# Terra Instructions for running Trinity on [Terra](https://app.terra.bio/#workspaces/ctat-firecloud/Trinity). The Trinity workflow is available [here](https://portal.firecloud.org/#methods/CTAT/trinityrnaseq/). 1. Upload your FASTQ files to your workspace bucket. > Example: > > gsutil -m cp /foo/bar/projects/*.fastq.gz gs://my-bucket/ Please see [here](https://support.terra.bio/hc/en-us/articles/360024056512-Uploading-to-a-workspace-Google-bucket) for additional documentation. 1. Import *CTAT/trinityrnaseq* workflow to your workspace. > See the Terra documentation for [adding a workflow](https://support.terra.bio/hc/en-us/articles/360025674392-Finding-the-workflow-method-you-need-in-the-Methods-Repository). 1. In your workspace, open `trinityrnaseq` in the `WORKFLOWS` tab. If you are running a single sample, select `Run workflow with inputs defined by file paths`, otherwise select `Run workflow(s) with inputs defined by data table`. Terra uses a [workspace data table](https://support.terra.bio/hc/en-us/articles/360025758392) to run a workflow over multiple samples. Enter the workflow parameters and and click the `Save` button. ----- ## Inputs Please see the description of important inputs below. | Name | Description | Example Value | -------------- | ----------- | ----------- | | left | Array of left FASTQ files | ["gs://my-bucket/10M.left.fq.gz"] | | right | Array of right FASTQ files | ["gs://my-bucket//10M.right.fq.gz"] | | genome_guided_bam | BAM file for genome guided assembly | "gs://my-bucket//aligned.bam" | extra_args | Extra command line arguments to pass to Trinity | "--seqType fq --SS_lib_type RF" | | memory_read_clustering_phase | Memory for read clustering phase (default 150G) | "25G" | ## Outputs | File | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | Trinity.fasta | Trinity assembly FASTA | | Trinity.fasta.gene_trans_map | File that maps gene to transcripts |