/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ #include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #else #define omp_get_max_threads() (1) #define omp_get_num_threads() (1) #define omp_get_thread_num() (0) #endif #include "base/CommandLineParser.h" #include "analysis/DNAVector.h" #include "analysis/NonRedKmerTable.h" #include "analysis/sequenceUtil.h" //#include "analysis/CompMgr.h" #include #include #include #define MAX_OPEN_FILES 1000 extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } class Assignment { public: Assignment() { m_comp = -1; m_read = -1; } void SetComp(int c) { m_comp = c; } void SetRead(int r) { m_read = r; } int Read() const {return m_read;} int Comp() const {return m_comp;} bool operator < (const Assignment & a) const { return (m_comp < a.m_comp); } private: int m_comp; int m_read; }; int main(int argc,char** argv) { commandArg aStringCmmd("-i","reads fasta"); commandArg fStringCmmd("-f","fasta input file (concatenated flat components)"); commandArg bStringCmmd("-o","output file"); commandArg mmrCmmd("-max_mem_reads","Maximum number of reads to load into memory", -1); commandArg strandCmmd("-strand","strand specific data", false); commandArg pctReadMapCmmd("-p", "percent of read kmers require mapping to component", 0); commandArg verboseCmmd("-verbose", "prints more status info", false); commandArg numThreadsCmmd("-t", "number of threads (default: env OMP_NUM_THREADS)", 0); commandArg minKmerEntropyCmmd("-min_kmer_entropy", "min kmer entropy for assigning reads to iworm contigs", 1.5); commandLineParser P(argc,argv); P.SetDescription("Assigns reads to graph components."); P.registerArg(aStringCmmd); P.registerArg(fStringCmmd); P.registerArg(bStringCmmd); P.registerArg(mmrCmmd); P.registerArg(strandCmmd); P.registerArg(pctReadMapCmmd); P.registerArg(verboseCmmd); P.registerArg(numThreadsCmmd); P.registerArg(minKmerEntropyCmmd); P.parse(); cerr << "-------------------------------------------" << endl << "---- Chrysalis: ReadsToTranscripts --------" << endl << "-- (Place reads on Inchworm Bundles) ------" << endl << "-------------------------------------------" << endl << endl; string aString = P.GetStringValueFor(aStringCmmd); // reads.fa string readsToTranscriptsOutputFile = P.GetStringValueFor(bStringCmmd); // out directory string fString = P.GetStringValueFor(fStringCmmd); // inchworm bundled.fasta long max_mem_reads = P.GetLongValueFor(mmrCmmd); bool bStrand = P.GetBoolValueFor(strandCmmd); // strand-specific data int pctReadMapRequired = P.GetIntValueFor(pctReadMapCmmd); int num_threads = P.GetIntValueFor(numThreadsCmmd); bool VERBOSE = P.GetBoolValueFor(verboseCmmd); float min_kmer_entropy = P.GetDoubleValueFor(minKmerEntropyCmmd); vecDNAVector dna; if(max_mem_reads > 0){ cerr << "Setting maximum number of reads to load in memory to " << max_mem_reads << endl; } else { max_mem_reads = 2147483647; // max int } if (num_threads > 0) { cerr << "-setting num threads to: " << num_threads << endl; omp_set_num_threads(num_threads); } cerr << "Reading bundled inchworm contigs... " << endl; //ML: use 1M as read buffer size dna.Read(fString, false, false, true, 1000000); cerr << "done!" << endl; //test.ReverseComplement(); int k = 25; //ComponentFileMgr compMgr(bString); multimap componentReadMap; unsigned long readCount = 0; string readCountFile = readsToTranscriptsOutputFile + ".rcts.out"; //-------------------------------------------------// //---- Build kmer index for Iworm Bundles ---------// //-------------------------------------------------// NonRedKmerTable kt(k); kt.SetUp(dna, true); kt.SetAllCounts(-1); map component_number_mapping; cerr << "Assigning kmers to Iworm bundles ... "; #pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided,100) for (size_t i=0; i< dna.size(); i++) { const DNAVector & d = dna[i]; string bundle_acc = dna.Name(i); string component_no_string = bundle_acc.substr(3); // remove >s_ prefix int component_no = atoi(component_no_string.c_str()); #pragma omp critical { component_number_mapping[i] = component_no; //cerr << "\rBundle name: [" << i << "] = " << bundle_acc << ", so component_no = " << component_no << " "; } for (int j=0; j<=d.isize()-k; j++) { kt.SetCount(d, j, i); // not really counting kmers here, but instead labeling kmers according to the iworm bundles they correspond to. } } cerr << "done!" << endl; // ------------------------------------------------// // ------- Assign reads to Iworm Bundles ----------// // ------------------------------------------------// //ML: this implementation does not make use of class DNAVector for the reads map seen_component; // open files on first write, append on later writes. vector read_pct_mapping_info; read_pct_mapping_info.resize(100000, 0); DNAStringStreamFast fastaReader; fastaReader.ReadStream(aString); //string readsToTranscriptsOutputFile = bString + "/readsToComponents.out"; // really mapping reads to components rather than transcripts, using spectral alignment int outFile = open(readsToTranscriptsOutputFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC , 0666); cerr << "Processing reads:" << endl; unsigned long total_reads_read = 0; int reads_read = 0; do { vector readSeqVector; vector readNameVector; cerr << " reading another " << max_mem_reads << "... "; for(int i=0;i 0) { cerr << "done. Read " << reads_read << " reads." << endl; } else { // reached EOF cerr << "finished reading reads" << endl; //MW: If nothing was read leave do loop right away break; } componentReadMap.clear(); #pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided,100) for (int i=0; i < (int)readSeqVector.size(); i++) { string d = readSeqVector[i]; // ensure upper case transform(d.begin(), d.end(), d.begin(), ::toupper); // map kmers of read to Iworm bundles svec comp; comp.reserve(4000); int num_kmer_pos = d.size()-k + 1; for (int j=0; j<=(int)d.size()-k; j++) { string s = kt.GetKmerString(d,j); float entropy = compute_entropy(s); //cout << "[" << i << "," << j << "] " << s << " entropy: " << entropy << endl; if (entropy < min_kmer_entropy) { continue; } int c = kt.GetCountReal(d, j); // the iworm bundle containing read kmer if (c >= 0) comp.push_back(c); } if (!bStrand) { string dd = d; DNAVector::ReverseComplement(dd); for (int j=0; j<=(int)dd.size()-k; j++) { string s = kt.GetKmerString(dd,j); float entropy = compute_entropy(s); if (entropy < min_kmer_entropy) { continue; } int c = kt.GetCountReal(dd, j); if (c >= 0) comp.push_back(c); } } // find the iworm bundle with the most kmer hits Sort(comp); int best = -1; int max = 0; int run = 0; for (int j=1; j max) { max = run; best = comp[j-1]; } run = 0; } else { run++; } } //cout << "Read " << i << " maps to " << best << " with " << max << " k-mers" << endl; int pct_read_mapped = (int) ((float)max/num_kmer_pos*100 + 0.5); //ML: the following calculates the same, but without floating point precision issues: //int pct_read_mapped = ( 100*max + num_kmer_pos/2 ) / num_kmer_pos; if(best != -1 && pct_read_mapped >= pctReadMapRequired) { // Note: multiple threads shouldn't try to reorder the tree // at the same time (which can happen during an insert) #pragma omp critical { readCount++; componentReadMap.insert(pair(best,i)); // i = read_index, best = best_iworm_bundle // store pct read mapping info for later reporting if (i > (int) read_pct_mapping_info.size()-1) { read_pct_mapping_info.resize(i+100000); // cerr << "resizing vec to " << i << " + 100000 " << endl; } read_pct_mapping_info[i] = pct_read_mapped; } } else { // no mapping for read if (VERBOSE) cerr << "WARNING: No component mapping for read: " << readNameVector[i] << " : " << readSeqVector[i] << endl; } } // end of read assignment to components for this round of streaming if (reads_read > 0) { total_reads_read += reads_read; cerr << "[" << total_reads_read << "] reads analyzed for mapping." << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------- // Write reads to files based on components mapped to. //cerr << "\nWriting to files... "; // convert sorted map to vectors for threaded processing vector mapComponents; // list of component_ids vector > componentReads; // list of read-vectors that correspond to the component_ids above (synched by index) multimap::iterator it; int lastComponent = -1; vector tmpReadIDs; // temporary hold for the reads corresponding to the last component for(it = componentReadMap.begin(); it != componentReadMap.end(); it++){ if(it->first != lastComponent){ // start new component, first store previous component info. if(tmpReadIDs.size() > 0){ mapComponents.push_back(lastComponent); componentReads.push_back(tmpReadIDs); } lastComponent = it->first; tmpReadIDs.clear(); } tmpReadIDs.push_back(it->second); } if(tmpReadIDs.size() > 0){ // get the last component info stored. mapComponents.push_back(lastComponent); componentReads.push_back(tmpReadIDs); } // write out to files in map order #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mapComponents.size(); i++){ // each thread accesses a unique component number, so no competition between threads in writing to component-based files. int iworm_bundle_index = mapComponents[i]; int iworm_component_no = component_number_mapping[iworm_bundle_index]; /* changed to write to a single file - bhaas July 3, 2013 string name = compMgr.GetFileName(iworm_component_no, ".raw.fasta", false); int outFile; //ML: use systm calls open/write/close, buffer explicitly (faster than C++ buffered I/O) if(seen_component.find(iworm_component_no) == seen_component.end()) { // first write if (VERBOSE) cerr << "First write to component: " << iworm_component_no << endl; outFile = open(name.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC , 0666); #pragma omp critical seen_component[iworm_component_no] = true; } else { // subsequent write as append if (VERBOSE) cerr << "Second write as append to component: " << iworm_component_no << endl; outFile = open(name.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_APPEND ); } if(outFile<0) cerr << "cannot open " << name << endl; */ //ML: put everthing to write into buf string tmpName; char component_id_string[8]; sprintf(component_id_string, "%d", iworm_component_no); string buf; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < componentReads[i].size(); j++){ buf += component_id_string; buf += "\t"; int read_index = componentReads[i][j]; DNAStringStreamFast::formatReadNameString(readNameVector[read_index], tmpName); buf += tmpName; char foo[8]; sprintf(foo, "%d%%\t", read_pct_mapping_info[read_index]); buf += "\t"; buf += foo; buf += readSeqVector[read_index]; buf += "\n"; } // write mapping to file, avoid thread collisions #pragma omp critical if(write(outFile,buf.c_str(),buf.size())<0) { cerr << "error writing file " << readsToTranscriptsOutputFile << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl; exit(0); } //close(outFile); } if(mapComponents.size()>0) cerr << "[" << mapComponents.size() << "] components written." << endl; //cerr << "done\n"; //clear out read component mappings } while (reads_read > 0); close(outFile); cerr << "Done" << endl; FILE * pReadCount = fopen(readCountFile.c_str(), "w"); fprintf(pReadCount, "%lu\n", readCount); fclose(pReadCount); return 0; }