package IO::Compress::Gzip ; require 5.006 ; use strict ; use warnings; use bytes; require Exporter ; use IO::Compress::RawDeflate 2.066 () ; use IO::Compress::Adapter::Deflate 2.066 ; use IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.066 qw(:Status ); use IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants 2.066 ; use IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra 2.066 ; BEGIN { if (defined &utf8::downgrade ) { *noUTF8 = \&utf8::downgrade } else { *noUTF8 = sub {} } } our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS, %DEFLATE_CONSTANTS, $GzipError); $VERSION = '2.066'; $GzipError = '' ; @ISA = qw(Exporter IO::Compress::RawDeflate); @EXPORT_OK = qw( $GzipError gzip ) ; %EXPORT_TAGS = %IO::Compress::RawDeflate::DEFLATE_CONSTANTS ; push @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{all} }, @EXPORT_OK ; Exporter::export_ok_tags('all'); sub new { my $class = shift ; my $obj = IO::Compress::Base::Common::createSelfTiedObject($class, \$GzipError); $obj->_create(undef, @_); } sub gzip { my $obj = IO::Compress::Base::Common::createSelfTiedObject(undef, \$GzipError); return $obj->_def(@_); } #sub newHeader #{ # my $self = shift ; # #return GZIP_MINIMUM_HEADER ; # return $self->mkHeader(*$self->{Got}); #} sub getExtraParams { my $self = shift ; return ( # zlib behaviour $self->getZlibParams(), # Gzip header fields 'minimal' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'comment' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'name' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'time' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'textflag' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'headercrc' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean, 0], 'os_code' => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, $Compress::Raw::Zlib::gzip_os_code], 'extrafield'=> [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], 'extraflags'=> [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any, undef], ); } sub ckParams { my $self = shift ; my $got = shift ; # gzip always needs crc32 $got->setValue('crc32' => 1); return 1 if $got->getValue('merge') ; my $strict = $got->getValue('strict') ; { if (! $got->parsed('time') ) { # Modification time defaults to now. $got->setValue(time => time) ; } # Check that the Name & Comment don't have embedded NULLs # Also check that they only contain ISO 8859-1 chars. if ($got->parsed('name') && defined $got->getValue('name')) { my $name = $got->getValue('name'); return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Null Character found in Name", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $name =~ /\x00/ ; return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Non ISO 8859-1 Character found in Name", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $name =~ /$GZIP_FNAME_INVALID_CHAR_RE/o ; } if ($got->parsed('comment') && defined $got->getValue('comment')) { my $comment = $got->getValue('comment'); return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Null Character found in Comment", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $comment =~ /\x00/ ; return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Non ISO 8859-1 Character found in Comment", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $strict && $comment =~ /$GZIP_FCOMMENT_INVALID_CHAR_RE/o; } if ($got->parsed('os_code') ) { my $value = $got->getValue('os_code'); return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "OS_Code must be between 0 and 255, got '$value'") if $value < 0 || $value > 255 ; } # gzip only supports Deflate at present $got->setValue('method' => Z_DEFLATED) ; if ( ! $got->parsed('extraflags')) { $got->setValue('extraflags' => 2) if $got->getValue('level') == Z_BEST_COMPRESSION ; $got->setValue('extraflags' => 4) if $got->getValue('level') == Z_BEST_SPEED ; } my $data = $got->getValue('extrafield') ; if (defined $data) { my $bad = IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra::parseExtraField($data, $strict, 1) ; return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Error with ExtraField Parameter: $bad", Z_DATA_ERROR) if $bad ; $got->setValue('extrafield' => $data) ; } } return 1; } sub mkTrailer { my $self = shift ; return pack("V V", *$self->{Compress}->crc32(), *$self->{UnCompSize}->get32bit()); } sub getInverseClass { return ('IO::Uncompress::Gunzip', \$IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError); } sub getFileInfo { my $self = shift ; my $params = shift; my $filename = shift ; return if IO::Compress::Base::Common::isaScalar($filename); my $defaultTime = (stat($filename))[9] ; $params->setValue('name' => $filename) if ! $params->parsed('name') ; $params->setValue('time' => $defaultTime) if ! $params->parsed('time') ; } sub mkHeader { my $self = shift ; my $param = shift ; # short-circuit if a minimal header is requested. return GZIP_MINIMUM_HEADER if $param->getValue('minimal') ; # METHOD my $method = $param->valueOrDefault('method', GZIP_CM_DEFLATED) ; # FLAGS