#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015, Daehwan Kim # # This file is part of HISAT 2. # # HISAT 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # HISAT 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with HISAT 2. If not, see . # import sys, subprocess import re from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType """ """ def reverse_complement(seq): result = "" for nt in seq: base = nt if nt == 'A': base = 'T' elif nt == 'a': base = 't' elif nt == 'C': base = 'G' elif nt == 'c': base = 'g' elif nt == 'G': base = 'C' elif nt == 'g': base = 'c' elif nt == 'T': base = 'A' elif nt == 't': base = 'a' result = base + result return result """ """ def read_genome(genome_file): chr_dic = {} chr_name, sequence = "", "" for line in genome_file: if line.startswith(">"): if chr_name and sequence: chr_dic[chr_name] = sequence chr_name = line.strip().split()[0][1:] sequence = "" else: sequence += line.strip() if chr_name and sequence: chr_dic[chr_name] = sequence return chr_dic """ Compare two variants [chr, pos, type, data, dic] """ def compare_vars(a, b): a_chr, a_pos, a_type, a_data = a[:4] b_chr, b_pos, b_type, b_data = b[:4] # daehwan - for debugging purposes if a_chr != b_chr: print a print b assert a_chr == b_chr if a_pos != b_pos: return a_pos - b_pos if a_type != b_type: if a_type == 'I': return -1 elif b_type == 'I': return 1 if a_type == 'S': return -1 else: return 1 if a_data < b_data: return -1 elif a_data > b_data: return 1 else: return 0 """ """ def compatible_vars(a, b): a_chr, a_pos, a_type, a_data = a[:4] b_chr, b_pos, b_type, b_data = b[:4] assert a_chr == b_chr assert a_pos <= b_pos if a_pos == b_pos: return False if a_type == 'D': if b_pos <= a_pos + a_data: return False return True """ """ def generate_haplotypes(snp_file, haplotype_file, vars, inter_gap, intra_gap, num_haplotypes): assert len(vars) > 0 # Sort variants and remove redundant variants vars = sorted(vars, cmp=compare_vars) tmp_vars = [] v = 0 while v < len(vars): var = vars[v] for v2 in range(v + 1, len(vars)): var2 = vars[v2] if compare_vars(var, var2) == 0: v += 1 else: assert compare_vars(var, var2) < 0 break tmp_vars.append(var) v += 1 vars = tmp_vars # Create new variant ID for variants with the same ID # e.g. same two variant ID, rs60160543, are split into rs60160543.0 and rs60160543.1 vars_count = {} for var in vars: id = var[4]["id"] if id not in vars_count: vars_count[id] = 0 vars_count[id] += 1 vars_duplicate = set() for id, count in vars_count.items(): if count <= 1: continue vars_duplicate.add(id) vars_count = {} for var in vars: id = var[4]["id"] if id not in vars_count: vars_count[id] = 0 else: vars_count[id] += 1 if id not in vars_duplicate: var[4]["id2"] = id else: var[4]["id2"] = "%s.%d" % (id, vars_count[id]) # variant compatibility vars_cmpt = [-1 for i in range(len(vars))] for v in range(len(vars)): var_chr, var_pos, var_type, var_data = vars[v][:4] if var_type == 'D': var_pos += (var_data - 1) for v2 in range(v + 1, len(vars)): if vars_cmpt[v2] >= 0: continue var2_chr, var2_pos = vars[v2][:2] if var_chr != var2_chr: break if var_pos + inter_gap < var2_pos: break vars_cmpt[v2] = v # Assign genotypes for those missing genotypes genotypes_list = [] for v in range(len(vars)): var = vars[v] var_dic = var[4] freq = var_dic["freq"] used = [False for i in range(100)] if vars_cmpt[v] >= 0: v2 = v - 1 while v2 >= vars_cmpt[v]: var2 = vars[v2] if not compatible_vars(var2, var) or \ freq >= 0.1: var2_dic = var2[4] assert "genotype" in var2_dic genotype_num = var2_dic["genotype"] used[genotype_num] = True v2 -= 1 assert False in used for i in range(len(used)): if not used[i]: var_dic["genotype"] = i break genotypes_list.append(var_dic["genotype"]) # Write SNPs into a file (.snp) for var in vars: chr, pos, type, data, var_dic = var varID = var_dic["id2"] if type == 'S': type = "single" elif type == 'D': type = "deletion" else: assert type == 'I' type = "insertion" print >> snp_file, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % \ (varID, type, chr, pos, data) # genotypes_list looks like # Var0: 0 # Var1: 0 # Var2: 1 # Var3: 2 # Get haplotypes from genotypes_list max_genotype_num = max(genotypes_list) haplotypes = ["" for i in range(max_genotype_num + 1)] for i in range(len(genotypes_list)): num = genotypes_list[i] if haplotypes[num] == "": haplotypes[num] = str(i) else: