package ssbind; import java.util.*; import org.biojava.utils.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; /** *

* This filter intercepts the querySequence and subjectSequence events to build * an alignment. *

* *

* It will collect up the sequence information per sub hit, and then pass on a * newly built alignment object with labels AlignmentBuilder.QUERY and * AlignmentBuilder.SUBJECT under the event key AlignmentBuilder.ALIGNMEMT. *

* *


* *
 * java ProcessBlastReport blast.out ssbind.AlignmentBuilder ssbind.Echoer
* * @author Matthew Pocock */ public class AlignmentBuilder extends SearchContentFilter { public static final Object QUERY = AlignmentBuilder.class.toString() + ".QUERY"; public static final Object SUBJECT = AlignmentBuilder.class.toString() + ".SUBJECT"; public static final Object ALIGNMENT = AlignmentBuilder.class.toString() + ".ALIGNMENT"; private SymbolList querySequence; private SymbolList subjectSequence; public void addSubHitProperty(Object key, Object val) { try { if("querySequence".equals(key)) { querySequence = DNATools.createDNA((String) val); } else if("subjectSequence".equals(key)) { subjectSequence = DNATools.createDNA((String) val); } else { super.addSubHitProperty(key, val); } } catch (IllegalSymbolException ise) { throw new BioError(ise); } } public void endSubHit() { // build alignment Map seqMap = new SmallMap(); seqMap.put(QUERY, querySequence); seqMap.put(SUBJECT, subjectSequence); super.addSubHitProperty(ALIGNMENT, new SimpleAlignment(seqMap)); super.endSubHit(); } public AlignmentBuilder(SearchContentHandler delegate) { super(delegate); } }