) { // should not have been called return; } current_chain = isKnownChain(chainID, seqResChains); if ( current_chain == null) { current_chain = new ChainImpl(); current_chain.setName(chainID); } while (subSequenceResidues.hasMoreTokens()) { String threeLetter = subSequenceResidues.nextToken(); aminoCode1 = StructureTools.get1LetterCode(threeLetter); //System.out.println(aminoCode1); //if (aminoCode1 == null) { // could be a nucleotide... // but getNewGroup takes care of that and converts ATOM records with aminoCode1 == nnull to nucleotide... //System.out.println(line); // b //} current_group = getNewGroup("ATOM", aminoCode1); try { current_group.setPDBName(threeLetter); } catch (PDBParseException p){ System.err.println(p.getMessage() ); } if ( current_group instanceof AminoAcid){ AminoAcid aa = (AminoAcid)current_group; aa.setRecordType(AminoAcid.SEQRESRECORD); } // add the current group to the new chain. current_chain.addGroup(current_group); } Chain test = isKnownChain(chainID, seqResChains); if ( test == null) seqResChains.add(current_chain); current_group = null; current_chain = null; //structure.setSeqRes(seqResChains); // the current chain is finished! //if ( current_chain.getLength() != lengthCheck ){ // System.err.println("the length of chain " + current_chain.getName() + "(" + // current_chain.getLength() + ") does not match the expected " + lengthCheck); //} lengthCheck = Integer.parseInt(newLength); } /** Handler for TITLE Record Format COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "TITLE " 9 - 10 Continuation continuation Allows concatenation of multiple records. 11 - 70 String title Title of the experiment. */ private void pdb_TITLE_Handler(String line) { String title; if ( line.length() > 69) title = line.substring(10,70).trim(); else title = line.substring(10,line.length()).trim(); String t= (String)header.get("title") ; if ( (t != null) && (! t.equals(""))) t += " "; t += title; header.put("title",t); pdbHeader.setTitle(t); } /** * JRNL handler. * The JRNL record contains the primary literature citation that describes the experiment which resulted * in the deposited coordinate set. There is at most one JRNL reference per entry. If there is no primary * reference, then there is no JRNL reference. Other references are given in REMARK 1. Record Format COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "JRNL " 13 - 70 LString text See Details below. */ private void pdb_JRNL_Handler(String line) { //add the strings to the journalLines //the actual JournalArticle is then built when the whole entry is being //finalized with triggerEndFileChecks() //JRNL TITL NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF RECOMBINANT TICK 1TAP 10 if (line.substring(line.length() - 8, line.length() - 4).equals(pdbId)) { //trim off the trailing PDB id from legacy files. //are we really trying to still cater for these museum pieces? if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("trimming legacy PDB id from end of JRNL section line"); } line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 8); journalLines.add(line); } else { journalLines.add(line); } } /** * This should not be accessed directly, other than by makeCompounds. It still deals with the same * lines in a similar manner but if not accessed from makeCompounds the last element will be * missing. Don't say I didn't warn you. * * @param line */ private void pdb_COMPND_Handler(String line) { String continuationNr = line.substring(9, 10).trim(); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("current continuationNo is " + continuationNr); System.out.println("previousContinuationField is " + previousContinuationField); System.out.println("current continuationField is " + continuationField); System.out.println("current continuationString is " + continuationString); System.out.println("current compound is " + current_compound); } // in some PDB files the line ends with the PDB code and a serial number, chop those off! if (line.length() > 72) { line = line.substring(0, 72); } //String beginningOfLine = line.substring(0, 10); //line = line.replace(beginningOfLine, ""); line = line.substring(10, line.length()); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("LINE: >" + line + "<"); } String[] fieldList = line.split("\\s+"); int fl = fieldList.length; if ((fl >0 ) && (!fieldList[0].equals("")) && compndFieldValues.contains(fieldList[0])) { // System.out.println("[PDBFileParser.pdb_COMPND_Handler] Setting continuationField to '" + fieldList[0] + "'"); continuationField = fieldList[0]; if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { previousContinuationField = continuationField; } } else if ((fl >1 ) && compndFieldValues.contains(fieldList[1])) { // System.out.println("[PDBFileParser.pdb_COMPND_Handler] Setting continuationField to '" + fieldList[1] + "'"); continuationField = fieldList[1]; if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { previousContinuationField = continuationField; } } else { if (continuationNr.equals("")) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("looks like an old PDB file"); } continuationField = "MOLECULE:"; if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { previousContinuationField = continuationField; } } } line = line.replace(continuationField, "").trim(); StringTokenizer compndTokens = new StringTokenizer(line); // System.out.println("PDBFileParser.pdb_COMPND_Handler: Tokenizing '" + line + "'"); while (compndTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = compndTokens.nextToken(); if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { previousContinuationField = continuationField; } if (previousContinuationField.equals(continuationField) && compndFieldValues.contains(continuationField)) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Still in field " + continuationField); System.out.println("token = " + token); } continuationString = continuationString.concat(token + " "); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("continuationString = " + continuationString); } } if (!continuationField.equals(previousContinuationField)) { if (continuationString.equals("")) { continuationString = token; } else { compndValueSetter(previousContinuationField, continuationString); previousContinuationField = continuationField; continuationString = token + " "; } } else if (ignoreCompndFieldValues.contains(token)) { // this field shall be ignored //continuationField = token; } } if (isLastCompndLine) { // final line in the section - finish off the compound // System.out.println("[pdb_COMPND_Handler] Final COMPND line - Finishing off