# Assessing the Read Content of the Transcriptome Assembly Assembled transcripts might not always fully represent properly paired-end reads, as some transcripts may be fragmented or short and only one fragment read of a pair may align. Simply aligning reads to your transcriptome assembly using bowtie or STAR will only capture the properly paired reads. To assess the read composition of our assembly, we want to capture and count all reads that map to our assembled transcripts, including the properly paired and those that are not. In order to comprehensively capture read alignments, we run the process below. Bowtie2 is used to align the reads to the transcriptome and then we count the number of proper pairs and improper or orphan read alignments. #### First, build a bowtie2 index for the transcriptome: % bowtie2-build Trinity.fasta Trinity.fasta #### Then perform the alignment to just capture the read alignment statistics. Example for paired-end reads: % bowtie2 -p 10 -q --no-unal -k 20 -x Trinity.fasta -1 reads_1.fq -2 reads_2.fq \ 2>align_stats.txt| samtools view -@10 -Sb -o bowtie2.bam Example for single-end reads: % bowtie2 -p 10 -q --no-unal -k 20 -x Trinity.fasta -U single.reads.fq \ 2>align_stats.txt| samtools view -@10 -Sb -o bowtie2.bam #### Visualize statistics: % cat 2>&1 align_stats.txt The output bellow: 76201190 reads; of these: 76201190 (100.00%) were paired; of these: 18166307 (23.84%) aligned concordantly 0 times 17026716 (22.34%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time 41008167 (53.82%) aligned concordantly >1 times ---- 18166307 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these: 1769907 (9.74%) aligned discordantly 1 time ---- 16396400 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these: 32792800 mates make up the pairs; of these: 15287552 (46.62%) aligned 0 times 3874965 (11.82%) aligned exactly 1 time 13630283 (41.56%) aligned >1 times 89.97% overall alignment rate A typical Trinity transcriptome assembly will have the vast majority of all reads mapping back to the assembly, and ~70-80% of the mapped fragments found mapped as proper pairs (yielding concordant alignments 1 or more times to the reconstructed transcriptome). ## Visualize read support using IGV The [Integrative Genomics Viewer](http://software.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/) is useful for visualizing read support across any of the Trinity assemblies. The bowtie2 alignments generated above, which are currently sorted by read name, can be re-sorted according to coordinate, indexed, and then viewed along with the Trinity assemblies using the IGV browser as follows. #### Sort the alignments by coordinate samtools sort bowtie2.bam -o bowtie2.coordSorted.bam #### Index the coordinate-sorted bam file samtools index bowtie2.coordSorted.bam #### Index the Trinity.fasta file samtools faidx Trinity.fasta #### View the aligned reads along the Trinity assembly reference contigs. >note, you can do this by using the various graphical menu options in IGV (load genome 'Trinity.fasta', load file 'bowtie2.coordSorted.bam'), or you can use the command-line tool like so: igv.sh -g Trinity.fasta bowtie2.coordSorted.bam >Note, the above assumes that the Trinity.fasta and bowtie2.coordSorted.bam files are in your current working directory. And you can then go to any Trinity assembly of interest and examine the read (and paired-end) support. An example region of a long Trinity transcript contig is shown below.