haplotypes[num] += ("#%d" % i) haplotypes = set(haplotypes) # haplotypes look like # '8#10#12#23', '8#12#23', '5#8#12#23#30' # Split some haplotypes that include large gaps inside def split_haplotypes(haplotypes): split_haplotypes = set() for haplotype in haplotypes: haplotype = haplotype.split('#') assert len(haplotype) > 0 if len(haplotype) == 1: split_haplotypes.add(haplotype[0]) continue prev_s, s = 0, 1 while s < len(haplotype): _, prev_locus, prev_type, prev_data, _ = vars[int(haplotype[s-1])] _, locus, type, data, _ = vars[int(haplotype[s])] prev_locus, locus = int(prev_locus), int(locus) if prev_type == 'D': prev_locus += (int(prev_data) - 1) if prev_locus + intra_gap < locus: split_haplotypes.add('#'.join(haplotype[prev_s:s])) prev_s = s s += 1 if s == len(haplotype): split_haplotypes.add('#'.join(haplotype[prev_s:s])) return split_haplotypes haplotypes2 = split_haplotypes(haplotypes) def cmp_haplotype(a, b): a = a.split('#') _, a1_locus, _, _, _ = vars[int(a[0])] _, a2_locus, a2_type, a2_data, _ = vars[int(a[-1])] a_begin, a_end = int(a1_locus), int(a2_locus) if a2_type == 'D': a_end += (int(a2_data) - 1) b = b.split('#') _, b1_locus, _, _, _ = vars[int(b[0])] _, b2_locus, b2_type, b2_data, _ = vars[int(b[-1])] b_begin, b_end = int(b1_locus), int(b2_locus) if b2_type == 'D': b_end += (int(b2_data) - 1) if a_begin != b_begin: return a_begin - b_begin return a_end - b_end haplotypes = sorted(list(haplotypes2), cmp=cmp_haplotype) # Write haplotypes for h_i in range(len(haplotypes)): h = haplotypes[h_i].split('#') chr, h1_locus, _, _, _ = vars[int(h[0])] _, h2_locus, h2_type, h2_data, _ = vars[int(h[-1])] h_begin, h_end = int(h1_locus), int(h2_locus) if h2_type == 'D': h_end += (int(h2_data) - 1) assert h_begin <= h_end h_new_begin = h_begin for h_j in reversed(range(0, h_i)): hc = haplotypes[h_j].split('#') _, hc_begin, hc_type, hc_data, _ = vars[int(hc[-1])] hc_begin = int(hc_begin) hc_end = hc_begin if hc_type == 'D': hc_end += (int(hc_data) - 1) if hc_end + inter_gap < h_begin: break if h_new_begin > hc_end: h_new_begin = hc_end assert h_new_begin <= h_begin h_add = [] for id in h: var_dic = vars[int(id)][4] h_add.append(var_dic["id2"]) print >> haplotype_file, "ht%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s" % \ (num_haplotypes, chr, h_new_begin, h_end, ','.join(h_add)) num_haplotypes += 1 return num_haplotypes """ """ def main(genome_file, snp_fname, base_fname, inter_gap, intra_gap, verbose, testset): # load genomic sequences chr_dic = read_genome(genome_file) if testset: ref_testset_file = open(base_fname + ".ref.testset.fa", "w") alt_testset_file = open(base_fname + ".alt.testset.fa", "w") snp_out_file = open(base_fname + ".snp", 'w') haplotype_out_file = open(base_fname + ".haplotype", 'w') # load SNPs snp_list = [] prev_chr, curr_right = "", -1 num_haplotypes = 0 if snp_fname.endswith(".gz"): snp_cmd = ["gzip", "-cd", snp_fname] else: snp_cmd = ["cat", snp_fname] snp_proc = subprocess.Popen(snp_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) ids_seen = set() for line in snp_proc.stdout: if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.strip() try: fields = line.split('\t') """ id, chr, start, end, rs_id, score, strand, refNCBI, refUCSC, observed, molType, classType, valid, \ avHet, avHetSE, func, locType, weight, exceptions, submitterCount, submitters, \ alleleFreqCount, alleles, alleleNs, alleleFreqs, bitfields = fields """ id, chr, start, end, rs_id, score, strand, refNCBI, refUCSC, observed, molType, classType = fields[:12] alleleFreqs = fields[-2].split(',')[:-1] if len(alleleFreqs) > 0: try: float(alleleFreqs[0]) except ValueError: alleleFreqs = [] except ValueError: continue start, end = int(start), int(end) score = int(score) if molType != "genomic": continue if classType not in ["single", "deletion", "insertion"]: continue if classType == "single": if start + 1 != end: continue elif classType == "deletion": assert start < end else: assert classType == "insertion" if start != end: continue if chr not in chr_dic: continue chr_seq = chr_dic[chr] chr_len = len(chr_seq) if start >= len(chr_seq): continue if rs_id in ids_seen: continue ids_seen.add(rs_id) if (prev_chr != chr or curr_right + inter_gap < start) and \ len(snp_list) > 0: num_haplotypes = generate_haplotypes(snp_out_file, haplotype_out_file, snp_list, inter_gap, intra_gap, num_haplotypes) snp_list = [] observed = observed.upper() allele_list = observed.split("/") if len(alleleFreqs) == 0: alleleFreqs = [0.0 for i in range(len(allele_list))] # Reverse complement alleles if strand is negative if strand == "-": tmp_allele_list = [] for allele in allele_list: tmp_allele_list.append(reverse_complement(allele)) allele_list = tmp_allele_list if classType == "single": allele_count = min(len(allele_list), len(alleleFreqs)) ref_base = chr_seq[start].upper() if ref_base not in allele_list: continue for a in range(allele_count): allele = allele_list[a] freq = float(alleleFreqs[a]) if allele not in "ACGT" or len(allele) != 1: continue if allele == ref_base: continue snp_list.append([chr, start, 'S', allele, {"id":rs_id, "freq":freq}]) if testset: ref_seq = chr_seq[start-50:start+50] alt_seq = chr_seq[start-50:start] + allele + chr_seq[start+1:start+50] print >> ref_testset_file, ">%s_single_%d" % (rs_id, start - 50) print >> ref_testset_file, ref_seq print >> alt_testset_file, ">%s_single_%d_%s" % (rs_id, start - 50, ref_seq) print >> alt_testset_file, alt_seq elif classType == "deletion": if start > 0: prev_base = chr_seq[start-1].upper() if prev_base not in "ACGT": continue if len(allele_list) != 2 or \ len(allele_list) != len(alleleFreqs): continue freq = 0.0 if allele_list[0] == "-": freq = float(alleleFreqs[1]) else: assert allele_list[1] == "-" freq = float(alleleFreqs[0]) delLen = end - start snp_list.append([chr, start, 'D', delLen, {"id":rs_id, "freq":freq}]) if testset and delLen > 0 and delLen <= 10: ref_seq = chr_seq[start-50:start+50] alt_seq = chr_seq[start-50:start] + chr_seq[start+delLen:start+50+delLen] print >> ref_testset_file, ">%s_deletion_%d" % (rs_id, start - 50) print >> ref_testset_file, ref_seq print >> alt_testset_file, ">%s_deletion_%d_%s" % (rs_id, start - 50, ref_seq) print >> alt_testset_file, alt_seq else: assert classType == "insertion" if start > 0: prev_base = chr_seq[start-1].upper() if prev_base not in "ACGT": continue allele_count = min(len(allele_list), len(alleleFreqs)) for a in range(allele_count): allele = allele_list[a] freq = float(alleleFreqs[a]) if allele == "-" or len(allele) <= 0: continue if re.match('^[ACGT]+$', allele): snp_list.append([chr, start, 'I', allele, {"id":rs_id, "freq":freq}]) insLen = len(allele) if testset and insLen > 0 and insLen <= 10: ref_seq = chr_seq[start-50:start+50] alt_seq = chr_seq[start-50:start] + allele + chr_seq[start:start+50-insLen] print >> ref_testset_file, ">%s_insertion_%d" % (rs_id, start - 50) print >> ref_testset_file, ref_seq print >> alt_testset_file, ">%s_insertion_%d_%s" % (rs_id, start - 50, ref_seq) print >> alt_testset_file, alt_seq if curr_right < end: curr_right = end if prev_chr != chr: curr_right = end prev_chr = chr if testset: ref_testset_file.close() alt_testset_file.close() if len(snp_list) > 0: generate_haplotypes(snp_out_file, haplotype_out_file, snp_list, inter_gap, intra_gap, num_haplotypes) snp_list = [] snp_out_file.close() haplotype_out_file.close() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( description='Extract SNPs and haplotypes from a SNP file downloaded from UCSC (e.g. http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/snp144.txt.gz)') parser.add_argument('genome_file', nargs='?', type=FileType('r'), help='input genome file (e.g. genome.fa)') parser.add_argument('snp_fname', nargs='?', type=str, help='input snp file downloaded from UCSC (plain text or gzipped file is accepted: snp144Common.txt or snp144Common.txt.gz)') parser.add_argument("base_fname", nargs='?', type=str, help="base filename for SNPs and haplotypes") parser.add_argument("--inter-gap", dest="inter_gap", type=int, default=30, help="Maximum distance for variants to be in the same haplotype") parser.add_argument("--intra-gap", dest="intra_gap", type=int, default=50, help="Break a haplotype into several haplotypes") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='also print some statistics to stderr') parser.add_argument('--testset', dest='testset', action='store_true', help='print test reads') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.genome_file or \ not args.snp_fname or \ not args.base_fname: parser.print_help() exit(1) main(args.genome_file, args.snp_fname, args.base_fname, args.inter_gap, args.intra_gap, args.verbose, args.testset)