/* * CommandThread.java * * Created on January 6, 2010, 4:12 PM * * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.biolegato.database.fields; import org.biopcd.parser.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.turtleshell.Turtle; /** * Class used for making abstract actions which launch threads. ** * @author Graham Alvare * @author Brian Fristensky */ public class DBCommandThread implements ActionListener, Runnable { /** * A result set for the current dataset entry. * The mapings within the result set are as follows: * * The key is what we will search for when we do a string replace of the command string * This is what we perform when we modify the command string, replacing the values of * keys with the values of their associated fields. For example, in the case of: * * numseq $START $END in1 ...... * * 'in1', '$START' and '$END' would be valid keys within the result set. These keys will * then be mapped to the fields from which values would be obtained. For instance, * if the field for '$START' is set to 10, and the field for '$END' is set to 20, * then the command would be as follows: * * numseq 10 20 bio1431242.tmp ..... * * Note that 'in1' also gets replaced; however, it is not visible. This is because, * in this example, 'in1' is a "file field". These are objects which create files based * on the data within the canvas, and the data selected by the user. This data gets passed * to the program through a file (in this case 'bio1431242.tmp'). * * It is important to note that some file fields can also capture data obtained from * running a program, and pass that program into BioLegato. To find out more about * how such file fields work, please look at "TempFile.java" and any additional menu * documentation. */ private Map fields = null; /** * The action to perform. * * Note that this command may contain variables which will be handled by the * 'fields' result set. Please see the commenting for the variable 'fields' * for more information. */ private String command = null; /** * Whether to use the Turtle Shell or the system's native shell for running the command. */ private boolean turtle = true; /** * This constant is used for serialization */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7526472295622777001L; /** * Determines the shell to execute, if we are not using Turtleshell */ private static final String SHELL = (System.getenv("BL_SHELL") != null ? System.getenv("BL_SHELL") : (PCD.CURRENT_OS == PCD.OS.WINDOWS_9X ? "command.com" : (PCD.CURRENT_OS == PCD.OS.WINDOWS_NT ? "cmd.exe" : "/bin/sh"))); /** * Determines the parameter for directing the shell to execute a command, * if we are not using Turtleshell */ private static final String SHELL_EXEC_PARAM = (System.getenv("BL_SHELL_PARAM") != null ? System.getenv("BL_SHELL_PARAM") : (PCD.CURRENT_OS.isWindows() ? "/C" : "-c")); /** * Whether to operate in debug mode */ private boolean debug; /** * Creates a new instance of CommandThread. * * This version of the constructor should be used if there are no command * variables that need to be handled within the command string. ** * See 'fields' variable for more information about command line variables. ** * @param command the command for the thread to run * @param turtle whether to use the Turtle Shell or the system's native shell for running the command. */ public DBCommandThread(String command, boolean turtle) { this(command, null, turtle); } /** * Creates a new instance of CommandThread. ** * Please note that this version of the command thread constructor takes * a result set called 'fields'. * * Here is a brief overview of how 'fields' works: * A result set containing mapings for all of the fields. * The mapings within the result set are as follows: * * The key is what we will search for when we do a string replace of the command string * This is what we perform when we modify the command string, replacing the values of * keys with the values of their associated fields. For example, in the case of: * * numseq $START $END in1 ...... * * 'in1', '$START' and '$END' would be valid keys within the result set. These keys will * then be mapped to the fields from which values would be obtained. For instance, * if the field for '$START' is set to 10, and the field for '$END' is set to 20, * then the command would be as follows: * * numseq 10 20 bio1431242.tmp ..... * * Note that 'in1' also gets replaced; however, it is not visible. This is because, * in this example, 'in1' is a "file field". These are objects which create files based * on the data within the canvas, and the data selected by the user. This data gets passed * to the program through a file (in this case 'bio1431242.tmp'). * * It is important to note that some file fields can also capture data obtained from * running a program, and pass that program into BioLegato. To find out more about * how such file fields work, please look at "TempFile.java" and any additional menu * documentation. ** * @param command the command for the thread to run * @param fields a result set used for mapping command line variables (see above). * @param turtle whether to use the Turtle Shell or the system's native shell for running the command. */ public DBCommandThread(String command, Map fields, boolean turtle) { this.command = command; this.fields = fields; this.turtle = turtle; } /** * Runs the command. ** * A fairly straightforward method; this method runs the 'run' method * as a separate thread. Please see the 'run' method for more information. ** * @param e ignored by this function */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { new Thread(this).start(); } /** * Used for running the command. ** * This function gathers all of the parameter settings from the fields, * then generates and executes the corresponding command string. */ public void run() { String run = command; if (fields != null && !fields.isEmpty()) { // handle some degree of recursion (i.e. a variable as a value of a variable) for (int count = 0; count < 3; count++) { run = traverseTree(run, fields); } run = DBCommandThread.unquote(run); } if (turtle) { shellCommand(run, ""); } else { // execute the program and collect program output Turtle.shellCommand(run); } } /** * Parses the command string, find all of the variable markings (%VAR_NAME%), * and replace them with their corresponding variable values. * * This method is called just before executing a command (via. a run button) ** * @param fields the result set (as a map) containing all of the fields to parse * @return the processed command string */ private String traverseTree(String run, Map map) { if (PCD.debug) { System.out.println("Replacing command line arguments"); } for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry != null && entry.getValue() != null) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { run = run.replaceAll("(?i:" + Pattern.quote("%" + entry.getKey() + "%") + ")", Matcher.quoteReplacement(entry.getValue().toString())); } else { run = run.replaceAll("(?i:" + Pattern.quote("%" + entry.getKey() + "%") + ")", Matcher.quoteReplacement("")); } } } return run; } /** * Quotes a string, so it will not be modified by replaceArguments ** * @param str the string to add quotation to * @return the quoted string */ public static String quote(String str) { return str.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("%"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("%%")); } /** * Removes quotations added to a string by the 'quote' method ** * @param str the string to remove quotation from * @return the "unquoted" string */ public static String unquote(String str) { return str.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("%%"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("%")); } /** * Runs simple shell commands. * Reroutes all output to the console. ** * @param cmd the command string to run * @param data the data to use as standard input (System.in) */ public static void shellCommand(String cmd, String data) { Process process = null; // the process object obtained on execution StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); // used for printing debug information String[] execute = new String[]{cmd}; // default case - run the command by itself /* Ensures that the command will be executed properly as a shell command *

