/* File: win32dcelib.cpp * Author: Richard Bruskiewich (rbrusk@octogene.medgen.ubc.ca) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1992 *------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) RPC * WIN32 port specific function definitions * * Exported functions: * void my_Signal( void (*callback)(int arg) ) * void my_Alarm(unsigned int seconds) * * HISTORY: * Last edited: August 1 21:50 1997 (rbrusk): fully implemented * * Feb 12 20:10 1997 (rbrusk) * Created: Feb 12 20:10 1997 (rbrusk): with stubs ***************************************************************/ /* %W% %G% */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "dceServerTimer.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif /* These routines simulate the UNIX * SIGALRM functionality for the aceserver, using threads... */ /* my_Signal just sets the callback */ extern "C" void my_Signal( SIGNAL_CALLBACK callback ) { CTimer *stopWatch = CTimer::getStopWatch() ; if( stopWatch != NULL ) stopWatch->dceAlarmCBSet(callback) ; } /* my_Alarm() sets a SIGALRM; calls the signal(callback) when it times out, unless otherwise reset again */ extern "C" void my_Alarm(unsigned int seconds) { CTimer *stopWatch = CTimer::getStopWatch() ; if( stopWatch != NULL ) stopWatch->dceAlarmStart(seconds) ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDCETimer IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CDCETimer, CWinThread) CDCETimer *CDCETimer::stopWatch = NULL ; // the CDCETimer creating processes grabs the m_waitFlag CMutex // so the CDCETimer can time out by waiting for it, upon request // for time == m_timeOut seconds CDCETimer::CDCETimer() : m_waitFlag(TRUE) { m_callback = NULL ; m_timeOut = 0 ; } CDCETimer::~CDCETimer() { } BOOL CDCETimer::InitInstance() { // TODO: perform and per-thread initialization here return TRUE; } int CDCETimer::ExitInstance() { // TODO: perform any per-thread cleanup here return CWinThread::ExitInstance(); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDCETimer, CWinThread) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDCETimer) ON_THREAD_MESSAGE( WM_CREATE, OnAlarm ) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDCETimer message handlers CDCETimer *CDCETimer::getStopWatch() { TRACE("Entering getStopWatch()\n") ; if( stopWatch == NULL) { /* CREATE_SUSPENDED in order to provide for parameter passing */ stopWatch = (CDCETimer *)AfxBeginThread( RUNTIME_CLASS(CDCETimer), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 256 /* 256 bytes should be adequate? */, CREATE_SUSPENDED ) ; if( stopWatch == NULL) { TRACE("CDCETimer could not be created!?\nExiting getStopWatch()\n") ; ASSERT(FALSE) ; return NULL ; } } else { TRACE("Exiting getStopWatch()\n") ; return stopWatch ; } } void CDCETimer::dceAlarmStart(unsigned int seconds) { if( seconds ) // set the alarm time duration in millisecs m_timeOut = seconds*1000 ; if( !(m_callback && m_timeOut) ) // both have to be non-NULL { errno = -1 ; messerror("CDCETimer thread has no callback or a zero time out?!?\n" "dceAlarmStart() failure!\n") ; return ; } DWORD result ; while( result = ResumeThread() ) // until zero == not suspended? { if( result == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { errno = -1 ; messerror("CDCETimer thread could not be resumed!?\n" "dceAlarmStart() failure!\n") ; return ; } } m_ResetFlag.PulseEvent() ; PostThreadMessage(m_hThread,WM_CREATE,0,0) ; } // WM_CREATE mesage calls the OnAlarm() handler... see message map above int CDCETimer::OnAlarm(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CSingleLock waitFlagLock(m_waitFlag) ; CSyncObjects *flagArray[2] = { &m_waitFlag, &m_ResetFlag } ; CMultiLock sleep(flagArray,2) ; sleep.Lock((DWORD)m_timeOut*1000) ; // waitLock.IsLocked() is true if m_ResetFlag was signalled? if(!waitFlagLock.IsLocked() && m_callback) { ((SIGNAL_CALLBACK)m_callback)(0) ; return 0 ; } else return -1 ; }