ACEDB User Group Newsletter - 2001

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The arrival and then disappearance again of some smap code, no more unexpected changes in the accuracy of float data, more control of file parsing in xace, an important bug fix for the Url class in AceDB.


Introduction and then removal of smap-based dna retrieval

Or to put it another apology.

I tested some new code which used Smap functions (more of this in the January issue) to retrieve the dna for sequences in fmap. I compared the old and new code by dumping the dna for the whole of Chromosome 22 in Human and found that it worked correctly. I put the new code in the November monthly release, only to find that the code did not work properly when the sequence object selected contained exons specified via the Source_exons tag. Sadly this has resulted in a number of bugs in other parts of the code not obviously related to this problem.

Accordingly the change was removed until we could be sure it was working correctly. Sorry, sorry, sorry to all of you who used the November code and found it to be not working at all well. A fix is being worked on now.

Judicious rounding of floats to ensure constant accuracy across platforms

Accuracy in floating point numbers across different platforms can be very different. The IEEE floating point standards do guarantee a minimum of 6 significant figures of accuracy. AceDB now rounds all floating point numbers to this accuracy on output/input from ace files to ensure that floating point numbers stay the same in a database regardless of the machine being used to interact with the database.

This is important otherwise floating numbers can appear to have changed just because a different machine is used to read in or output them. This causes a problem because objects that have floating point numbers with many significant figures (e.g. x = 1/3) look as though they have changed because they can be specified more exactly in an ace file than in the machine which must round them to its maximum available accuracy.

You should be aware that AceDB will now hold floating point numbers to a maximum of 6 significant figures.

Ignoring errors while parsing files in xace

tace has the command "pparse" to allow you to parse a file and ignore any errors on the way, xace would always stop however at the first error. Now an extra button has been added to the parse dialog window to allow you to select to ignore errors and keep parsing the file. This can be very useful if you just want to see how many errors there are in a trial parse of a file. The errors get reported at the end so you do get to see them.

This also resulting in the fixing of a bug that meant that if the input file was a series of "-R", "-D" or "-A" lines without blank lines in between, then the parser skipped to the end of the file even if it was supposed to be allowing for errors.

Bug in Netscapes "OpenURL" command breaks AceDB's Url class

A bug in Netscapes "OpenURL" command caused AceDB WWW links to fail if the link contained a ",". This is often the case for links that are cgi programs as a comma is often used to separate the arguments to the cgi program. AceDB uses the netscape "OpenURL" remote command to display links, but the syntax for this command is: "OpenURL (URL [, new-window])" and unfortunately netscape assumes that any "," contained in the url is actually the "," for its OpenURL command and reports a syntax error !

Having found the cause of the problem we were able to call on Roger Pettet of the Sanger Centre web team to provide a solution. AceDB now scans the url from the database for any commas and replaces them with "%2C", which is the standard URL code for a comma. Netscape will then honour the request via its OpenURL command to display the link. Users will unfortunately see this translation in the link displayed in the text box at the top of Netscape but this is unavoidable which looks a bit ugly but at least the Url's work reliably.

Some more points about running an external Blixem

Last months newsletter talked about how to run blixem externally but unfortunately missed out a couple of important points.

What you need to do to your database to use the external blixem

Firstly, you must use versions of xace and blixem from the same release of acedb, this is because xace passes information to blixem via command line parameters and these have changed as more function has been added. If you use an old blixem with a new xace, or vice versa, you may get unexplained crashes.

When you tell xace to use an external version of blixem, it actually calls a script in the wscripts subdirectory of your database. The script is called blixem_standalone and you can download it from the acedb downloads page. If you edit the script you will see it looks like this:

# This script is called by xace to launch a standalone
# version of blixem. You should replace the below
# path with wherever you keep the acedb code.

~/acedb/CODE/acedb/bin.ALPHA_4/blixem $*

exit 0

You should edit the blixem line so that it contains the path to where you have downloaded your copy of the latest blixem.

Temporary files clutter

Some of the information passed from xace to blixem is passed via temporary files, these files are stored in a directory called /tmp/your_userid_ACEDB_BLIXEM on your machine. The xace and blixem code has been written so that it will remove these files if the programs terminate normally and also in most cases if the programs crash for some reason. You should be aware however that there are some circumstances in which the files will not be removed and you should periodically look in this directory and remove old files.

Bugs Fixed

Main window "text overflow"

An old chestnut, it was possible to overflow the text query box on the old style main window because its length was given wrongly compared to the size of buffer underlying it. The usual bug of not counting properly the terminating NULL char.

Bug in CDS display

The cds display for exons had a bug so that if the sequence was complemented or reversed or either followed by an fmap recalculate, the cds position in the exons was no longer displayed correctly. This has now been fixed.

Bug in call to external blixem

AceDB was not passing across to an externally called blixem any sequences already contained in the database. Instead blixem would have to call efetch or pfetch which might not find the sequence. This has now been fixed and AceDB will pass over all sequences that it contains for blixem to display.

Developers Corner

New aceTmp call

Originally the aceTmp package always removed temporary files when the aceTmp object was destroyed. A new call, aceTmpNoRemove(), allows the programmer to control dynamically whether this happens or not. There are occasions when the files need to be left where they are, see the blixem article above.

Those damned implicit declarations

Probably every developer does it at one time or another, its late and you just can't be bothered to put in the include for that system header that declares the function you've just used and anyway its only a compiler warning.

Simon fixed one in freesubs for strtod() and strtol() by including stdlib.h. Perhaps I'll let him have the last word, his CVS entry for this bug which broke AceDB compilation on the Mac was:

declare strtod and strtol by including stdlib.h
Those "implicit declaration" warnings should be read as "one day, this
_will_ break". In this case on porting to MACOS_X

New "string to integer" conversion routines

There are a couple of new routines in the libfree.a library which convert strings to "int" or "long int" more reliably than the standard C library routines. For instance, did you know that strtol() will convert "123rubbish" into the "long int" 123 and you won't be able to detect that the entire word was not converted ?

Now you can use utStr2Int() and utStr2LongInt() to convert strings reliably to "int" or "long int", the functions return TRUE if the conversion was successful and FALSE if it failed including for the case mentioned above.

User preferences now include strings

The user preferences code has been extended to allow the specifying of preferences that are strings, an example would be the machine id for specifying where the pfetch server is for sequence fetches.

November monthly build now available.

You can pick up the monthly builds from:

Sanger users
External users

Next User Group Meeting - D319, 2.30pm, Thursday, 15th November 2001

Ed Griffiths <>
Last modified: Wed Feb 13 10:54:39 GMT 2002