This function generates a command list for execution. The command list will contain * the appropriate shell for the current operating system, followed by the "execution-argument", * (whatever flag is required to tell the shell that the rest of the commandline should be executed * by the shell), followed by the command to execute (the variable cmd)


Operating system values obtained from http://lopica.sourceforge.net/os.html

*/ // builds the execution array if (SHELL != null) { // if there is a shell for the current operating system, execute the command through the shell if (SHELL_EXEC_PARAM != null) { execute = new String[]{SHELL, SHELL_EXEC_PARAM, cmd}; } else { execute = new String[]{SHELL, cmd}; } } // relay the command string the message system System.err.println("BioPCD: executing - " + cmd); // obtain the process object for the command try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execute); // ensure the process object is not null if (process != null) { // passes any data to the program via standard in if (data != null) { (new OutputStreamWriter(process.getOutputStream())).write( data); } // output the program's stdin and stderr to the command prompt new Thread(new StreamCopier(StreamCopier.DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE, process.getInputStream(), System.out)).start(); new Thread(new StreamCopier(StreamCopier.DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE, process.getErrorStream(), System.out)).start(); // display the command's result if debug is enabled System.err.println("BioPCD: Command executed successfully, return status: " + process.waitFor()); } } catch (Throwable e) { // if there are any errors, print them to the error prompt System.err.println("BioLegato: error executing command!"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } }