/* * BioJava development code * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy, * see: * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual * authors. These should be listed in @author doc comments. * * For more information on the BioJava project and its aims, * or to join the biojava-l mailing list, visit the home page * at: * * http://www.biojava.org/ * * created at Apr 26, 2008 */ package org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.biojava.bio.structure.AminoAcid; import org.biojava.bio.structure.AminoAcidImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Atom; import org.biojava.bio.structure.AtomImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Chain; import org.biojava.bio.structure.ChainImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.DBRef; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Group; import org.biojava.bio.structure.HetatomImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.NucleotideImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.PDBHeader; import org.biojava.bio.structure.Structure; import org.biojava.bio.structure.StructureImpl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.StructureTools; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.PDBParseException; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.SeqRes2AtomAligner; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.AtomSite; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.ChemComp; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.DatabasePDBremark; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.DatabasePDBrev; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.Entity; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.EntityPolySeq; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.Exptl; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.PdbxEntityNonPoly; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.PdbxNonPolyScheme; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.PdbxPolySeqScheme; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.Refine; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.Struct; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.StructAsym; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.StructKeywords; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.StructRef; import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.mmcif.model.StructRefSeq; import org.biojava.bio.symbol.IllegalSymbolException; /** A MMcifConsumer implementation that build a in-memory representation of the * content of a mmcif file as a BioJava Structure object. * @author Andreas Prlic * @since 1.7 */ public class SimpleMMcifConsumer implements MMcifConsumer { boolean DEBUG = false; Structure structure; Chain current_chain; Group current_group; int atomCount; boolean parseCAOnly; boolean alignSeqRes; List current_model; List entities; List strucRefs; List seqResChains; List entityChains; // needed to link entities, chains and compounds... List structAsyms; // needed to link entities, chains and compounds... Map asymStrandId; String current_nmr_model ; public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.biojava.bio.structure"); public SimpleMMcifConsumer(){ documentStart(); alignSeqRes = true; parseCAOnly = false; } public boolean isParseCAOnly() { return parseCAOnly; } public void setParseCAOnly(boolean parseCAOnly) { this.parseCAOnly = parseCAOnly; } public void newEntity(Entity entity) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println(entity); entities.add(entity); } public void newStructAsym(StructAsym sasym){ structAsyms.add(sasym); } private Entity getEntity(String entity_id){ for (Entity e: entities){ if (e.getId().equals(entity_id)){ return e; } } return null; } public void newStructKeywords(StructKeywords kw){ PDBHeader header = structure.getPDBHeader(); if ( header == null) header = new PDBHeader(); header.setDescription(kw.getPdbx_keywords()); header.setClassification(kw.getPdbx_keywords()); Map h = structure.getHeader(); h.put("classification", kw.getPdbx_keywords()); } public void setStruct(Struct struct) { //System.out.println(struct); PDBHeader header = structure.getPDBHeader(); if ( header == null) header = new