final MolID header."); compndValueSetter(continuationField, continuationString); continuationString = ""; compounds.add(current_compound); } } /** set the value in the currrent molId object * * @param field * @param value */ private void compndValueSetter(String field, String value) { value = value.trim().replace(";", ""); if (field.equals("MOL_ID:")) { //todo: find out why an extra mol or chain gets added and why 1H1J, 1J1H ATOM records are missing, but not 1H1H.... if (DEBUG) System.out.println("molTypeCounter " + molTypeCounter + " " + value); if (molTypeCounter != Integer.valueOf(value)) { molTypeCounter++; compounds.add(current_compound); current_compound = null; current_compound = new Compound(); } current_compound.setMolId(value); } if (field.equals("MOLECULE:")) { current_compound.setMolName(value); } if (field.equals("CHAIN:")) { //System.out.println(value); StringTokenizer chainTokens = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); List chains = new ArrayList(); while (chainTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String chainID = chainTokens.nextToken().trim(); // NULL is used in old PDB files to represent empty chain DI if (chainID.equals("NULL")) chainID = " "; chains.add(chainID); } current_compound.setChainId(chains); } if (field.equals("SYNONYM:")) { StringTokenizer synonyms = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); List names = new ArrayList(); while (synonyms.hasMoreTokens()) { names.add(synonyms.nextToken()); current_compound.setSynonyms(names); } } if (field.equals("EC:")) { StringTokenizer ecNumTokens = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); List ecNums = new ArrayList(); while (ecNumTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { ecNums.add(ecNumTokens.nextToken()); current_compound.setEcNums(ecNums); } } if (field.equals("FRAGMENT:")) { current_compound.setFragment(value); } if (field.equals("ENGINEERED:")) { current_compound.setEngineered(value); } if (field.equals("MUTATION:")) { current_compound.setMutation(value); } if (field.equals("BIOLOGICAL_UNIT:")) { current_compound.setBiologicalUnit(value); } if (field.equals("OTHER_DETAILS:")) { current_compound.setDetails(value); } } /** Handler for * SOURCE Record format * * The SOURCE record specifies the biological and/or chemical source of each biological molecule in the entry. Sources are described by both the common name and the scientific name, e.g., genus and species. Strain and/or cell-line for immortalized cells are given when they help to uniquely identify the biological entity studied. Record Format COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "SOURCE" 9 - 10 Continuation continuation Allows concatenation of multiple records. 11 - 70 Specification srcName Identifies the source of the macromolecule in list a token: value format. * @param line the line to be parsed */ private void pdb_SOURCE_Handler(String line) { // works in the same way as the pdb_COMPND_Handler. boolean sourceDebug = false; String continuationNr = line.substring(9, 10).trim(); if (sourceDebug) { System.out.println("current continuationNo is " + continuationNr); System.out.println("previousContinuationField is " + previousContinuationField); System.out.println("current continuationField is " + continuationField); System.out.println("current continuationString is " + continuationString); System.out.println("current compound is " + current_compound); } // in some PDB files the line ends with the PDB code and a serial number, chop those off! if (line.length() > 72) { line = line.substring(0, 72); } line = line.substring(10, line.length()); if (sourceDebug) { System.out.println("LINE: >" + line + "<"); } String[] fieldList = line.split("\\s+"); if (!fieldList[0].equals("") && sourceFieldValues.contains(fieldList[0])) { // System.out.println("[PDBFileParser.pdb_COMPND_Handler] Setting continuationField to '" + fieldList[0] + "'"); continuationField = fieldList[0]; if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { previousContinuationField = continuationField; } } else if ((fieldList.length > 1) && ( sourceFieldValues.contains(fieldList[1]))) { // System.out.println("[PDBFileParser.pdb_COMPND_Handler] Setting continuationField to '" + fieldList[1] + "'"); continuationField = fieldList[1]; if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { previousContinuationField = continuationField; } } else { if (continuationNr.equals("")) { if (sourceDebug) { System.out.println("looks like an old PDB file"); } continuationField = "MOLECULE:"; if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { previousContinuationField = continuationField; } } } line = line.replace(continuationField, "").trim(); StringTokenizer compndTokens = new StringTokenizer(line); // System.out.println("PDBFileParser.pdb_COMPND_Handler: Tokenizing '" + line + "'"); while (compndTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = compndTokens.nextToken(); if (previousContinuationField.equals("")) { // System.out.println("previousContinuationField is empty. Setting to : " + continuationField); previousContinuationField = continuationField; } if (previousContinuationField.equals(continuationField) && sourceFieldValues.contains(continuationField)) { if (sourceDebug) System.out.println("Still in field " + continuationField); continuationString = continuationString.concat(token + " "); if (sourceDebug) System.out.println("continuationString = " + continuationString); } if (!continuationField.equals(previousContinuationField)) { if (continuationString.equals("")) { continuationString = token; } else { sourceValueSetter(previousContinuationField, continuationString); previousContinuationField = continuationField; continuationString = token + " "; } } else if (ignoreCompndFieldValues.contains(token)) { // this field shall be ignored //continuationField = token; } } if (isLastSourceLine) { // final line in the section - finish off the compound // System.out.println("[pdb_SOURCE_Handler] Final SOURCE line - Finishing off final MolID header."); sourceValueSetter(continuationField, continuationString); continuationString = ""; //compounds.add(current_compound); } } /** set the value in the currrent molId object * * @param field * @param value */ private void sourceValueSetter(String field, String value) { value = value.trim().replace(";", ""); // System.out.println("[sourceValueSetter] " + field); if (field.equals("MOL_ID:")) { try { current_compound = compounds.get(Integer.valueOf(value) - 1); } catch (Exception e){ System.err.println("could not process SOURCE MOL_ID record