#!/usr/bin/python # Ralph Gauges ## Todo List: - complete the predefined classes (what about ?Bat etc. ?) (hopefully already done) ## - store comments from model files to write them back out with the model ## - add methods to use the model class to represent a java swing jtree ## - add COORD modifier and @ ???? import string ## imports a module for string operations import sys ## imports a module to get command line arguments class Model: ## This class represents the model as a tree ## Systemmodels is a long string that hold the textual representation of the classes and datatypes defined in sysclasses.c ## This might be necessary for the validation. ## At least ?Colour and ?View are used in some models Systemmodels=["?Model","?Text","?Comment","?Keyword","?Class","?Tag","SourceCode","?Include","?Session","?Display","?Table","#Table_definition","?Colour","?UserSession","?Jade","?View"] CharacterArrays=["?LongText","?DNA","?Peptide","?BasePosition","?BaseQuality","?URL","?BaseCall","?KeySet","?MatchTable"] ## some character arrays of ACEDB. ## they are needed for the validation process BasicDataTypes=["Int","Text","Float","DateType"] ## those are needed to find out if an entry is a label or a datatype def __init__(self,FileContent): ## Constructor self.Classes=[] ## A List that holds all the classes self.DefinedDataTypes=[] ## A list that holds the user defined datatypes Blocks=self.MakeBlocks(FileContent) ## Divides the content of the file into blocks which correspond to the individual classes for Block in Blocks: if (Block[0][0]== "?"): ## if it starts with a '?', it is a class self.Classes.append(ClassType(self,Block,self.BasicDataTypes)) ## add a new class instance to Classes else: if (Block[0][0]=="#"): ## if it starts with a '#' it is a datatype self.DefinedDataTypes.append(UserDefinedType(self,Block,self.BasicDataTypes)) ## add a new datatype to the user defined datatypes else: ## if it doesn't start with '?' or '#' than it is an error print "This Datatype is unknown: "+string.split(Block[0])[0] print "Please check your model." sys.exit(0) ## exit the program def MakeBlocks(self,ModelText): ClassBlocks=[] ClassBlock=[] Text=string.join(ModelText,"") while (string.find(Text,"/*") != -1): ## removes multi line comments x=string.find(Text,"/*") y=string.find(Text,"*/") if (x > y): ## since it doesn't work for all cases print error message and exit print "There is some problem with the comments." print "Please remove all nestet comments." sys.exit(0) else: Text=Text[:x]+Text[y+2:] ModelText=string.split(Text,"\n") NumOfClasses=0 for Line in ModelText: x=string.find(Line,"//") if (x != -1): Line=Line[:x] ## removes one line comment Comment=Line[x:] if (len(string.split(Line)) > 0): Line=string.expandtabs(Line) if (Line[0] not in [" ","\t"]): ## if the line starts with anything else than ' ' or '\t' a new class starts NumOfClasses=NumOfClasses+1 if (NumOfClasses !=1): ## if it is not the first class ClassBlocks.append(ClassBlock) ## add the class ClassBlock=[Line] ## this Line belongs to the next class else: ClassBlock.append(Line) ## it is the first time a `?' or `#' is encountered, so there is nothing to add yet ClassBlocks.append(ClassBlock) ## We have to add the last class block before we return to the main program return ClassBlocks ## this return a list of Textblocks that correspond to classes def __str__(self): ## this represents the model if you say 'print 'instance of Model' String="" for Class in self.Classes: String=String+str(Class) for UDataType in self.DefinedDataTypes: String=String+str(UDataType) return String def __repr__(self): ## similar to __str__ return self.__str__() def toString(self): ## actualy not used, but might come handy when interfacing to java return self def Validate(self): ## this routine checks the model ERROR="" ValidIdentifiers=[] CLASSDICT=self.MakeClassDict() ## this makes a dictionary of all the defined classnames and pointers to the corresponding class in the model for CLASS in self.Classes: ## let every class validate itself ERROR=ERROR+CLASS.Validate(self.BasicDataTypes,CLASSDICT,self.CharacterArrays+self.Systemmodels) for DATATYPE in self.DefinedDataTypes: ## let every datatype validate itself ERROR=ERROR+DATATYPE.Validate(self.BasicDataTypes,CLASSDICT,self.CharacterArrays+self.Systemmodels) return ERROR def MakeClassDict(self): ## this makes a dictionary of all classnames and pointers to the corresponding classes ## with this it is possible to get a classinstance with the name of the class ## {classname:pointer_to_class} CLASSDICT={} for CLASS in