PDBHeader(); header.setTitle(struct.getTitle()); header.setIdCode(struct.getEntry_id()); //header.setDescription(struct.getPdbx_descriptor()); //header.setClassification(struct.getPdbx_descriptor()); //header.setDescription(struct.getPdbx_descriptor()); //System.out.println(struct.getPdbx_model_details()); Map h = structure.getHeader(); h.put("title", struct.getTitle()); //h.put("classification", struct.getPdbx_descriptor()); structure.setPDBHeader(header); structure.setPDBCode(struct.getEntry_id()); } /** initiate new group, either Hetatom, Nucleotide, or AminoAcid */ private Group getNewGroup(String recordName,Character aminoCode1, long seq_id) { Group group; if ( recordName.equals("ATOM") ) { if (aminoCode1 == null) { // it is a nucleotidee NucleotideImpl nu = new NucleotideImpl(); group = nu; nu.setId(seq_id); } else if (aminoCode1 == StructureTools.UNKNOWN_GROUP_LABEL){ HetatomImpl h = new HetatomImpl(); h.setId(seq_id); group = h; } else { AminoAcidImpl aa = new AminoAcidImpl() ; aa.setAminoType(aminoCode1); aa.setId(seq_id); group = aa ; } } else { HetatomImpl h = new HetatomImpl(); h.setId(seq_id); group = h; } //System.out.println("new group type: "+ group.getType() ); return group ; } /** test if the chain is already known (is in current_model * ArrayList) and if yes, returns the chain * if no -> returns null */ private Chain isKnownChain(String chainID, List chains){ for (int i = 0; i< chains.size();i++){ Chain testchain = chains.get(i); //System.out.println("comparing chainID >"+chainID+"< against testchain " + i+" >" +testchain.getName()+"<"); if (chainID.equals(testchain.getName())) { //System.out.println("chain "+ chainID+" already known ..."); return testchain; } } return null; } /** during mmcif parsing the full atom name string gets truncated, fix this... * * @param name * @return */ private String fixFullAtomName(String name){ if (name.equals("N")){ return " N "; } if (name.equals("CA")){ return " CA "; } if (name.equals("C")){ return " C "; } if (name.equals("O")){ return " O "; } if (name.equals("CB")){ return " CB "; } if (name.equals("CG")) return " CG "; if (name.length() == 2) return " " + name + " "; if (name.length() == 1) return " " + name + " "; if (name.length() == 3) return " " + name ; return name; } public void newAtomSite(AtomSite atom) { atomCount++; //TODO: add support for MAX_ATOMS String fullname = fixFullAtomName(atom.getLabel_atom_id()); //System.out.println("fixing atom name for >" + atom.getLabel_atom_id() + "< >" + fullname + "<"); if ( parseCAOnly ){ // yes , user wants to get CA only // only parse CA atoms... if (! fullname.equals(" CA ")){ //System.out.println("ignoring " + line); atomCount--; return; } } // Warning: getLabel_asym_id is not the "chain id" in the PDB file // it is the internally used chain id. // later on we will fix this... // later one needs to map the asym id to the pdb_strand_id String chain_id = atom.getLabel_asym_id(); // we store the internal seq id in the Atom._id field // this is not a PDB file field but we need this to internally assign the insertion codes later // from the pdbx_poly_seq entries.. long seq_id = -1; try { seq_id = Long.parseLong(atom.getLabel_seq_id()); } catch (NumberFormatException e){ } String nmrModel = atom.getPdbx_PDB_model_num(); String recordName = atom.getGroup_PDB(); String residueNumber = atom.getAuth_seq_id(); //String residueNumber = atom.getLabel_seq_id(); String insCode = atom.getPdbx_PDB_ins_code(); if (! insCode.equals("?")) { residueNumber += insCode; } // the 3-letter name of the group: String groupCode3 = atom.getLabel_comp_id(); Character aminoCode1 = null; if ( recordName.equals("ATOM") ) aminoCode1 = StructureTools.get1LetterCode(groupCode3); /*System.out.println(atom); System.out.print("chain " + chain_id); System.out.print(" record:" + recordName); System.out.print(" nr:"+ residueNumber); System.out.print(" group3:"+ groupCode3 ); System.out.println(" amino1:"+aminoCode1); */ try { if ( current_nmr_model == null) { current_nmr_model = nmrModel; } if (! current_nmr_model.equals(nmrModel)){ current_nmr_model = nmrModel; // add previous data if ( current_chain != null ) { current_chain.addGroup(current_group); } // we came to the beginning of a new NMR model structure.setNmr(true); structure.addModel(current_model); current_model = new ArrayList(); current_chain = null; current_group = null; } if (current_chain == null) { current_chain = new ChainImpl(); current_chain.setName(chain_id); current_model.add(current_chain); } if (current_group == null) { current_group = getNewGroup(recordName,aminoCode1,seq_id); current_group.setPDBCode(residueNumber); current_group.setPDBName(groupCode3); } //System.out.println("chainid: >"+chain_id+"<, current_chain.id:"+ current_chain.getName() ); // check if chain id is the same if ( ! chain_id.equals(current_chain.getName())){ //System.out.println("end of chain: "+current_chain.getName()+" >"+chain_id+"<"); // end up old chain... current_chain.addGroup(current_group); // see if old chain is known ... Chain testchain ; testchain = isKnownChain(current_chain.getName(),current_model); if ( testchain == null) { //System.out.println("new chain, adding to current model..." + current_chain.getName()); current_model.add(current_chain); } //see if chain_id of new residue is one of the previous chains ... testchain = isKnownChain(chain_id,current_model); if (testchain != null) { //System.out.println("already known..."+ chain_id); current_chain = (ChainImpl)testchain ; } else { //System.out.println("creating new chain..."+ chain_id); //current_model.add(current_chain); current_chain = new ChainImpl(); current_chain.setName(chain_id); } current_group = getNewGroup(recordName,aminoCode1,seq_id); current_group.setPDBCode(residueNumber); current_group.setPDBName(groupCode3); } // check if residue number is the same ... // insertion code is part of residue number if ( ! residueNumber.equals(current_group.getPDBCode())) { //System.out.println("end of residue: "+current_group.getPDBCode()+" "+residueNumber); current_chain.addGroup(current_group); current_group = getNewGroup(recordName,aminoCode1,seq_id); current_group.setPDBCode(residueNumber); current_group.setPDBName(groupCode3); } //see if chain_id is one of the previous chains ... Atom a = convertAtom(atom); current_group.addAtom(a); //System.out.println(current_group); } catch (PDBParseException e){ logger.warning("could not parse AtomSite record " + atom + " due to: " + e.getMessage()); //e.printStackTrace(); } } /** convert a MMCif AtomSite object to a BioJava Atom object * * @param atom the mmmcif AtomSite record * @return an Atom */ private Atom convertAtom(AtomSite atom){ Atom a = new AtomImpl(); a.setPDBserial(Integer.parseInt(atom.getId())); a.setName(atom.getLabel_atom_id()); a.setFullName(fixFullAtomName(atom.getLabel_atom_id())); double x = Double.parseDouble (atom.getCartn_x()); double y = Double.parseDouble (atom.getCartn_y()); double z = Double.parseDouble (atom.getCartn_z()); a.setX(x); a.setY(y); a.setZ(z); double occupancy = Double.parseDouble(atom.getOccupancy()); a.setOccupancy(occupancy); double temp = Double.parseDouble(atom.getB_iso_or_equiv()); a.setTempFactor(temp); String alt = atom.getLabel_alt_id(); if (( alt != null ) && ( alt.length() > 0) && (! alt.equals("."))){ a.setAltLoc(new Character(alt.charAt(0))); } else { a.setAltLoc(new Character(' ')); } return a; } /** Start the parsing * */ public void documentStart() { structure = new StructureImpl(); current_chain = null; current_group = null; current_nmr_model = null; atomCount = 0; current_model = new ArrayList(); entities = new ArrayList(); strucRefs = new ArrayList(); seqResChains = new ArrayList(); entityChains = new ArrayList(); structAsyms = new ArrayList(); asymStrandId = new HashMap(); } /** Flag if the SEQRES amino acids should be aligned with the ATOM amino acids. * * @return flag if SEQRES - ATOM amino acids alignment is enabled */ public boolean isAlignSeqRes() { return alignSeqRes; } /** define if the SEQRES in the structure should be aligned with the ATOM records * if yes, the AminoAcids in structure.getSeqRes will have the coordinates set. * @param alignSeqRes */ public void setAlignSeqRes(boolean alignSeqRes) { this.alignSeqRes = alignSeqRes; } public void documentEnd() { // a problem occurred earlier so current_chain = null ... // most likely the buffered reader did not provide data ... if ( current_chain != null ) { current_chain.addGroup(current_group); if (isKnownChain(current_chain.getName(),current_model) == null) { current_model.add(current_chain); } } structure.addModel(current_model); // Goal is to