correctly:" + e.getMessage()); return; } // System.out.println("[sourceValueSetter] Fetching compound " + value + " " + current_compound.getMolId()); } if (field.equals("SYNTHETIC:")) { current_compound.setSynthetic(value); } else if (field.equals("FRAGMENT:")) { current_compound.setFragment(value); } else if (field.equals("ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC:")) { current_compound.setOrganismScientific(value); } else if (field.equals("ORGANISM_TAXID:")) { current_compound.setOrganismTaxId(value); } else if (field.equals("ORGANISM_COMMON:")) { current_compound.setOrganismCommon(value); } else if (field.equals("STRAIN:")) { current_compound.setStrain(value); } else if (field.equals("VARIANT:")) { current_compound.setVariant(value); } else if (field.equals("CELL_LINE:")) { current_compound.setCellLine(value); } else if (field.equals("ATCC:")) { current_compound.setAtcc(value); } else if (field.equals("ORGAN:")) { current_compound.setOrgan(value); } else if (field.equals("TISSUE:")) { current_compound.setTissue(value); } else if (field.equals("CELL:")) { current_compound.setCell(value); } else if (field.equals("ORGANELLE:")) { current_compound.setOrganelle(value); } else if (field.equals("SECRETION:")) { current_compound.setSecretion(value); } else if (field.equals("GENE:")) { current_compound.setGene(value); } else if (field.equals("CELLULAR_LOCATION:")) { current_compound.setCellularLocation(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystem(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_TAXID:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemTaxId(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_STRAIN:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemStrain(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_VARIANT:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemVariant(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_CELL_LINE:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemCellLine(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_ATCC_NUMBER:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemAtccNumber(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_ORGAN:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemOrgan(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_TISSUE:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemTissue(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_CELL:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemCell(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_ORGANELLE:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemOrganelle(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_CELLULAR_LOCATION:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemCellularLocation(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_VECTOR_TYPE:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemVectorType(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_VECTOR:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemVector(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_PLASMID:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemPlasmid(value); } else if (field.equals("EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_GENE:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemGene(value); } else if (field.equals("OTHER_DETAILS:")) { current_compound.setExpressionSystemOtherDetails(value); } } /** Handler for REMARK 2 * For diffraction experiments: COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "REMARK" 10 LString(1) "2" 12 - 22 LString(11) "RESOLUTION." 23 - 27 Real(5.2) resolution Resolution. 29 - 38 LString(10) "ANGSTROMS." */ private void pdb_REMARK_2_Handler(String line) { //System.out.println(line); int i = line.indexOf("ANGSTROM"); if ( i != -1) { // line contains ANGSTROM info... //get the chars between 22 and where Angstrom starts // this is for backwards compatibility // new PDB files start at 24!!! //System.out.println(i); String resolution = line.substring(22,i).trim(); //System.out.println(resolution); // convert string to float float res = PDBHeader.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION ; try { res = Float.parseFloat(resolution); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println("could not parse resolution from line and ignoring it " + line); return ; } //System.out.println("got resolution:" +res); header.put("resolution",new Float(res)); pdbHeader.setResolution(res); } } /** Handler for REMARK lines */ private void pdb_REMARK_Handler(String line) { // finish off the compound handler! String l = line.substring(0,11).trim(); if (l.equals("REMARK 2"))pdb_REMARK_2_Handler(line); } /** Handler for EXPDTA Record Format COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "EXPDTA" 9 - 10 Continuation continuation Allows concatenation of multiple records. 11 - 70 SList technique The experimental technique(s) with optional comment describing the sample or experiment. allowed techniques are: ELECTRON DIFFRACTION FIBER DIFFRACTION FLUORESCENCE TRANSFER NEUTRON DIFFRACTION NMR THEORETICAL MODEL X-RAY DIFFRACTION */ private void pdb_EXPDTA_Handler(String line) { String technique ; if (line.length() > 69) technique = line.substring (10, 70).trim() ; else technique = line.substring(10).trim(); String t =(String) header.get("technique"); t += technique +" "; header.put("technique",t); pdbHeader.setTechnique(t); int nmr = technique.indexOf("NMR"); if ( nmr != -1 ) structure.setNmr(true); ; } /** Handler for ATOM Record Format

	 1 -  6        Record name     "ATOM  "
	 7 - 11        Integer         serial        Atom serial number.
	 13 - 16        Atom            name          Atom name.
	 17             Character       altLoc        Alternate location indicator.
	 18 - 20        Residue name    resName       Residue name.
	 22             Character       chainID       Chain identifier.
	 23 - 26        Integer         resSeq        Residue sequence number.
	 27             AChar           iCode         Code for insertion of residues.
	 31 - 38        Real(8.3)       x             Orthogonal coordinates for X in
	 39 - 46        Real(8.3)       y             Orthogonal coordinates for Y in
	 47 - 54        Real(8.3)       z             Orthogonal coordinates for Z in
	 55 - 60        Real(6.2)       occupancy     Occupancy.
	 61 - 66        Real(6.2)       tempFactor    Temperature factor.
	 73 - 76        LString(4)      segID         Segment identifier, left-justified.
	 77 - 78        LString(2)      element       Element symbol, right-justified.
	 79 - 80        LString(2)      charge        Charge on the atom.
