/* @(#)panel_impl.h 20.90 93/06/28 SMI */ /* * (c) Copyright 1989 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun design patents * pending in the U.S. and foreign countries. See LEGAL_NOTICE * file for terms of the license. */ #ifndef panel_impl_defined #define panel_impl_defined #ifndef FILE #if !defined(SVR4) && !defined(__linux__) #undef NULL #endif /* SVR4 */ #include #endif /* FILE */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef OW_I18N #include #endif /* OW_I18N */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* panels and panel_items are both of type Xv_panel_or_item so that we * can pass them to common routines. */ #define PANEL_PRIVATE(p) XV_PRIVATE(Panel_info, Xv_panel, p) #define PANEL_PUBLIC(panel) XV_PUBLIC(panel) #define rect_copy(to, from) to.r_left = from.r_left; \ to.r_top = from.r_top; \ to.r_width = from.r_width; \ to.r_height = from.r_height; #define set(value) ((value) != -1) #define PANEL_MORE_TEXT_WIDTH 16 #define PANEL_MORE_TEXT_HEIGHT 14 #define PANEL_PULLDOWN_MENU_WIDTH 16 #define PANEL_PULLDOWN_MENU_HEIGHT 8 #define PANEL_SEL_PRIMARY 0 #define PANEL_SEL_SECONDARY 1 #define PANEL_SEL_CLIPBOARD 2 #define NBR_PANEL_SELECTIONS 3 /* structures */ /***************************** panel **************************************/ /* *** NOTE: The first three fields of the panel_info struct must match those * of the item_info struct, since these are used interchangably in some * routines. */ typedef struct panel_info { /**** DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OR PLACEMENT OF THESE THREE FIELDS ****/ Panel_ops ops; /* panel specific operations */ unsigned int flags; /* default item flags */ /* N.B.: panel->flags uses the "Item status flags" definitions * found in "item_impl.h". */ Panel public_self; /* back pointer to object */ /**** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ****/ int active_caret_ascent; int active_caret_height; int active_caret_width; struct { Atom delete; Atom length; Atom null; Atom secondary; Atom selection_end; Atom seln_yield; #ifdef OW_I18N Atom compound_text; Atom length_chars; #endif /* OW_I18N */ } atom; Xv_Font bold_font; #ifdef OW_I18N XFontSet bold_fontset_id; #else Font bold_font_xid; #endif /* OW_I18N */ int caret; /* current caret character index */ int caret_ascent; /* # of pixels above baseline */ Pixmap caret_bg_pixmap; /* used to restore the pixels * underneath the caret */ int caret_height; int caret_on; /* caret is painted */ int caret_width; Xv_opaque client_data; /* for client use */ Item_info *current; int current_col_x; /* left position of current column */ Cursor cursor; /* panel's default (basic) cursor */ Panel_item default_item; Item_info *default_drop_site_item; int drag_threshold; /* # of pixels the mouse may move with a button down and still be * considered a click. If it moves more than this, it is considered * to be a press-drag-release gesture instead of a click. Drag-and-drop * is initiated after the mouse is dragged 'drag_threshold' pixels. * Default is 5. */ int duplicate_shiftmask; /* Event shiftmask for DUPLICATE modifier key. Default is CTRLMASK. */ int (*event_proc)(); int extra_height; int extra_width; Xv_Window focus_pw; /* Current or last input focus paint window. (The * panel->status.has_input_focus flag indicates whether * the panel currently has the input focus.) Initially, * focus_pw is set to the first paint window created. */ Graphics_info *ginfo; /* olgx graphics information */ int h_margin; /* horizontal margin */ int inactive_caret_ascent; int inactive_caret_height; int inactive_caret_width; int item_x; int item_x_offset; int item_y; int item_y_offset; Item_info *items; Item_info *last_item; Item_info *kbd_focus_item;/* panel item with the keyboard focus */ Panel_setting layout; /* HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL */ int (*layout_proc)(); /* interposed window layout proc */ int lowest_bottom; /* lowest bottom of any item */ int max_item_y; /* lowest item on row ??? */ int multiclick_timeout; /* in msec */ int no_redisplay_item; /* Don't call panel_redisplay_item * from item_set_generic */ Panel_paint_window *paint_window; Item_info *primary_focus_item; /* current or last panel item * that is/was a primary * (First-Class) focus item */ Panel_setting repaint; /* default repaint behavior */ int (*repaint_proc)(); int rightmost_right; /* rightmost right of any item */ Item_info *sel_holder[NBR_PANEL_SELECTIONS]; #ifdef OW_I18N _xv_pswcs_t clipboard; /* none sel_item version of clipb */ #else Selection_item sel_item[NBR_PANEL_SELECTIONS]; #endif Selection_owner sel_owner[NBR_PANEL_SELECTIONS]; Atom sel_rank[NBR_PANEL_SELECTIONS]; Selection_requestor sel_req; Panel_status status; Xv_Font