package ssbind; import*; /** *

* Echo the event stream to stdout with prety indenting. *

* *

* This class is most useful to check that your parsing is working. You can use * an Echoer as the last handler in a chain of filters, or attach it directly * to the parser. It is an instructive way to work out what events are being * fired when, and with what properties attached. *

* * @author Matthew Pocock */ public class Echoer implements SearchContentHandler { private int indentDepth = 0; private String indentPrefix = ""; private boolean moreSearches = false; public void indent() { indentDepth++; createPrefix(); } public void outdent() { indentDepth--; createPrefix(); } public String getPrefix() { return indentPrefix; } private void createPrefix() { indentPrefix = ""; for(int i = 0; i < indentDepth; i++) { indentPrefix += " "; } } public void addHitProperty(Object key, Object value) { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "hit property: " + key.getClass() + " " + key + " -> " + value.getClass() + " " + value); } public void addSearchProperty(Object key, Object value) { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "search property: " + key.getClass() + " " + key + " -> " + value.getClass() + " " + value); } public void addSubHitProperty(Object key, Object value) { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "subhit property: " + key.getClass() + " " + key + " -> " + value.getClass() + " " + value); } public void startHeader() { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "header:"); indent(); } public void endHeader() { outdent(); } public void startHit() { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "hit:"); indent(); } public void endHit() { outdent(); } public void startSearch() { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "search"); indent(); } public void endSearch() { outdent(); } public void startSubHit() { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "sub hit:"); indent(); } public void endSubHit() { outdent(); } public boolean getMoreSearches() { return moreSearches; } public void setMoreSearches(boolean val) { this.moreSearches = val; } public void setQuerySeq(String seqID) { setQueryID(seqID); } public void setSubjectDB(String dbID) { setDatabaseID(dbID); } public void setQueryID(String queryID) { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "query sequence: " + queryID); } public void setDatabaseID(String databaseID) { System.out.println(getPrefix() + "subject db: " + databaseID); } }