reproduce the PDB files exactly: // What has to be done is to use the auth_mon_id for the assignment. For this // map entities to Chains and Compound objects... for (StructAsym asym : structAsyms) { if ( DEBUG ) System.out.println("entity " + asym.getEntity_id() + " matches asym id:" + asym.getId() ); Chain s = getEntityChain(asym.getEntity_id()); Chain seqres = (Chain)s.clone(); seqres.setName(asym.getId()); seqResChains.add(seqres); } if ( alignSeqRes ){ SeqRes2AtomAligner aligner = new SeqRes2AtomAligner(); aligner.align(structure,seqResChains); } //TODO: add support for these: //structure.setConnections(connects); //structure.setCompounds(compounds); //linkChains2Compound(structure); // fix the chain IDS in the current model: //TODO: test this with NMR structures! Set asymIds = asymStrandId.keySet(); for (int i =0; i< structure.nrModels() ; i++){ Listmodel = structure.getModel(i); for (Chain chain : model) { for (String asym : asymIds) { if ( chain.getName().equals(asym)){ if (DEBUG) System.out.println("renaming " + asym + " to : " + asymStrandId.get(asym)); chain.setName(asymStrandId.get(asym)); break; } } } } } /** This method will return the parsed protein structure, once the parsing has been finished * * @return a BioJava protein structure object */ public Structure getStructure() { return structure; } public void newDatabasePDBrev(DatabasePDBrev dbrev) { //System.out.println("got a database revision:" + dbrev); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); PDBHeader header = structure.getPDBHeader(); Map h = structure.getHeader(); if ( header == null) { header = new PDBHeader(); } if (dbrev.getNum().equals("1")){ try { String date = dbrev.getDate_original(); //System.out.println(date); Date dep = dateFormat.parse(date); //System.out.println(dep); header.setDepDate(dep); h.put("depDate", date); Date mod = dateFormat.parse(dbrev.getDate()); header.setModDate(mod); h.put("revDate",dbrev.getDate()); } catch (ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { Date mod = dateFormat.parse(dbrev.getDate()); header.setModDate(mod); h.put("revDate",dbrev.getDate()); } catch (ParseException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } structure.setPDBHeader(header); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void newDatabasePDBremark(DatabasePDBremark remark) { //System.out.println(remark); String id = remark.getId(); if (id.equals("2")){ //this remark field contains the resolution information: String line = remark.getText(); int i = line.indexOf("ANGSTROM"); if ( i > 5) { // line contains ANGSTROM info... String resolution = line.substring(i-5,i).trim(); // convert string to float float res = 99 ; try { res = Float.parseFloat(resolution); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println("could not parse resolution from line and ignoring it " + line); return ; } // support for old style header Map header = structure.getHeader(); header.put("resolution",new Float(res)); structure.setHeader(header); PDBHeader pdbHeader = structure.getPDBHeader(); pdbHeader.setResolution(res); } } } public void newRefine(Refine r){ // copy the resolution to header PDBHeader pdbHeader = structure.getPDBHeader(); try { pdbHeader.setResolution(Float.parseFloat(r.getLs_d_res_high())); } catch (NumberFormatException e){ logger.warning("could not parse resolution from " + r.getLs_d_res_high() + " " + e.getMessage()); } Map header = structure.getHeader(); header.put("resolution",pdbHeader.getResolution()); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void newExptl(Exptl exptl) { PDBHeader pdbHeader = structure.getPDBHeader(); String method = exptl.getMethod(); String old = pdbHeader.getTechnique(); if ( (old != null) && (! old.equals(""))){ method = old+"; " + method; } pdbHeader.setTechnique(method); Map header = structure.getHeader(); header.put("technique",method); } public void newStructRef(StructRef sref) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println(sref); strucRefs.add(sref); } private StructRef getStructRef(String ref_id){ for (StructRef structRef : strucRefs) { if (structRef.getId().equals(ref_id)){ return structRef; } } return null; } /** create a DBRef record from the StrucRefSeq record: *
  PDB record 					DBREF
  Field Name 					mmCIF Data Item
  Section   	  				n.a.
