package org.biojava.utils.regex; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A utility class to make searching a Sequence with many regex patterns * easier. * @author David Huen * @since 1.4 */ public class Search { /** * Interface for a class that will recieve match information * from this class. */ public interface Listener { /** * @param seq Sequence on which the search was conducted. * @param pattern Pattern object used to conduct search. * @param start start coordinate of match. * @param end end of match plus one. * @return if false, it indicates the Listener will not accept further data. */ public boolean reportMatch(SymbolList seq, Pattern pattern, int start, int end); } private class PatternInfo { private String patternString; private Pattern pattern = null; private Matcher matcher = null; private boolean overlap; public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof PatternInfo) { PatternInfo other = (PatternInfo) o; return patternString.equals(other.patternString); } else return false; } public int hashCode() { return patternString.hashCode(); } } private Listener listener = null; private PatternFactory factory; private Set patterns = new HashSet(); public Search(FiniteAlphabet alfa) { factory = PatternFactory.makeFactory(alfa); } public void setListener(Listener listener) { this.listener = listener; } /** * add a search pattern to the searches to be conducted * by this object. * @param patternString String representation of the pattern. * @param overlap if true, the search continues at the base following the start to the previous hit. * If false, it continues at the base after the existing hit. * @throws RegexException if the requested pattern is not valid * @throws IllegalAlphabetException if the requested pattern is not valid */ public void addPattern(String patternString, boolean overlap) throws RegexException, IllegalAlphabetException { Pattern pattern = factory.compile(patternString); PatternInfo info = new PatternInfo(); info.patternString = patternString; info.pattern = pattern; info.overlap = overlap; patterns.add(info); } /** * add a search pattern to the searches to be conducted * by this object. * @param patternString String representation of the pattern. * @param overlap if true, the search continues at the base following the start to the previous hit. * If false, it continues at the base after the existing hit. * @throws RegexException if the requested pattern is not valid * @throws IllegalAlphabetException if the requested pattern is not valid */ public void addPattern(String label, String patternString, boolean overlap) throws RegexException, IllegalAlphabetException { Pattern pattern = factory.compile(patternString, label); PatternInfo info = new PatternInfo(); info.patternString = patternString; info.pattern = pattern; info.overlap = overlap; patterns.add(info); } /** * remove all patterns from the pattern cache. */ public void clearPatterns() { patterns.clear(); } public char charValue(Symbol sym) throws IllegalSymbolException { return factory.charValue(sym); } /** * search the Sequence with the patterns already registered with this object. */ public void search(SymbolList seq) { search(seq, 1, seq.length()); } /** * search part of the SymbolList with the patterns already registered with this object. * @param loLimit low limit of search range. * @param hiLimit high limit of search range. */ public void search(SymbolList seq, int loLimit, int hiLimit) { for (Iterator patternsI = patterns.iterator(); patternsI.hasNext(); ) { PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo); if (info.matcher == null) { info.matcher = info.pattern.matcher(seq); } else { info.matcher = info.matcher.reset(seq); } // now exhaustively search the sequence int begin = loLimit; while (info.matcher.find(begin)) { // got a hit int start = info.matcher.start(); int end = info.matcher.end(); if ((listener != null) && (start <= hiLimit)) if (!listener.reportMatch(seq, info.pattern, start, end)) return; // compute where next search begins if (info.overlap) begin = start + 1; else begin = end; if (begin >= hiLimit) break; } } } }