package main; our $SEE = 0; ## taken from ## really should be a more general purpose class as written here. package Overlap_piler; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; sub new { my $packagename = shift; my $self = { node_list => [] }; bless ($self, $packagename); return ($self); } #### Static method!!! sub simple_coordsets_collapser { my @coordsets = @_; ## list of coordinates [a, b], [c, d], ... my $counter = 0; my $piler = new Overlap_piler(); my %coords_mapping; foreach my $coordset (@coordsets) { $counter++; $coords_mapping{$counter} = [@$coordset]; my ($lend, $rend) = @$coordset; if ($lend !~ /\d/ || $rend !~ /\d/) { confess "Error, coordinates [ $lend, $rend ] include a non-number"; } $piler->add_coordSet($counter, @$coordset); } my @clusters = $piler->build_clusters(); my @coord_spans; foreach my $cluster (@clusters) { my @eles = @$cluster; my @coords; foreach my $ele (@eles) { push (@coords, @{$coords_mapping{$ele}}); } @coords = sort {$a<=>$b} @coords; my $min_coord = shift @coords; my $max_coord = pop @coords; push (@coord_spans, [$min_coord, $max_coord]); } return (@coord_spans); } #### sub add_coordSet { my $self = shift; my ($acc, $end5, $end3) = @_; my ($lend, $rend) = sort {$a<=>$b} ($end5, $end3); my $node = CoordSet_node->new($acc, $lend, $rend); push (@{$self->{node_list}}, $node); } #### sub build_clusters { my $self = shift; my $node_list_aref = $self->{node_list}; @{$node_list_aref} = sort {$a->{lend}<=>$b->{lend}} @{$node_list_aref}; #sort by lend coord. ## set indices for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$node_list_aref}; $i++) { $node_list_aref->[$i]->{myIndex} = $i; } my @clusters; my $first_node = $node_list_aref->[0]; my $start_pos = 0; my ($exp_left, $exp_right) = ($first_node->{lend}, $first_node->{rend}); print $first_node->{acc} . " ($exp_left, $exp_right)\n" if $SEE; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#{$node_list_aref}; $i++) { my $curr_node = $node_list_aref->[$i]; my ($lend, $rend) = ($curr_node->{lend}, $curr_node->{rend}); print $curr_node->{acc} . " ($lend, $rend)\n" if $SEE; if ($exp_left <= $rend && $exp_right >= $lend) { #overlap $exp_left = &min($exp_left, $lend); $exp_right = &max($exp_right, $rend); print "overlap. New expanded coords: ($exp_left, $exp_right)\n" if $SEE; } else { print "No overlap; Creating cluster: " if $SEE; my @cluster; for (my $j=$start_pos; $j < $i; $j++) { my $acc = $node_list_aref->[$j]->{acc}; push (@cluster, $acc); print "$acc, " if $SEE; } push (@clusters, [@cluster]); $start_pos = $i; ($exp_left, $exp_right) = ($lend, $rend); print "\nResetting expanded coords: ($lend, $rend)\n" if $SEE; } } print "# Adding final cluster.\n" if $SEE; if ($start_pos != $#{$node_list_aref}) { print "final cluster: " if $SEE; my @cluster; for (my $j = $start_pos; $j <= $#{$node_list_aref}; $j++) { my $acc = $node_list_aref->[$j]->{acc}; print "$acc, " if $SEE; push (@cluster, $acc); } push (@clusters, [@cluster]); print "\n" if $SEE; } else { my $acc = $node_list_aref->[$start_pos]->{acc}; push (@clusters, [$acc]); print "adding final $acc.\n" if $SEE; } return (@clusters); } sub min { my (@x) = @_; @x = sort {$a<=>$b} @x; my $min = shift @x; return ($min); } sub max { my @x = @_; @x = sort {$a<=>$b} @x; my $max = pop @x; return ($max); } ################################################################# package CoordSet_node; use strict; sub new { my $packagename = shift; my ($acc, $lend, $rend) = @_; my $self = { acc=>$acc, lend=>$lend, rend=>$rend, myIndex=>undef(), overlapping_indices=>[] }; bless ($self, $packagename); return ($self); } 1; #EOM