*/ private void pdb_ATOM_Handler(String line) throws PDBParseException { atomCount++; if ( atomCount == ATOM_CA_THRESHOLD ) { // throw away the SEQRES lines - too much to deal with... System.err.println("more than " + ATOM_CA_THRESHOLD + " atoms in this structure, ignoring the SEQRES lines"); seqResChains.clear(); switchCAOnly(); } if ( atomCount == MAX_ATOMS){ System.err.println("too many atoms (>"+MAX_ATOMS+"in this protein structure."); System.err.println("ignoring lines after: " + line); return; } if ( atomCount > MAX_ATOMS){ //System.out.println("too many atoms in this protein structure."); //System.out.println("ignoring line: " + line); return; } //TODO: treat the following residues as amino acids? /* MSE Selenomethionine CSE Selenocysteine PTR Phosphotyrosine SEP Phosphoserine TPO Phosphothreonine HYP 4-hydroxyproline 5HP Pyroglutamic acid; 5-hydroxyproline PCA Pyroglutamic Acid LYZ 5-hydroxylysine GLX Glu or Gln ASX Asp or Asn GLA gamma-carboxy-glutamic acid */ // 1 2 3 4 5 6 //012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 //ATOM 1 N MET 1 20.154 29.699 5.276 1.0 //ATOM 112 CA ASP 112 41.017 33.527 28.371 1.00 0.00 //ATOM 53 CA MET 7 23.772 33.989 -21.600 1.00 0.00 C //ATOM 112 CA ASP 112 37.613 26.621 33.571 0 0 String fullname = line.substring (12, 16); // check for CA only if requested if ( parseCAOnly){ // yes , user wants to get CA only // only parse CA atoms... if (! fullname.equals(" CA ")){ //System.out.println("ignoring " + line); atomCount--; return; } } // create new atom String recordName = line.substring (0, 6).trim (); int pdbnumber = Integer.parseInt (line.substring (6, 11).trim ()); AtomImpl atom = new AtomImpl() ; atom.setPDBserial(pdbnumber) ; Character altLoc = new Character(line.substring (16, 17).charAt(0)); atom.setAltLoc(altLoc); atom.setFullName(fullname) ; atom.setName(fullname.trim()); double x = Double.parseDouble (line.substring (30, 38).trim()); double y = Double.parseDouble (line.substring (38, 46).trim()); double z = Double.parseDouble (line.substring (46, 54).trim()); double[] coords = new double[3]; coords[0] = x ; coords[1] = y ; coords[2] = z ; atom.setCoords(coords); double occu = 1.0; if ( line.length() > 59 ) { try { // occu and tempf are sometimes not used :-/ occu = Double.parseDouble (line.substring (54, 60).trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e){} } double tempf = 0.0; if ( line.length() > 65) try { tempf = Double.parseDouble (line.substring (60, 66).trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e){} atom.setOccupancy( occu ); atom.setTempFactor( tempf ); String chain_id = line.substring(21,22); // join residue numbers and insertion codes together String residueNumber = line.substring(22,27).trim(); String groupCode3 = line.substring(17,20); Character aminoCode1 = null; if ( recordName.equals("ATOM") ){ aminoCode1 = StructureTools.get1LetterCode(groupCode3); } if (current_chain == null) { current_chain = new ChainImpl(); current_chain.setName(chain_id); } if (current_group == null) { current_group = getNewGroup(recordName,aminoCode1); current_group.setPDBCode(residueNumber); current_group.setPDBName(groupCode3); } //System.out.println("chainid: >"+chain_id+"<, current_chain.id:"+ current_chain.getName() ); // check if chain id is the same if ( ! chain_id.equals(current_chain.getName())){ //System.out.println("end of chain: "+current_chain.getName()+" >"+chain_id+"<"); // end up old chain... current_chain.addGroup(current_group); // see if old chain is known ... Chain testchain ; testchain = isKnownChain(current_chain.getName(),current_model); if ( testchain == null) { current_model.add(current_chain); } //see if chain_id of new residue is one of the previous chains ... testchain = isKnownChain(chain_id,current_model); if (testchain != null) { //System.out.println("already known..."+ chain_id); current_chain = (ChainImpl)testchain ; } else { //System.out.println("creating new chain..."+ chain_id); //current_model.add(current_chain); current_chain = new ChainImpl(); current_chain.setName(chain_id); } current_group = getNewGroup(recordName,aminoCode1); current_group.setPDBCode(residueNumber); current_group.setPDBName(groupCode3); } // check if residue number is the same ... // insertion code is part of residue number if ( ! residueNumber.equals(current_group.getPDBCode())) { //System.out.println("end of residue: "+current_group.getPDBCode()+" "+residueNumber); current_chain.addGroup(current_group); current_group = getNewGroup(recordName,aminoCode1); current_group.setPDBCode(residueNumber); current_group.setPDBName(groupCode3); } //see if chain_id is one of the previous chains ... current_group.addAtom(atom); //System.out.println(current_group); } private void switchCAOnly(){ parseCAOnly = true; current_model = CAConverter.getCAOnly(current_model); for ( int i =0; i< structure.nrModels() ; i++){ // iterate over all known models ... List model = structure.getModel(i); model = CAConverter.getCAOnly(model); structure.setModel(i,model); } current_chain = CAConverter.getCAOnly(current_chain); } /** safes repeating a few lines ... */ private Integer conect_helper (String line,int start,int end) { String sbond = line.substring(start,end).trim(); int bond = -1 ; Integer b = null ; if ( ! sbond.equals("")) { bond = Integer.parseInt(sbond); b = new Integer(bond); } return b ; } /** Handler for CONECT Record Format COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "CONECT" 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number 12 - 16 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom 17 - 21 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom 22 - 26 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom 27 - 31 Integer serial Serial number of bonded atom 32 - 36 Integer serial Serial number of hydrogen bonded atom 37 - 41 Integer serial Serial number of hydrogen bonded atom 42 - 46 Integer serial Serial number of salt bridged atom 47 - 51 Integer serial Serial number of hydrogen bonded atom 52 - 56 Integer serial Serial number of hydrogen bonded atom 57 - 61 Integer serial Serial number of salt bridged atom */ private void pdb_CONECT_Handler(String line) { //System.out.println(line); // this