package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.biojava.utils.AssertionFailure; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeListener; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeType; import org.biojava.utils.ChangeVetoException; /** *

* A suffix tree is an efficient method for encoding the frequencies * of motifs in a sequence. They are sometimes used to quickly screen * for similar sequences. For instance, all motifs of length up to * 2 in the sequence AAGT could be encoded as: *

* *
 * root(4)
 * |
 * A(2)--------G(1)-----T(1)
 * |           |
 * A(1)--G(1)  T(1)

* It supports addition of elements both as String and SymbolList. They should * not be mixed together. The strings are also terminated internally, so it is * possible to go and add more than one string to the suffix tree. *


* Some more work need to be done on how data should be generated from this * class. If you need something that's not in there, please e-mail the list at * and I'll add it in there. *<\p> * @author Francois Pepin * @version 1.3 */ public class UkkonenSuffixTree{ public static final char DEFAULT_TERM_CHAR ='$'; private char terminationChar; SuffixNode root; public static final int TO_A_LEAF = -1; private int e; private CharSequence sequences; /** Describes the rule that needs to be applied after walking down a tree. Put as a class variable because it can only return a single object (and I don't want to extend Node any further. * rule 1: ended up at a leaf. * rule 2: need to extend an internalNode. * rule 3: would split an edge. * rule 4: ended up in the middle of an edge. * rule 5: ended up at an InternalNode * * Production 5 counts as rule 4 when adding a sequence, but the rules are also used to when searching the tree. */ private int rule; /** Initializes a new UkkonenSuffixTree instance. */ public UkkonenSuffixTree(){ terminationChar = DEFAULT_TERM_CHAR; root = new SimpleNode(); e=0; sequences = ""; } public UkkonenSuffixTree(String seqs){ this(); addSequence(seqs, "unnamed", false); } public UkkonenSuffixTree(FiniteAlphabet alpha){ this(); } public void addSymbolList(SymbolList list, String name, boolean doNotTerminate) throws IllegalSymbolException{ if (!doNotTerminate) list = new TerminatedSymbolList(list); CharSequence seq =new SymbolListCharSequence(list); System.out.println("Adding symbol list " + seq.toString()); //if (!doNotTerminate) //if(!doNotTerminate) // seq = seq+terminationChar; addPreppedSequence(seq); } /** * Add a sequence into the tree. If there are more sequences, they should be separated by a terminationChar ($ by default). If none exist, it is assumed that there is only 1 continuous sequence to be added. * @param seq the sequence/sequences to be added into the tree. * @param doNotTerminate whether we should terminate the sequence if it's non-terminated. */ public void addSequence(String seq, String name, boolean doNotTerminate){ int i; int start, end; ArrayList toBeAdded = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator; String subseq; if (seq==null||seq.length()==0) return; //terminate the String if it's not terminated. if(!doNotTerminate&&seq.charAt(seq.length()-1)!=terminationChar) seq = seq+terminationChar; //count how many termination Chars in in. start =0; for (i=0;seq.indexOf(terminationChar, i)!=-1;i=seq.indexOf(terminationChar, i)+1){ start=i; end=seq.indexOf(terminationChar, i); toBeAdded.add(seq.substring(start,end+1)); } iterator = toBeAdded.iterator(); i=0; while (iterator.hasNext()){ subseq=(String); addPreppedSequence(subseq); i++; } } /** Add a single sequence into the tree. * * @param seq a String value */ private void addPreppedSequence(CharSequence seq){ int i, gammaStart; int j=0; SuffixNode oldNode=null, newNode; SuffixNode currentNode; boolean canLinkJump = false; //Puts i at the end of the previous sequences i = sequences.length(); j=i; sequences= sequences.toString()+seq.toString(); currentNode = root; //phase i for (; irule variable can be used to check where the walk * stopped. Note that rule 3 means that the string used to walk down the * tree does not match (which is a bit different from the construction * where rule 3 implies that only the last character doesn't match. *