  PDB_ID_Code   	  			_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_PDB_id_code
  Strand_ID   	 			 	_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_strand_id
  Begin_Residue_Number   	  	_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_beg
  Begin_Ins_Code   	  			_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code
  End_Residue_Number   	  		_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_auth_seq_align_end
  End_Ins_Code   	  			_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code
  Database   	  				_struct_ref.db_name
  Database_Accession_No   	  	_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_accession
  Database_ID_Code   	  		_struct_ref.db_code
  Database_Begin_Residue_Number	_struct_ref_seq.db_align_beg
  Databaes_Begin_Ins_Code   	_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code
  Database_End_Residue_Number  	_struct_ref_seq.db_align_end
  Databaes_End_Ins_Code   	  	_struct_ref_seq.pdbx_db_align_end_ins_code
* * */ public void newStructRefSeq(StructRefSeq sref) { //if (DEBUG) // System.out.println(sref); DBRef r = new DBRef(); //if (DEBUG) // System.out.println( " " + sref.getPdbx_PDB_id_code() + " " + sref.getPdbx_db_accession()); r.setIdCode(sref.getPdbx_PDB_id_code()); r.setDbAccession(sref.getPdbx_db_accession()); r.setDbIdCode(sref.getPdbx_db_accession()); //TODO: make DBRef chain IDs a string for chainIDs that are longer than one char... r.setChainId(new Character(sref.getPdbx_strand_id().charAt(0))); StructRef structRef = getStructRef(sref.getRef_id()); if (structRef == null){ logger.warning("could not find StructRef " + sref.getRef_id() + " for StructRefSeq " + sref); } else { r.setDatabase(structRef.getDb_name()); r.setDbIdCode(structRef.getDb_code()); } int seqbegin = Integer.parseInt(sref.getPdbx_auth_seq_align_beg()); int seqend = Integer.parseInt(sref.getPdbx_auth_seq_align_end()); Character begin_ins_code = new Character(sref.getPdbx_seq_align_beg_ins_code().charAt(0)); Character end_ins_code = new Character(sref.getPdbx_seq_align_end_ins_code().charAt(0)); if (begin_ins_code == '?') begin_ins_code = ' '; if (end_ins_code == '?') end_ins_code = ' '; r.setSeqBegin(seqbegin); r.setInsertBegin(begin_ins_code); r.setSeqEnd(seqend); r.setInsertEnd(end_ins_code); int dbseqbegin = Integer.parseInt(sref.getDb_align_beg()); int dbseqend = Integer.parseInt(sref.getDb_align_end()); Character db_begin_in_code = new Character(sref.getPdbx_db_align_beg_ins_code().charAt(0)); Character db_end_in_code = new Character(sref.getPdbx_db_align_end_ins_code().charAt(0)); if (db_begin_in_code == '?') db_begin_in_code = ' '; if (db_end_in_code == '?') db_end_in_code = ' '; r.setDbSeqBegin(dbseqbegin); r.setIdbnsBegin(db_begin_in_code); r.setDbSeqEnd(dbseqend); r.setIdbnsEnd(db_end_in_code); List dbrefs = structure.getDBRefs(); if ( dbrefs == null) dbrefs = new ArrayList(); dbrefs.add(r); if ( DEBUG) System.out.println(r.toPDB()); structure.setDBRefs(dbrefs); } private Chain getChainFromList(List chains, String name){ for (Chain chain : chains) { if ( chain.getName().equals(name)){ return chain; } } // does not exist yet, so create... Chain chain = new ChainImpl(); chain.setName(name); chains.add(chain); return chain; } private Chain getEntityChain(String entity_id){ return getChainFromList(entityChains,entity_id); } //private Chain getSeqResChain(String chainID){ // return getChainFromList(seqResChains, chainID); //} /** The EntityPolySeq object provide the amino acid sequence objects for the Entities. * Later on the entities are mapped to the BioJava Chain and Compound objects. * @param epolseq the EntityPolySeq record for one amino acid */ public void newEntityPolySeq(EntityPolySeq epolseq) { Entity e = getEntity(epolseq.getEntity_id()); if (e == null){ System.err.println("could not find entity "+ epolseq.getEntity_id()+". Can not match sequence to it."); return; } Chain entityChain = getEntityChain(epolseq.getEntity_id()); // create