try .. catch is e.g. to catch 1gte which has wrongly formatted lines... if ( atomOverflow) { return ; } try { int atomserial = Integer.parseInt (line.substring(6 ,11).trim()); Integer bond1 = conect_helper(line,11,16); Integer bond2 = conect_helper(line,16,21); Integer bond3 = conect_helper(line,21,26); Integer bond4 = conect_helper(line,26,31); Integer hyd1 = conect_helper(line,31,36); Integer hyd2 = conect_helper(line,36,41); Integer salt1 = conect_helper(line,41,46); Integer hyd3 = conect_helper(line,46,51); Integer hyd4 = conect_helper(line,51,56); Integer salt2 = conect_helper(line,56,61); //System.out.println(atomserial+ " "+ bond1 +" "+bond2+ " " +bond3+" "+bond4+" "+ // hyd1+" "+hyd2 +" "+salt1+" "+hyd3+" "+hyd4+" "+salt2); HashMap cons = new HashMap(); cons.put("atomserial",new Integer(atomserial)); if ( bond1 != null) cons.put("bond1",bond1); if ( bond2 != null) cons.put("bond2",bond2); if ( bond3 != null) cons.put("bond3",bond3); if ( bond4 != null) cons.put("bond4",bond4); if ( hyd1 != null) cons.put("hydrogen1",hyd1); if ( hyd2 != null) cons.put("hydrogen2",hyd2); if ( salt1 != null) cons.put("salt1",salt1); if ( hyd3 != null) cons.put("hydrogen3",hyd3); if ( hyd4 != null) cons.put("hydrogen4",hyd4); if ( salt2 != null) cons.put("salt2",salt2); connects.add(cons); } catch (Exception e){ System.err.println("could not parse CONECT line correctly."); System.err.println(e.getMessage() + " at line " + line); return; } } /* Handler for MODEL Record Format COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "MODEL " 11 - 14 Integer serial Model serial number. */ private void pdb_MODEL_Handler(String line) { // check beginning of file ... if (current_chain != null) { if (current_group != null) { current_chain.addGroup(current_group); } //System.out.println("starting new model "+(structure.nrModels()+1)); Chain ch = isKnownChain(current_chain.getName(),current_model) ; if ( ch == null ) { current_model.add(current_chain); } structure.addModel(current_model); current_model = new ArrayList(); current_chain = null; current_group = null; } } /** COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "DBREF " 8 - 11 IDcode idCode ID code of this entry. 13 Character chainID Chain identifier. 15 - 18 Integer seqBegin Initial sequence number of the PDB sequence segment. 19 AChar insertBegin Initial insertion code of the PDB sequence segment. 21 - 24 Integer seqEnd Ending sequence number of the PDB sequence segment. 25 AChar insertEnd Ending insertion code of the PDB sequence segment. 27 - 32 LString database Sequence database name. 34 - 41 LString dbAccession Sequence database accession code. 43 - 54 LString dbIdCode Sequence database identification code. 56 - 60 Integer dbseqBegin Initial sequence number of the database seqment. 61 AChar idbnsBeg Insertion code of initial residue of the segment, if PDB is the reference. 63 - 67 Integer dbseqEnd Ending sequence number of the database segment. 68 AChar dbinsEnd Insertion code of the ending residue of the segment, if PDB is the reference. */ private void pdb_DBREF_Handler(String line){ DBRef dbref = new DBRef(); String idCode = line.substring(7,11); String chainId = line.substring(12,13); String seqBegin = line.substring(14,18); String insertBegin = line.substring(18,19); String seqEnd = line.substring(20,24); String insertEnd = line.substring(24,25); String database = line.substring(26,32); String dbAccession = line.substring(33,41); String dbIdCode = line.substring(42,54); String dbseqBegin = line.substring(55,60); String idbnsBeg = line.substring(60,61); String dbseqEnd = line.substring(62,67); String dbinsEnd = line.substring(67,68); dbref.setIdCode(idCode); dbref.setChainId(chainId.charAt(0)); dbref.setSeqBegin(intFromString(seqBegin)); dbref.setInsertBegin(insertBegin.charAt(0)); dbref.setSeqEnd(intFromString(seqEnd)); dbref.setInsertEnd(insertEnd.charAt(0)); dbref.setDatabase(database.trim()); dbref.setDbAccession(dbAccession.trim()); dbref.setDbIdCode(dbIdCode.trim()); dbref.setDbSeqBegin(intFromString(dbseqBegin)); dbref.setIdbnsBegin(idbnsBeg.charAt(0)); dbref.setDbSeqEnd(intFromString(dbseqEnd)); dbref.setIdbnsEnd(dbinsEnd.charAt(0)); //System.out.println(dbref.toPDB()); dbrefs.add(dbref); } /* process the disulfid bond info provided by an SSBOND record * * COLUMNS DATA TYPE FIELD DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6 Record name "SSBOND" 8 - 10 Integer serNum Serial number. 12 - 14 LString(3) "CYS" Residue name. 16 Character chainID1 Chain identifier. 18 - 21 Integer seqNum1 Residue sequence number. 22 AChar icode1 Insertion code. 26 - 28 LString(3) "CYS" Residue name. 30 Character chainID2 Chain identifier. 32 - 35 Integer seqNum2 Residue sequence number. 36 AChar icode2 Insertion code. 60 - 65 SymOP sym1 Symmetry oper for 1st resid 67 - 72 SymOP sym2 Symmetry oper for 2nd resid */ private void pdb_SSBOND_Handler(String line){ String chain1 = line.substring(15,16); String seqNum1 = line.substring(18,21).trim(); String icode1 = line.substring(21,22); String chain2 = line.substring(29,30); String seqNum2 = line.substring(31,35).trim(); String icode2 = line.substring(35,36); if (icode1.equals(" ")) icode1 = ""; if (icode2.equals(" ")) icode2 = ""; SSBond ssbond = new SSBond(); ssbond.setChainID1(chain1); ssbond.setResnum1(seqNum1); ssbond.setChainID2(chain2); ssbond.setResnum2(seqNum2); ssbond.setInsCode1(icode1); ssbond.setInsCode2(icode2); structure.addSSBond(ssbond); } private int intFromString(String intString){ int val = Integer.MIN_VALUE; try { val = Integer.parseInt(intString.