* The String is encoded as a substring of a given source. This is done to * avoid replicating the string. To send walk down the string * x from the root, one would call walkTo(root,x,0,x.length()). * * @param starting the root of the subtree we're walking down form. * @param source a superstring that contains the string we're using to * walking down. source.subtring(from,to) should give the string we're * walking down from. * @param from the start position (inclusive) of the target string in the * source. * @param to the end position (exclusive) of the target string in the node. * @return a SuffixNode that the walk stopped at. If the walk * stopped inside an edge. (check the rule variable to see where it stopped). */ public SuffixNode walkTo(SuffixNode starting, String source, int from, int to){ SuffixNode currentNode; SuffixNode arrivedAt; CharSequence edgeLabel; currentNode=starting; arrivedAt=starting; while (from=to-from){ if (edgeLabel.equals(source.substring(from,to))){ //rule 1 or 5, if (arrivedAt.isTerminal()) rule=1; else rule=5; } if (edgeLabel.subSequence(0, to-from).equals(source.substring(from,to))) rule=4; else rule=3; from=to; } else if (source.subSequence(from,from+edgeLabel.length()) .equals(edgeLabel)) { from+=edgeLabel.length(); currentNode=arrivedAt; } else{ rule=3; from=to; } } return arrivedAt; } /** * Just like walkTo, but faster when used during tree construction, as it * assumes that a mismatch can only occurs with the last character of the * target string. * * @param starting the root of the subtree we're walking down form. * @param source a superstring that contains the string we're using to * walking down. source.subtring(from,to) should give the string we're * walking down from. * @param from the start position (inclusive) of the target string in the * source. * @param to the end position (exclusive) of the target string in the node. * @return a SuffixNode that the walk stopped at. If the walk * stopped inside an edge. (check the rule variable to see where it * stopped). */ public SuffixNode jumpTo(SuffixNode starting, CharSequence source, int from, int to){ SuffixNode currentNode; SuffixNode arrivedAt; boolean canGoDown = true; int edgeLength; int original=from; SuffixNode originalNode=starting; currentNode=starting; arrivedAt=starting; rule=0; if (from==to){ rule=5; return starting; } while (canGoDown){ // if (source.substring(from, to).equals("CAGCG")) // System.out.println(to+" here to "+source.substring(from, to)+" "+(i++)); if (currentNode.isTerminal()){ System.out.println("ARRGH! at "+source.subSequence(original, to)+ "("+from+","+original+","+to+ ") from "+getLabel(originalNode)); //Something truly awful happened if this line is ever reached. //This bug should be dead, but it it came back from the dead a couple //of times already. } arrivedAt=(SuffixNode)currentNode.children.get( new Character(source.charAt(from))); if (arrivedAt==null){ canGoDown=false; arrivedAt=currentNode; rule=2; break; } edgeLength = getEdgeLength(arrivedAt); if (edgeLength>=to-from){ int after = getPathEnd(arrivedAt)-getEdgeLength(arrivedAt)+to-from-1; if (sequences.charAt(after)== source.charAt(to-1)){ if (getEdgeLength(arrivedAt)==to-from){ if (arrivedAt.isTerminal()) rule=1; else rule=5; } else rule=4; } else rule=3; canGoDown=false; break; } from+=edgeLength; currentNode=arrivedAt; }//while canGoDOwn return arrivedAt; } /****************************************************************** * Tree navigation methods ******************************************************************/ protected int getEdgeLength(SuffixNode child){ int parentLength, childLength; SuffixNode parent; if (child==root) return 0; parent=child.parent; parentLength = getPathLength(parent); childLength = getPathLength(child); if (childLength-parentLength<=0){ System.out.println("negative length "+(childLength-parentLength)); System.out.println(getLabel(child)+","+getLabel(parent)); } return childLength-parentLength; } protected CharSequence getEdgeLabel(SuffixNode child){ return sequences.subSequence( child.labelStart+ (getPathLength(child)-getEdgeLength(child)), (child.labelEnd==TO_A_LEAF)? e:child.labelEnd); } protected int getPathLength(SuffixNode node){ return getPathEnd(node)-node.labelStart; } protected int getPathEnd(SuffixNode node){ return node.labelEnd==TO_A_LEAF?e:node.labelEnd; } protected CharSequence getLabel(SuffixNode node){ if (node==root) return "root"; else return sequences.subSequence( node.labelStart, (node.labelEnd==TO_A_LEAF)?e:node.labelEnd).toString(); } protected ArrayList getAllNodes(SuffixNode root, ArrayList list, boolean leavesOnly){ Iterator iterator; if (list==null) list= new ArrayList(); if (!leavesOnly||(leavesOnly&&root.isTerminal())) list.add(root); if (!root.isTerminal()){ iterator = root.children.