std_font; /* standard font */ #ifdef OW_I18N XFontSet std_fontset_id; #else Font std_font_xid; #endif /* OW_I18N */ struct itimerval timer_full; /* initial secs & usecs */ int v_margin; /* vertical margin */ #ifdef OW_I18N XIC ic; Item_info *preedit_item; /* panel item with the keyboard focus */ XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct *preedit; /*Save full preedit information*/ Bool preedit_own_by_others; /* * When panel text being used by canvas for preedit * rendering, preedit data structure is owned by the * canvas, not panel. So that, panel should not free * the data structure upon destory (note, however, * panel still create the preedit data structure once * created, first canvas in the given frame will use * that data structure, see cnvs_view.c, * canvas_paint_set, XV_END_CREATE). */ #ifdef FULL_R5 XIMStyle xim_style; #endif /* FULL_R5 */ #endif /* OW_I18N */ int show_border; unsigned short old_width; unsigned short old_height; } Panel_info; #define PANEL_EACH_PAINT_WINDOW(panel, pw) \ {Panel_paint_window *_next; \ for (_next = (panel)->paint_window; _next != NULL; _next = _next->next) { \ (pw) = _next->pw; #define PANEL_END_EACH_PAINT_WINDOW }} /***********************************************************************/ /* external declarations of private variables */ /***********************************************************************/ Pkg_private Attr_attribute panel_context_key; Pkg_private Attr_attribute panel_pw_context_key; /***********************************************************************/ /* Pkg_private declarations of private functions */ /***********************************************************************/ Pkg_private void panel_accept_kbd_focus(); Pkg_private void panel_adjust_label_size(); Pkg_private void panel_append(); Pkg_private void panel_btn_accepted(); Pkg_private void panel_check_item_layout(); Pkg_private void panel_clear_item(); Pkg_private void panel_clear_pw_rect(); Pkg_private void panel_clear_rect(); Pkg_private int panel_col_to_x(); Pkg_private void panel_display(); Pkg_private Notify_value panel_default_event(); Pkg_private int panel_duplicate_key_is_down(); Pkg_private Rect panel_enclosing_rect(); Pkg_private int panel_erase_action(); Pkg_private void panel_find_default_xy(); Pkg_private int panel_fonthome(); Pkg_private void panel_free_image(); Pkg_private Xv_opaque panel_get_attr(); Pkg_private int panel_height(); Pkg_private void panel_image_set_font(); Pkg_private void panel_invert(); Pkg_private void panel_invert_polygon(); Pkg_private int panel_is_multiclick(); Pkg_private void panel_item_layout(); Pkg_private void panel_itimer_set(); Pkg_private struct pr_size panel_make_image(); Pkg_private int panel_navigation_action(); Pkg_private Item_info *panel_next_kbd_focus(); Pkg_private int panel_normalize_scroll(); Pkg_private Notify_value panel_notify_event(); Pkg_private Notify_value panel_notify_panel_event(); Pkg_private Notify_value panel_notify_view_event(); Pkg_private int panel_nullproc(); Pkg_private void panel_paint_image(); Pkg_private void panel_paint_svrim(); Pkg_private void panel_paint_text(); Pkg_private Item_info *panel_previous_kbd_focus(); Pkg_private int panel_printable_char(); Pkg_private void panel_pw_invert(); Pkg_private void panel_redisplay(); Pkg_private void panel_redisplay_item(); Pkg_private void panel_refont(); Pkg_private void panel_register_view(); Pkg_private int panel_resize(); Pkg_private int panel_round(); Pkg_private int panel_row_to_y(); Pkg_private void panel_sel_init(); Pkg_private Xv_opaque panel_set_avlist(); Pkg_private void panel_set_bold_label_font(); Pkg_private Panel_item panel_set_kbd_focus(); Pkg_private char *panel_strsave(); Pkg_private Item_info *panel_successor(); Pkg_private void panel_text_caret_on(); Pkg_private void panel_text_paint_label(); Pkg_private void panel_unlink(); Pkg_private void panel_update_extent(); Pkg_private void panel_update_scrollbars(); Pkg_private void panel_user_error(); Pkg_private int panel_viewable_height(); Pkg_private Rect *panel_viewable_rect(); Pkg_private int panel_viewable_width(); Pkg_private int panel_wants_focus(); Pkg_private int panel_width(); Pkg_private void panel_yield_kbd_focus(); Pkg_private void panel_autoscroll_start_itimer(); Pkg_private void panel_autoscroll_stop_itimer(); Pkg_private void panel_paint_border(); #ifdef OW_I18N Xv_private void ml_panel_display_interm(); Pkg_private void ml_panel_saved_caret(); Pkg_private void panel_implicit_commit(); Pkg_private wchar_t *panel_strsave_wc(); Xv_private void panel_preedit_display(); Xv_private void panel_text_start(); Xv_private void panel_text_draw(); Xv_private void panel_text_done(); #endif /* OW_I18N */ #endif