Programs by Package
ACeDB - Object-oriented biological database engine
Babraham Bioinformatics -
bioLegato - Programmable graphic user interface
BIRCH - Biological Research Computing Hierarchy
Castresana - Biodiversity and Evolution
CCB - Johns Hopkins Center for Computational Biology
cd-hit - cluster sequences and remove redundancy
CLUSTAL - Multiple sequence alignment
cutadapt - finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads
Cytoscape - Cytoscape
Darling Lab - Computational Genomics
DIALIGN - Multiple sequence alignment
DTU_Health_Tech -
Durand -
EBI - Sequence chromatogram viewer
EdwardsLab -
FASTA - Pairwise and global similarity searches
forester - Programs and API for phylogeny
FSAP - Sequence analysis tools
genographer - Score markers from gel images
GSC - UBC Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
HTSLIB - Libraries for High Throughput Sequencing reads
jellyfish - Fast, Parallel k-mer Counting for DNA
LAST - Genome-Scale Sequence Comparison
MAFFT - Multiple sequence alignment by fast Fourier Transformation
Mapmaker - Mapping with molecular and phenotypic markers
MCLAMP - Multiple alignment viewer
Mesquite - A modular system for evolutionary analysis
mourisl -
MrBayes - Bayesian inference of phylogeny
MWC - Oligonucleotide Molecular Weight Calculator
NCBI - Database tools - Natl. Ctr. for Biotech. Information
NCBI-edirect - Entrez Direct: E-utilities on the command line
pal2nal -
PHYLIP - Package for Inferring Phylogenies
pigz -
pollux - DNA sequence read correction for all sequencing platforms
PRIMER3 - Oligonucleotide design
READSEQ - Sequence format translator
Saint Petersberg Algorithmic Biology Lab -
Salmon -
SangerSeqTools - Package for visualizing sequence alignments
SeqKit -
TIGR-TM4 - TIGR Microarray programs
transrate - de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis
Trimmomatic -
Trinity - RNA-Seq De novo Assembly
WebLogo - Create sequence logos
weighbor - weighted neighbor-joining
Wellcome_Trust_Sanger_Institute - Genomics Applications
XYLEM - Create and manipulate database subsets
Zmasek - Programs of Christian Zmasek