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) list=getAllNodes((SuffixNode), list, leavesOnly); } return list; } public void printTree(){ ArrayList allNodes = getAllNodes(root, null, false); for (int i=0;i * Note that this only happens at the terminated node (if the sequences * have been terminated. * * @return true if and only if this node has no children. */ abstract public boolean isTerminal(); /** * Determine if this node has a child corresponding to a given character * * @param i the first Character of the edge coming down this node. * @return true if the node has a child going down from that character, * false otherwise */ abstract public boolean hasChild(Character i); /** Gets the child of of a node that is coming down from that particular * node. It returns null if no child exists or if no child exists starting * on that particular character. * * @param i the first Character of the edge coming down this node * @return the appropriate child SuffixNode, or null if it * doesn't exists. */ abstract SuffixNode getChild(Character i); //abstract void addChild(SuffixTree tree, int i, SuffixNode n); /** * Returns the parent of this node, null if it's the root. * * @return the parent of this node, null if it's the root. */ abstract SuffixNode getParent(); } class SimpleNode extends SuffixNode{ //static final int A_LEAF=-1; //SuffixNode parent; //SuffixNode suffixLink; //int labelStart, labelEnd; //HashMap children; //int[] additionalLabels; /** Creates a root */ public SimpleNode(){ parent=null; suffixLink=null; labelStart=0; labelEnd=0; children=new HashMap(); additionalLabels=null; } /** creates a leaf * @param parent the parent node * @param position the starting value of the suffix */ public SimpleNode(SuffixNode parent, int position){ this(); this.parent=parent; labelStart=position; labelEnd = A_LEAF; children=null; //checkParent(this); } /** creates an internal node * @param parent the parent of this node * @param labelStart the starting point of the path label * @param labelStop the ending point of the path label */ public SimpleNode(SuffixNode parent, int labelStart, int labelStop){ this(); this.parent=parent; this.labelStart=labelStart; this.labelEnd=labelStop; //checkParent(this); } public boolean isTerminal(){return children==null;} public boolean hasChild(Character x){return getChild(x)!=null;} public SuffixNode getChild(Character x){ return (children==null)?null:(SuffixNode)children.get(x); } public SuffixNode getParent(){return parent;} } public boolean subStringExists(String str) { walkTo(root, str, 0, str.length()); return (rule==1||rule==4||rule==5); } /** * Stupid little wrapper to put a termination symbol at the end. A sublist * that doesn't include the termination symbol will have the same alphabet as * the original, one that does will have an alphabet that includes the * termination symbol. * * Now includes some ugly hacks by Thomas Down to make ambiguities work * nicer. * */ private class TerminatedSymbolList implements SymbolList { private SymbolList unterminated; final Symbol TERMINATION_SYMBOL; private AbstractAlphabet alpha; private Map translationTable = new HashMap(); public TerminatedSymbolList(SymbolList unterminated) { this.unterminated=unterminated; TERMINATION_SYMBOL = AlphabetManager.createSymbol("Termination"); FiniteAlphabet oldAlphabet = (FiniteAlphabet)unterminated.getAlphabet(); // Set set = AlphabetManager.getAllSymbols(oldAlphabet); Set set = new HashSet(); for (Iterator i = oldAlphabet.