self.Classes+self.DefinedDataTypes: CLASSDICT[CLASS.GetName()]=CLASS return CLASSDICT def GetPath(self): return "" class ClassType: ## this class represents a model class def __init__(self,Parent,ClassBlock,BasicDataTypes): ## Constructor self.Parts=[] ## Parts is a list that stores the branches (labels) and leafes (datatypes) self.SetParent(Parent) ## stores the parent node self.SetName(string.split(ClassBlock[0])[0]) ## sets the name of the class NextLevel=self.GetNextLevelBlocks(ClassBlock) ## makes the next level of hirearchy ## this just makes textblocks of all the entries that belong to the next level in the tree for Object in NextLevel: ## for each textblock try to make an object and add it to the list ## the entries are created as lists of lists ## each line in the modelfile corresponds to a list ## lists that correspond to datatypes will have more entries in one list ## list corresponding to labels have only one entry ## [ ## [label1], ## [label2], ## [datatype1, datatype2, datatype3...], ## [label4] ## ] O=self.MakeObject(Object,BasicDataTypes) if (O): self.AddObject(O) else: ## if no object could be made, print an error and exit print "This block does not represent a valid entry:" print Object sys.exit(0) def GetNextLevelBlocks(self,Block): ## makes textblocks corresponding to the next level in the tree BLOCKS=[] TEMP=string.split(string.strip(Block[0])) ## split first line into parts if (len(TEMP) > 1): ## if object has parts INDENT=string.find(Block[0]," "+TEMP[1])+1 TEMP2=[] for LINE in Block: if (LINE[INDENT-1] not in [" ","\t"]): ## if the character before the current indentation level is a non whitespace, then we have a problem with the indentation print self.GetPath()+": There seems to be a problem with the indentation.\n\n" sys.exit(0) else: LINE=LINE[INDENT:] ## shorten each line according to the indentation level if (LINE[0] != " "): ## if the line doesn't start with a space, we have the start of a new object if (TEMP2 != []): ## is it the first one ?, if not BLOCKS.append(TEMP2) ## add the current object to the list TEMP2=[LINE] else: TEMP2.append(LINE) ## starts with a space? So it is part of the current object BLOCKS.append(TEMP2) ## don't forget to add the last one to the list else: ## if object doesn't have parts, it can only one line long ## otherwise there is a problem with the indentation if (len(Block)>1): print self.GetPath()+": There seems to be a problem with the indentation.\n\n" sys.exit(0) return BLOCKS def __repr__(self): ## similar to __str__ return self def __str__(self): ## returns a string representation of the class STRING="" if (len(self.Parts) > 0): for PART in self.Parts: ## let every entry represent itself for P in PART: STRING=STRING+str(P)+" " STRING=STRING[:-1] LINES=string.split(STRING,"\n") LINES=LINES[:-1] LINES[0]=self.GetName()+"\t"+LINES[0] ## add the name of this instance to the beginning of the first line INDENT=(len(self.GetName())/8)+1 ## Indentation of the other lines for X in range(1,len(LINES)): LINES[X]=INDENT*"\t"+LINES[X] ## indent all the other lines STRING=string.join(LINES,"\n") STRING=STRING+"\n" else: STRING=self.GetName()+"\n" ## if the instance doesn't have entries, return just the name return STRING def SetParent(self,Parent): ## sets the parent node self.Parent=Parent def GetParent(self): ## return the parent node return self.Parent def SetParts(self,Parts): ## not used, but sets Parts self.Parts=Parts def GetParts(self): return self.Parts ## returns all entries def HasLabel(self,LabelName): ## checks wether the class has a specified label LABEL="" for PART in self.Parts: if (string.upper(PART[0].GetName()) == string.upper(LabelName)): ## if the class has the label LABEL=PART[0].GetPath() ## return the Path to the label break if (LABEL == ""): ## if the class doesn't contain the label directly, check further down for PART in self.Parts: LABEL=PART[0].HasLabel(LabelName) if (LABEL != ""): break return LABEL ## returns an empty string if the label wasn't found def Validate(self,BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays): ## checks the class ERROR="" for PART in self.Parts: ## let every entry check itself for P in PART: ERROR=ERROR+P.Validate(BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays) if (self.GetName()[0] != "?"): ## if the name doesn't start with an `?`, it's not a class ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": Classes have to start with an '?'.\n" if (string.upper(self.GetName()) in BasicDataTypes+["UNIQUE","XREF","REPEAT"]): ## if the name corrsponds to a reserved keyword, than print an error message ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": The name "+self.GetName()+" is not allowed for a class.\n" if (("#"+string.upper(self.GetName()[1:])) in map(string.upper,ClassDict.keys()+CharacterArrays)): ## checks wether there already exists a defined datatype with the same name ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": There already exists a defined datatype with this name.\n" if (len(self.Parts) < 1): ## if the class is empty ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": Classes must have labels. They can not be empty.\n" return ERROR def SetName(self,Name): self.Name=Name def GetName(self): return self.Name def GetPath(self): ## returns the path of the instance ?Classname -> Label1 -> Label11 -> Datatype111 PATH="" if (hasattr(self,"Parent")): PATH=self.Parent.GetPath() if (PATH==""): PATH=self.Name else: PATH=PATH+" -> "+self.Name return PATH def AddObject(self,Object): ## just adds an entry self.Parts.append(Object) def RemoveObject(self,Object): ## removes an entry self.Parts.remove(Object) def MakeDataPackages(self,Object,BasicDataTypes): ## if the object is a line with several datatypes, it has to be divided into the individual datypes ## this makes lists of the datatypes and their modifiers BITS=string.split(Object[0]) PACKAGES=[] LAST=-1 for X in range(0,len(BITS)): if ((string.upper(BITS[X]) in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes)) or (BITS[X][0] in ["#","?"])): if (LAST != -1): if (string.upper(BITS[X-1]) == "UNIQUE"): PACKAGE=BITS[LAST:X-1] PACKAGES.append(PACKAGE) else: PACKAGE=BITS[LAST:X] PACKAGES.append(PACKAGE) LAST=X else: LAST=0 if (string.upper(BITS[LAST-1]) =="UNIQUE"): PACKAGES.append(BITS[LAST-1:]) else: PACKAGES.append(BITS[LAST:]) return PACKAGES def MakeObject(self,Object,BasicDataTypes): ## this routine checks wether an object is a label or a datatype or a 'UNIQUE list' IDENTIFIER = string.split(Object[0])[0] OBJECT=[] if ((string.upper(IDENTIFIER) in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes)) or (IDENTIFIER[0] in ["#","?"])): PACKAGES=self.MakeDataPackages(Object,BasicDataTypes) for PACKAGE in PACKAGES: OBJECT.append(DataType(self,PACKAGE,BasicDataTypes)) else: if (string.upper(IDENTIFIER) == "UNIQUE"): if ((len(Object) == 1) and ((string.upper(string.split(Object[0])[1]) in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes)) or (string.split(Object[0])[1][0] in ["#","?"]))): PACKAGES=self.MakeDataPackages(Object,BasicDataTypes) OBJECT=[] for PACKAGE in PACKAGES: OBJECT.append(DataType(self,PACKAGE,BasicDataTypes)) else: OBJECT.append(ExclusiveListType(self,Object,BasicDataTypes)) else: if (string.upper(IDENTIFIER) in ["XREF","REPEAT"]): print self.GetPath() print "Fatal error. This entry can not have a modifier "+IDENTIFIER sys.exit(0) else: OBJECT.append(LabelType(self,Object,BasicDataTypes)) return OBJECT def GetNumParts(self): ## returns the number of entries return len(self.Parts) def GetLenPart(self,INDEX): ## returns the length of an entry ## for labels this is 1 ## for lines with datatypes, this corresponds to the number of datatypes on the line if (self.GetNumParts() >= INDEX): RESULT=len(self.Parts[INDEX]) else: RESULT=-1 return RESULT def FindElement(self,Element): ## this searches for an instance of a label or datatype in Parts and returns its index RESULT=(-1,-1) for PART in self.Parts: if (Element in PART): RESULT=(self.Parts.index(PART),PART.index(Element)) return RESULT class LabelType(ClassType): ## this class represents a label ## it inherits everything from the ClassType class ## only the validation method is overwritten def Validate(self,BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays): ## validates the label ERROR="" for PART in self.Parts: ## let all entries check themselves for P in PART: ERROR=ERROR+P.Validate(BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays) if ((self.GetName()[0] in ["#","?"]) or (string.upper(self.GetName()) in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes)+["UNIQUE","XREF","REPEAT"])): ## if the name starts with `#` or `?` or corresponds to a reserved keyword, than print an error message ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR "+self.GetPath()+": This name is not allowed for a label.\n\n" return ERROR class ExclusiveListType(ClassType): ## this class represents a UNIQUE list of labels ## UNIQUE datatypes are just datatypes with the modifier UNIQUE ## this class also inherits everything from ClassType and overwrites the validation method def Validate(self,BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays): ERROR="" for PART in self.Parts: if (len(PART) > 1): ## if the entry has more than one entry, it can not be a label ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": UNIQUE lists can only have labels not datatypes.