my $flags = GZIP_FLG_DEFAULT ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FTEXT if $param->getValue('textflag') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FHCRC if $param->getValue('headercrc') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FEXTRA if $param->wantValue('extrafield') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FNAME if $param->wantValue('name') ; $flags |= GZIP_FLG_FCOMMENT if $param->wantValue('comment') ; # MTIME my $time = $param->valueOrDefault('time', GZIP_MTIME_DEFAULT) ; # EXTRA FLAGS my $extra_flags = $param->valueOrDefault('extraflags', GZIP_XFL_DEFAULT); # OS CODE my $os_code = $param->valueOrDefault('os_code', GZIP_OS_DEFAULT) ; my $out = pack("C4 V C C", GZIP_ID1, # ID1 GZIP_ID2, # ID2 $method, # Compression Method $flags, # Flags $time, # Modification Time $extra_flags, # Extra Flags $os_code, # Operating System Code ) ; # EXTRA if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FEXTRA) { my $extra = $param->getValue('extrafield') ; $out .= pack("v", length $extra) . $extra ; } # NAME if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FNAME) { my $name .= $param->getValue('name') ; $name =~ s/\x00.*$//; $out .= $name ; # Terminate the filename with NULL unless it already is $out .= GZIP_NULL_BYTE if !length $name or substr($name, 1, -1) ne GZIP_NULL_BYTE ; } # COMMENT if ($flags & GZIP_FLG_FCOMMENT) { my $comment .= $param->getValue('comment') ; $comment =~ s/\x00.*$//; $out .= $comment ; # Terminate the comment with NULL unless it already is $out .= GZIP_NULL_BYTE if ! length $comment or substr($comment, 1, -1) ne GZIP_NULL_BYTE; } # HEADER CRC $out .= pack("v", Compress::Raw::Zlib::crc32($out) & 0x00FF ) if $param->getValue('headercrc') ; noUTF8($out); return $out ; } sub mkFinalTrailer { return ''; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME IO::Compress::Gzip - Write RFC 1952 files/buffers =head1 SYNOPSIS use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; my $status = gzip $input => $output [,OPTS] or die "gzip failed: $GzipError\n"; my $z = new IO::Compress::Gzip $output [,OPTS] or die "gzip failed: $GzipError\n"; $z->print($string); $z->printf($format, $string); $z->write($string); $z->syswrite($string [, $length, $offset]); $z->flush(); $z->tell(); $z->eof(); $z->seek($position, $whence); $z->binmode(); $z->fileno(); $z->opened(); $z->autoflush(); $z->input_line_number(); $z->newStream( [OPTS] ); $z->deflateParams(); $z->close() ; $GzipError ; # IO::File mode print $z $string; printf $z $format, $string; tell $z eof $z seek $z, $position, $whence binmode $z fileno $z close $z ; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a Perl interface that allows writing compressed data to files or buffer as defined in RFC 1952. All the gzip headers defined in RFC 1952 can be created using this module. For reading RFC 1952 files/buffers, see the companion module L. =head1 Functional Interface A top-level function, C, is provided to carry out "one-shot" compression between buffers and/or files. For finer control over the compression process, see the L section. use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ; gzip $input_filename_or_reference => $output_filename_or_reference [,OPTS] or die "gzip failed: $GzipError\n"; The functional interface needs Perl5.005 or better. =head2 gzip $input_filename_or_reference => $output_filename_or_reference [, OPTS] C expects at least two parameters, C<$input_filename_or_reference> and C<$output_filename_or_reference>. =head3 The C<$input_filename_or_reference> parameter The parameter, C<$input_filename_or_reference>, is used to define the source of the uncompressed data. It can take one of the following forms: =over 5 =item A filename If the <$input_filename_or_reference> parameter is a simple scalar, it is assumed to be a filename. This file will be opened for reading and the input data will be read from it. =item A filehandle If the C<$input_filename_or_reference> parameter is a filehandle, the input data will be read from it. The string '-' can be used as an alias for standard input. =item A scalar reference If C<$input_filename_or_reference> is a scalar reference, the input data will be read from C<$$input_filename_or_reference>. =item An array reference If C<$input_filename_or_reference> is an array reference, each element in the array must be a filename. The input data will be read from each file in turn. The complete array will be walked to ensure that it only contains valid filenames before any data is compressed. =item An Input FileGlob string If C<$input_filename_or_reference> is a string that is delimited by the characters "<" and ">" C will assume that it is an I. The input is the list of files that match the fileglob. See L for more details. =back If the C<$input_filename_or_reference> parameter is any other type, C will be returned. In addition, if C<$input_filename_or_reference> is a simple filename, the default values for the C and C