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { set.add(; } set.add(TERMINATION_SYMBOL); alpha = new SimpleAlphabet(set); CharacterTokenization tokenizer =new CharacterTokenization(alpha, true); tokenizer.bindSymbol(TERMINATION_SYMBOL, DEFAULT_TERM_CHAR); SymbolTokenization sToke; try{ sToke = oldAlphabet.getTokenization("token"); } catch (BioException be){ throw new BioError("Internal error: failed to get SymbolTokenization for SymbolList alphabet", be); } if (sToke.getTokenType() != SymbolTokenization.CHARACTER) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only FiniteAlphabets using a char token are supported by UkkonenSuffixTree"); try{ for (Iterator i= AlphabetManager.getAllSymbols(oldAlphabet).iterator();i.hasNext();){ Symbol oldSymbol = (Symbol); Symbol newSymbol; if (oldSymbol instanceof AtomicSymbol) { // The atomic symbols are identical between the two alphabets newSymbol = oldSymbol; } else { // Port ambiguous symbols across Set s = new HashSet(); for (Iterator si = ((FiniteAlphabet) oldSymbol.getMatches()).iterator(); si.hasNext(); ) { s.add(; } newSymbol = alpha.getAmbiguity(s); } //takes first char of String, should work because we checked //getTokenType above char c = sToke.tokenizeSymbol(oldSymbol).charAt(0); // System.err.println("Binding " + c); tokenizer.bindSymbol(newSymbol, c); translationTable.put(oldSymbol, newSymbol); } //This is really hacky, ambiguous symbols containing //TERMINATION_SYMBOL are impossible at this point, so I just define //the Tokenization to treat them as TERMINATION_SYMBOL so that the //code that likes to loop through doesn't go titty up. for (Iterator i= AlphabetManager.getAllSymbols(alpha).iterator();i.hasNext();){ Symbol s = (Symbol); Alphabet mathes = s.getMatches(); if (mathes.contains(TERMINATION_SYMBOL)) tokenizer.bindSymbol(s,DEFAULT_TERM_CHAR); } }catch(IllegalSymbolException ise){ throw new AssertionFailure("Assertion Failure: This alphabet has been custom made so this doesn't happen",ise); } alpha.putTokenization("token", tokenizer); } // Implementation of org.biojava.utils.Changeable public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener, ChangeType changeType) { unterminated.addChangeListener(changeListener,changeType); } public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener) { unterminated.addChangeListener(changeListener); } public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener, ChangeType changeType) { unterminated.removeChangeListener(changeListener,changeType); } public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener) { unterminated.removeChangeListener(changeListener); } public boolean isUnchanging(ChangeType changeType) { return unterminated.isUnchanging(changeType); } // Implementation of public int length() { return unterminated.length()+1; } public Iterator iterator() { return unterminated.iterator(); } public SymbolList subList(int n, int n1) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { List list; if (n1!=unterminated.length()+1) return unterminated.subList(n,n1); else{ list = unterminated.subList(n,n1-1).toList(); list.add(TERMINATION_SYMBOL); try{ return new SimpleSymbolList(getAlphabet(),list); } catch(IllegalSymbolException e){ throw new AssertionFailure("Assertion Failure: This alphabet was created just so it doesn't do this",e); } } } public Alphabet getAlphabet() { return alpha; } public Symbol symbolAt(int n) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { if (n!=length()) return (Symbol) translationTable.get(unterminated.symbolAt(n)); else return TERMINATION_SYMBOL; } public List toList() { List answer = unterminated.toList(); answer.add(TERMINATION_SYMBOL); return answer; } public String seqString() { try{ SymbolTokenization toke = getAlphabet().getTokenization("token"); return unterminated.seqString()+toke.tokenizeSymbol(TERMINATION_SYMBOL); } catch (BioException ex) { throw new BioRuntimeException("Couldn't tokenize sequence", ex); } } public String subStr(int n, int n1) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { return subList(n, n1).seqString(); } /** * Describe edit method here. * * @param edit an Edit value * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if an error occurs * @exception IllegalAlphabetException if an error occurs * @exception ChangeVetoException if an error occurs */ public void edit(Edit edit) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalAlphabetException, ChangeVetoException { throw new ChangeVetoException("TerminatedSymbolList is immutable"); } } }