\n" for P in PART: ERROR=ERROR+P.Validate(BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays) if (string.upper(self.GetName()) != "UNIQUE"): ## actualy the UNIQUE list is just a label that has the name UNIQUE ## if it doesn't have that name, it's an error ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": UNIQUE lists must have name 'UNIQUE'.\n" if (len(self.Parts) < 1): ## UNIQUE lists can not be empty ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": UNIQUE lists must have labels. They can not be empty.\n" return ERROR class UserDefinedType(ClassType): ## this class represents the user defined datatypes ## it inherits everything from ClassType and overwrites the validation method def Validate(self,BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays): ERROR="" for PART in self.Parts: ## let every entry check itself for P in PART: ERROR=ERROR+P.Validate(BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays) if (self.GetName()[0] != "#"): ## per definition user defined datatypes have to start with an '#' ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": User defined datatypes have to start with an '#'.\n" if (len(self.Parts) < 1): ## an empty user defined datatype doesn't make sense ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": User defined datatypes not be empty.\n" if ((string.upper(self.GetName()[1:]) in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes)+["UNIQUE","XREF","REPEAT"])): ## if the name corrsponds to a reserved keyword, than print an error message ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR "+self.GetPath()+": This name is not allowed for a user defined datatype.\n\n" if ("?"+string.upper(self.GetName()[1:]) in map(string.upper,ClassDict.keys()+CharacterArrays)): ## checks wether there already exists a class with the same name ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": There already exists a class with this name.\n" return ERROR class DataType: ## this class represents a datatype def __init__(self,Parent,Object,BasicDataTypes): ## Constructor self.Modifiers=[] ## this lists hold the modifiers self.SetParent(Parent) ## sets the parent node for P in Object: ## an initialisation a datatype object gets a list of string that represents the individual parts of the datatype, like modifiers, name etc. ## this list is not ordered if (string.upper(P) == "UNIQUE"): self.AddModifier(UNIQUE_Modifier(self,P)) if ((string.upper(P) in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes)) or (P[0] in ["#","?"])): self.SetName(P) if (string.upper(P) == "XREF"): self.AddModifier(XREF_Modifier(self,P,Object[Object.index(P)+1])) if (string.upper(P) == "REPEAT"): self.AddModifier(REPEAT_Modifier(self,P)) def SetParent(self,Parent): ## sets the parent node self.Parent=Parent def GetParent(self): ## returns the parent node return self.Parent def Validate(self,BasicDataTypes,ClassDict,CharacterArrays): ## checks the datatype ERROR="" if ((string.upper(self.GetName()) not in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes)) and (self.GetName()[0] not in ["?","#"])): ## the name has to start with `?' or `#` or be a basic data type ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": This datatype is not valid.\n" else: if (self.GetName()[0] in ["#","?"]): ## if it is a class, it must be defined in the model if ((string.upper(self.GetName()) not in map(string.upper,ClassDict.keys()+CharacterArrays)) and ("?"+string.upper(self.GetName()[1:]) not in map(string.upper,ClassDict.keys()+CharacterArrays))): ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": This class or datatype was never defined.\n" else: ## check if the classname has consistens spelling concerning upper and lower case letters if ((self.GetName() not in ClassDict.keys()+CharacterArrays) and ("?"+self.GetName()[1:] not in ClassDict.keys()+CharacterArrays)): ERROR=ERROR+"WARNING! "+self.GetPath()+": There is an inconsistency in the spelling of a class or datatype concerning upper and lower case usage.\n" else: ## check if the basic datatype has consistent usage of upper and lower case letters if (self.GetName() not in BasicDataTypes): ERROR=ERROR+"WARNING! "+self.GetPath()+": There is an inconsistency in the spelling of a datatype concerning upper and lower case usage.