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } return val; } /** test if the chain is already known (is in current_model * ArrayList) and if yes, returns the chain * if no -> returns null */ private Chain isKnownChain(String chainID, List chains){ for (int i = 0; i< chains.size();i++){ Chain testchain = chains.get(i); //System.out.println("comparing chainID >"+chainID+"< against testchain " + i+" >" +testchain.getName()+"<"); if (chainID.equals(testchain.getName())) { //System.out.println("chain "+ chainID+" already known ..."); return testchain; } } return null; } private BufferedReader getBufferedReader(InputStream inStream) throws IOException { BufferedReader buf ; if (inStream == null) { throw new IOException ("input stream is null!"); } buf = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (inStream)); return buf ; } /** parse a PDB file and return a datastructure implementing * PDBStructure interface. * * @param inStream an InputStream object * @return a Structure object * @throws IOException */ public Structure parsePDBFile(InputStream inStream) throws IOException { //System.out.println("preparing buffer"); BufferedReader buf ; try { buf = getBufferedReader(inStream); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException ("error initializing BufferedReader"); } //System.out.println("done"); return parsePDBFile(buf); } /** parse a PDB file and return a datastructure implementing * PDBStructure interface. * * @param buf a BufferedReader object * @return the Structure object * @throws IOException ... */ public Structure parsePDBFile(BufferedReader buf) throws IOException { // (re)set structure structure = new StructureImpl() ; current_model = new ArrayList(); seqResChains = new ArrayList(); current_chain = null ; current_group = null ; header = init_header(); pdbHeader = new PDBHeader(); connects = new ArrayList>(); continuationField = ""; continuationString = ""; current_compound = new Compound(); sourceLines.clear(); compndLines.clear(); isLastCompndLine = false; isLastSourceLine = false; molTypeCounter = 1; compounds.clear(); helixList.clear(); strandList.clear(); turnList.clear(); lengthCheck = -1; atomCount = 0; atomOverflow = false; String line = null; try { line = buf.readLine (); String recordName = ""; // if line is null already for the first time, the buffered Reader had a problem if ( line == null ) { throw new IOException ("could not parse PDB File, BufferedReader returns null!"); } while (line != null) { // System.out.println (">"+line+"<"); // ignore empty lines if ( line.equals("") || (line.equals(NEWLINE))){ line = buf.readLine (); continue; } // ignore short TER and END lines if ( (line.startsWith("TER")) || (line.startsWith("END"))) { line = buf.readLine (); continue; } if ( line.length() < 6) { System.err.println("found line length < 6. ignoring it. >" + line +"<" ); line = buf.readLine (); continue; } try { recordName = line.substring (0, 6).trim (); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e){ System.err.println("StringIndexOutOfBoundsException at line >" + line + "<" + NEWLINE + "this does not look like an expected PDB file") ; e.printStackTrace(); throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(e.getMessage()); } //System.out.println(recordName); try { if (recordName.equals("ATOM")) pdb_ATOM_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("SEQRES")) pdb_SEQRES_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("HETATM")) pdb_ATOM_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("MODEL")) pdb_MODEL_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("HEADER")) pdb_HEADER_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("TITLE")) pdb_TITLE_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("SOURCE")) sourceLines.add(line); //pdb_SOURCE_Handler else if (recordName.equals("COMPND")) compndLines.add(line); //pdb_COMPND_Handler else if (recordName.equals("JRNL")) pdb_JRNL_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("EXPDTA")) pdb_EXPDTA_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("REMARK")) pdb_REMARK_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("CONECT")) pdb_CONECT_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("REVDAT")) pdb_REVDAT_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("DBREF")) pdb_DBREF_Handler(line); else if (recordName.equals("SSBOND")) pdb_SSBOND_Handler(line); else if ( parseSecStruc) { if ( recordName.equals("HELIX") ) pdb_HELIX_Handler ( line ) ; else if (recordName.equals("SHEET")) pdb_SHEET_Handler(line ) ; else if (recordName.equals("TURN")) pdb_TURN_Handler( line ) ; } else { // this line type is not supported, yet. // we ignore it } } catch (Exception e){ // the line is badly formatted, ignore it! e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("badly formatted line ... " + line); } line = buf.readLine (); } makeCompounds(compndLines, sourceLines); triggerEndFileChecks(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(line); e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException ("Error parsing PDB file"); } if ( parseSecStruc) setSecStruc(); return structure; } /** * This is the new method for building the COMPND and SOURCE records. Now each method is self-contained. * @author Jules Jacobsen * @param compoundList * @param sourceList */ private void makeCompounds(List compoundList, List sourceList) { // System.out.println("[makeCompounds] making compounds from compoundLines"); for (String line : compoundList) { if (compoundList.indexOf(line) + 1 == compoundList.size()) { // System.out.println("[makeCompounds] Final line in compoundLines."); isLastCompndLine = true; } pdb_COMPND_Handler(line); } // System.out.println("[makeCompounds] adding sources to compounds from sourceLines"); // since we're starting again from the first compound, reset it here if ( compounds.size() == 0){ current_compound = new Compound(); } else { current_compound = compounds.get(0); } for (String line : sourceList) { if (sourceList.indexOf(line) + 1 == sourceList.size()) { // System.out.println("[makeCompounds] Final line in sourceLines."); isLastSourceLine = true; } pdb_SOURCE_Handler(line); } } private void triggerEndFileChecks(){ // finish and add ... String modDate = (String) header.get("modDate"); if ( modDate.equals("0000-00-00") ) { // modification date = deposition date String depositionDate = (String) header.get("depDate"); header.put("modDate",depositionDate) ; if (! depositionDate.equals(modDate)){ // depDate is 0000-00-00 try { Date dep = dateFormat.parse(depositionDate); pdbHeader.setDepDate(dep); } catch (ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } // a problem occured earlier so current_chain = null ... // most likely the buffered reader did not provide data ... if ( current_chain != null ) { current_chain.addGroup(current_group); if (isKnownChain(current_chain.getName(),current_model) == null) { current_model.add(current_chain); } } //set the JournalArticle, if there is one if (!journalLines.isEmpty()) { buildjournalArticle(); structure.setJournalArticle(journalArticle); } structure.addModel(current_model); structure.setHeader(header); structure.setPDBHeader(pdbHeader); structure.setConnections(connects); structure.setCompounds(compounds); structure.setDBRefs(dbrefs); if ( alignSeqRes ){ SeqRes2AtomAligner aligner = new SeqRes2AtomAligner(); aligner.align(structure,seqResChains); } linkChains2Compound(structure); } private void setSecStruc(){ setSecElement(helixList, PDB_AUTHOR_ASSIGNMENT, HELIX ); setSecElement(strandList, PDB_AUTHOR_ASSIGNMENT, STRAND ); setSecElement(turnList, PDB_AUTHOR_ASSIGNMENT, TURN ); } private void setSecElement(List> secList, String assignment, String type){ Iterator> iter = secList.iterator(); nextElement: while (iter.hasNext()){ Map m = iter.next(); // assign all residues in this range to this secondary structure type // String initResName = (String)m.get("initResName"); String initChainId = (String)m.get("initChainId"); String initSeqNum = (String)m.get("initSeqNum" ); String initICode = (String)m.get("initICode" ); // String endResName = (String)m.get("endResName" ); String endChainId = (String)m.get("endChainId" ); String endSeqNum = (String)m.get("endSeqNum"); String endICode = (String)m.get("endICode"); if (initICode.equals(" ")) initICode = ""; if (endICode.equals(" ")) endICode = ""; GroupIterator gi = new GroupIterator(structure); boolean inRange = false; while (gi.hasNext()){ Group g = (Group)gi.next(); Chain c = g.getParent(); if (c.getName().equals(initChainId)){ String pdbCode = initSeqNum + initICode; if ( g.getPDBCode().equals(pdbCode) ) { inRange = true; } } if ( inRange){ if ( g instanceof AminoAcid) { AminoAcid aa = (AminoAcid)g; Map assignmentMap = new HashMap(); assignmentMap.put(assignment,type); aa.setSecStruc(assignmentMap); } } if ( c.getName().equals(endChainId)){ String pdbCode = endSeqNum + endICode; if (pdbCode.equals(g.getPDBCode())){ inRange = false; continue nextElement; } } } } } /** After the parsing of a PDB file the {@link Chain} and {@link Compound} * objects need to be linked to each other. * * @param s the structure */ public void linkChains2Compound(Structure s){ List compounds = s.getCompounds(); for(Compound comp : compounds){ List chains = new ArrayList(); List chainIds = comp.getChainId(); if ( chainIds == null) continue; for ( String chainId : chainIds) { if ( chainId.equals("NULL")) chainId = " "; try { Chain c = s.findChain(chainId); chains.add(c); } catch (StructureException e){ // usually if this happens something is wrong with the PDB header // e.g. 2brd - there is no Chain A, although it is specified in the header e.printStackTrace(); } } comp.setChains(chains); } if ( compounds.size() == 1) { Compound comp = compounds.get(0); if ( comp.getChainId() == null){ List chains = s.getChains(0); if ( chains.size() == 1) { // this is an old style PDB file - add the ChainI Chain ch = chains.get(0); List chainIds = new ArrayList(); chainIds.add(ch.getName()); comp.setChainId(chainIds); comp.addChain(ch); } } } for (Compound comp: compounds){ if ( comp.getChainId() == null) { // could not link to chain // TODO: should this be allowed to happen? continue; } for ( String chainId : comp.getChainId()){ if ( chainId.equals("NULL")) continue; try { Chain c = s.getChainByPDB(chainId); c.setHeader(comp); } catch (StructureException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private void buildjournalArticle() { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("building new JournalArticle"); // for (String line : journalLines) { // System.out.println(line); // } } this.journalArticle = new JournalArticle(); // JRNL AUTH M.HAMMEL,G.SFYROERA,D.RICKLIN,P.MAGOTTI, // JRNL AUTH 2 J.D.LAMBRIS,B.V.GEISBRECHT // JRNL TITL A STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR COMPLEMENT INHIBITION BY // JRNL TITL 2 STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. // JRNL REF NAT.IMMUNOL. V. 8 430 2007 // JRNL REFN ISSN 1529-2908 // JRNL PMID 17351618 // JRNL DOI 10.1038/NI1450 StringBuffer auth = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer titl = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer edit = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer ref = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer publ = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer refn = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer pmid = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer doi = new StringBuffer(); for (String line : journalLines) { if ( line.length() < 19 ) { System.err.println("can not process Journal line: " + line); continue; } // System.out.println("'" + line + "'"); String subField = line.substring(12, 16); // System.out.println("'" + subField + "'"); if (subField.equals("AUTH")) { auth.append(line.substring(19, line.length()).trim()); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("AUTH '" + auth.toString() + "'"); } } if (subField.equals("TITL")) { //add a space to the end of a line so that when wrapped the //words on the join won't be concatenated titl.append(line.substring(19, line.length()).trim() + " "); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("TITL '" + titl.toString() + "'"); } } if (subField.equals("EDIT")) { edit.append(line.substring(19, line.length()).trim()); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EDIT '" + edit.toString() + "'"); } } // JRNL REF NAT.IMMUNOL. V. 8 430 2007 if (subField.equals("REF ")) { ref.append(line.substring(19, line.length()).trim() + " "); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("REF '" + ref.toString() + "'"); } } if (subField.equals("PUBL")) { publ.append(line.substring(19, line.length()).trim() + " "); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PUBL '" + publ.toString() + "'"); } } // JRNL REFN ISSN 1529-2908 if (subField.equals("REFN")) { if ( line.length() < 35 ) { System.err.println("can not process Journal REFN line: " + line); continue; } refn.append(line.substring(35, line.length()).trim()); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("REFN '" + refn.toString() + "'"); } } // JRNL PMID 17351618 if (subField.equals("PMID")) { pmid.append(line.substring(19, line.length()).trim()); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("PMID '" + pmid.toString() + "'"); } } // JRNL DOI 10.1038/NI1450 if (subField.equals("DOI ")) { doi.append(line.substring(19, line.length()).trim()); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("DOI '" + doi.toString() + "'"); } } } //now set the parts of the JournalArticle journalArticle.setAuthorList(authorBuilder(auth.toString())); journalArticle.setEditorList(authorBuilder(edit.toString())); journalArticle.setRef(ref.toString()); JournalParser journalParser = new JournalParser(ref.toString()); journalArticle.setJournalName(journalParser.getJournalName()); if (!journalArticle.getJournalName().equals("TO BE PUBLISHED")) { journalArticle.setIsPublished(true); } journalArticle.setVolume(journalParser.getVolume()); journalArticle.setStartPage(journalParser.getStartPage()); journalArticle.setPublicationDate(journalParser.getPublicationDate()); journalArticle.setPublisher(publ.toString().trim()); journalArticle.setTitle(titl.toString().trim()); journalArticle.setRefn(refn.toString().trim()); journalArticle.setPmid(pmid.toString().trim()); journalArticle.setDoi(doi.toString().trim()); } //inner class to deal with all the journal info private class JournalParser { private String journalName; private String volume; private String startPage; private int publicationDate; public JournalParser(String ref) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("JournalParser init '" + ref + "'"); } if (ref.equals("TO BE PUBLISHED ")) { journalName = ref.trim(); return; } //REF NUCLEIC ACIDS RES. 2009 //REF MOL.CELL 2009 //REF NAT.STRUCT.MOL.BIOL. V. 16 238 2009 //REF ACTA CRYSTALLOGR.,SECT.F V. 65 199 2009 //check if the date is present at the end of the line. // 09876543210987654321 //'J.AM.CHEM.SOC. V. 130 16011 2008 ' //'NAT.STRUCT.MOL.BIOL. V. 16 238 2009' String dateString = ref.substring(ref.length() - 5 , ref.length() - 1).trim(); String startPageString = ref.substring(ref.length() - 11 , ref.length() - 6).trim(); String volumeString = ref.substring(ref.length() - 14 , ref.length() - 12).trim(); String journalString = ref.substring(0 , ref.length() - 18).trim(); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("JournalParser found volumeString " + volumeString); System.out.println("JournalParser found startPageString " + startPageString); System.out.println("JournalParser found dateString " + dateString); } if (!dateString.equals(" ")) { publicationDate = Integer.valueOf(dateString); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("JournalParser set date " + publicationDate); } } if (!startPageString.equals(" ")) { startPage = startPageString; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("JournalParser set startPage " + startPage); } } if (!volumeString.equals(" ")) { volume = volumeString; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("JournalParser set volume " + volume); } } if (!journalString.equals(" ")) { journalName = journalString; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("JournalParser set journalName " + journalName); } } } private String getJournalName() { return journalName; } private int getPublicationDate() { return publicationDate; } private String getStartPage() { return startPage; } private String getVolume() { return volume; } } private List authorBuilder(String authorString) { ArrayList authorList = new ArrayList(); if (authorString.equals("")) { return authorList; } String[] authors = authorString.split(","); // if (DEBUG) { // for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) { // String string = authors[i]; // System.out.println("authorBuilder author: '" + string + "'"); // } // } // AUTH SEATTLE STRUCTURAL GENOMICS CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS // AUTH 2 DISEASE (SSGCID) // or // AUTH E.DOBROVETSKY,A.DONG,A.SEITOVA,B.DUNCAN,L.CROMBET, // AUTH 2 M.SUNDSTROM,C.H.ARROWSMITH,A.M.EDWARDS,C.BOUNTRA, // AUTH 3 A.BOCHKAREV,D.COSSAR, // AUTH 4 STRUCTURAL GENOMICS CONSORTIUM (SGC) // or // AUTH T.-C.MOU,S.R.SPRANG,N.MASADA,D.M.F.COOPER if (authors.length == 1) { //only one element means it's a consortium only Author author = new Author(); author.setSurname(authors[0]); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Set consortium author name " + author.getSurname()); } authorList.add(author); } else { for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) { String authorFullName = authors[i]; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Building author " + authorFullName); } Author author = new Author(); String regex = "\\."; String[] authorNames = authorFullName.split(regex); // if (DEBUG) { // System.out.println("authorNames size " + authorNames.length); // for (int j = 0; j < authorNames.length; j++) { // String name = authorNames[j]; // System.out.println("split authName '" + name + "'"); // // } // } if (authorNames.length == 0) { author.setSurname(authorFullName); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Unable to split using '" + regex + "' Setting whole name " + author.getSurname()); } } //again there might be a consortium name so there may be no elements else if (authorNames.length == 1) { author.setSurname(authorNames[0]); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Set consortium author name in multiple author block " + author.getSurname ()); } } else { String initials = ""; for (int j = 0; j < authorNames.length - 1; j++) { String initial = authorNames[j]; // if (DEBUG) { // System.out.println("adding initial '" + initial + "'"); // } //build the initials back up again initials += initial + "."; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("built initials '" + initials + "'"); } author.setInitials(initials); //surname is always last int lastName = authorNames.length - 1; String surname = authorNames[lastName]; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("built author surname " + surname); } author.setSurname(surname); } authorList.add(author); } } return authorList; } }