group from epolseq; // by default this are the SEQRES records... AminoAcid g = new AminoAcidImpl(); g.setRecordType(AminoAcid.SEQRESRECORD); try { g.setPDBName(epolseq.getMon_id()); Character code1 = StructureTools.convert_3code_1code(epolseq.getMon_id()); g.setAminoType(code1); g.setPDBCode(epolseq.getNum()); // ARGH at this stage we don;t know about insertion codes // this has to be obtained from _pdbx_poly_seq_scheme entityChain.addGroup(g); } catch (PDBParseException ex) { if ( StructureTools.isNucleotide(epolseq.getMon_id())) { // the group is actually a nucleotide group... NucleotideImpl n = new NucleotideImpl(); n.setPDBCode(epolseq.getNum()); entityChain.addGroup(n); } else { logger.warning(ex.getMessage()); //ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (IllegalSymbolException ex){ logger.warning(ex.getMessage()); //System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } /* returns the chains from all models that have the provided chainId * */ private List getChainsFromAllModels(String chainId){ List chains = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0 ; i < structure.nrModels();i++){ List model = structure.getModel(i); for (Chain c: model){ if (c.getName().equals(chainId)) { chains.add(c); } } } return chains; } /** finds the residue in the internal representation and fixes the residue number and insertion code * * @param ppss */ private void replaceGroupSeqPos(PdbxPolySeqScheme ppss){ if (ppss.getAuth_seq_num().equals("?")) return; // at this stage we are still using the internal asym ids... List matchinChains = getChainsFromAllModels(ppss.getAsym_id()); long sid = Long.parseLong(ppss.getSeq_id()); for (Chain c: matchinChains){ Group target = null; for (Group g: c.getAtomGroups()){ if ( g instanceof AminoAcidImpl){ AminoAcidImpl aa = (AminoAcidImpl)g; if (aa.getId() == sid ) { // found it: target = g; break; } } else if ( g instanceof NucleotideImpl) { NucleotideImpl n = (NucleotideImpl)g; if ( n.getId() == sid) { target = g; break; } } } if (target == null){ logger.info("could not find group at seq. position " + ppss.getSeq_id() + " in internal chain. " + ppss); continue; } if (! target.getPDBName().equals(ppss.getMon_id())){ logger.info("could not match PdbxPolySeqScheme to chain:" + ppss); continue; } // fix the residue number to the one used in the PDB files... String pdbResNum = ppss.getAuth_seq_num(); // check the insertion code... String insCode = ppss.getPdb_ins_code(); if ( ( insCode != null) && (! insCode.equals("."))){ pdbResNum += insCode; } target.setPDBCode(pdbResNum); } } public void newPdbxPolySeqScheme(PdbxPolySeqScheme ppss) { // replace the group asym ids with the real PDB ids! replaceGroupSeqPos(ppss); // merge the EntityPolySeq info and the AtomSite chains into one... //already known ignore: if (asymStrandId.containsKey(ppss.getAsym_id())) return; // this is one of the interal mmcif rules it seems... if ( ppss.getPdb_strand_id() == null) { asymStrandId.put(ppss.getAsym_id(), ppss.getAuth_mon_id()); return; } //System.out.println(ppss.getAsym_id() + " = " + ppss.getPdb_strand_id()); asymStrandId.put(ppss.getAsym_id(), ppss.getPdb_strand_id()); } public void newPdbxNonPolyScheme(PdbxNonPolyScheme ppss) { // merge the EntityPolySeq info and the AtomSite chains into one... //already known ignore: if (asymStrandId.containsKey(ppss.getAsym_id())) return; // this is one of the interal mmcif rules it seems... if ( ppss.getPdb_strand_id() == null) { asymStrandId.put(ppss.getAsym_id(), ppss.getAsym_id()); return; } asymStrandId.put(ppss.getAsym_id(), ppss.getPdb_strand_id()); } public void newPdbxEntityNonPoly(PdbxEntityNonPoly pen){ // TODO: do something with them... } public void newChemComp(ChemComp c) { // TODO: do something with them... } public void newGenericData(String category, List loopFields, List lineData) { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("unhandled category so far: " + category); } } }