\n" if (len(self.Modifiers) > 3): ## a datatype can at most have 3 modifiers ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": A datatype can at most have 3 modifieres (UNIQUE xxx XREF yyy REPEAT).\n" else: XREF_count=0 UNIQUE_count=0 REPEAT_count=0 for Modif in self.Modifiers: if (isinstance(Modif,UNIQUE_Modifier)): UNIQUE_count=UNIQUE_count+1 else: if (isinstance(Modif,XREF_Modifier)): ERR=Modif.Validate(BasicDataTypes) if (ERR != ""): ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+" "+Modif.__str__()+": "+ERR if (self.GetName()[0] != "?"): ## only labels in classinstance can be referenced ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": Only classinstances can have references.\n" if (ClassDict.has_key(self.GetName())): CLASS=ClassDict[self.GetName()] if (CLASS.HasLabel(Modif.GetRef()) == ""): ## checks wether the reference exists ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": The label '"+Modif.GetRef()+"' is not defined in class " +self.GetName()+".\n" else: LABELNAME=string.split(CLASS.HasLabel(Modif.GetRef()))[-1] if (LABELNAME != Modif.GetRef()): ERROR=ERROR+"WARNING! There is an inconsistency in the spelling of the label '"+CLASS.HasLabel(Modif.GetRef())+"'. In the reference that belongs to '"+self.GetPath()+"' it is spelled '"+Modif.GetRef()+"'.\n" XREF_count=XREF_count+1 else: if (isinstance(Modif,REPEAT_Modifier)): REPEAT_count=REPEAT_count+1 if (self.IsLast() !=1): ## only the last datatype can have modifier REPEAT ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": Only the last datatype in a line can have a REPEAT modifier.\n" if ((REPEAT_count > 1) or (XREF_count > 1) or (UNIQUE_count > 1)): ## each modifier can only appear once ERROR=ERROR+"ERROR in "+self.GetPath()+": Each modifier can only be used once for a datatype.\n" return ERROR def AddModifier(self,Modif): ## adds a modifier self.Modifiers.append(Modif) def RemoveModifier(self,ModName): ## removes a modifier for Modif in self.Modifiers: if (Modif.GetName() == ModName): self.Modifiers.remove(Modif) def SetName(self,Name): ## sets the name self.Name=Name def GetName(self): ## returns the name return self.Name def GetPath(self): ## returns the path to the object PATH="" if (hasattr(self,"Parent")): PATH=self.Parent.GetPath() if (PATH==""): PATH=self.Name else: PATH=PATH+" -> "+self.Name return PATH def __str__(self): ## returns a string representation of the object STRING=self.GetName() for Modif in self.Modifiers: if (isinstance(Modif,UNIQUE_Modifier)): STRING=Modif.__str__()+" "+STRING else: STRING=STRING+" "+Modif.__str__() if (self.IsLast()==1): STRING=STRING+"\n" return STRING def __repr__(self): ## similar to __str__ return self def IsLast(self): ## checks wether the datatype is the last one in a line RESULT=0 POSITION=self.Parent.FindElement(self) if ((POSITION[1]+1) == self.Parent.GetLenPart(POSITION[0])): RESULT=1 return RESULT def HasLabel(self,LabelName): ## this is needed to ensure that the recursive method for class and labels works return "" class Modifier: ## abstract modifier class def __init__(self,Parent,Name): self.SetParent(Parent) self.SetName(Name) def __str__(self): return self.GetName() def __repr__(self): return self def SetName(self,Name): self.Name=Name def SetParent(self,Parent): self.Parent=Parent def GetName(self): return self.Name def GetParent(self): return self.Parent def Validate(self,BasicDataTypes): return "" class XREF_Modifier(Modifier): ## inherits from Modifier and adds some extra functinality def __init__(self,Parent,Name,Reference): Modifier.__init__(self,Parent,Name) self.SetRef(Reference) def __str__(self): return Modifier.__str__(self)+" "+self.GetRef() def SetRef(self,Ref): self.Reference=Ref def GetRef(self): return self.Reference def Validate(self,BasicDataTypes): Error = "" if ((self.GetRef()[0] in ["#","?"]) or (string.upper(self.GetRef()) in map(string.upper,BasicDataTypes))): Error="A reference can not be a class or datatype, it must be a label.\n" return Error class REPEAT_Modifier(Modifier): ## same as Modifier just needed for convienence pass class UNIQUE_Modifier(Modifier): ## same as Modifier pass if __name__=="__main__": ## this method is the main method ## it is executed when the file is called from the command line ## it is not executed when the file is imported as a module if (len(sys.argv) > 2): print "usage ParseModel.py 'modelfile'" else: File=sys.argv[1] ## first command line argument is the filename Text=open(File,'r').readlines() ## read all the text from the file M=Model(Text) ## creates an instance M of the Model print M.Validate() ## prints the reulst of the validation process for the whole model