name "fastq_pair - remove non-paired reads from left or right read files" tip "For both left and right read files, create two files, one containing paired reads, the other with singletons." var "in1" type tempfile direction in format tsv save false var "hashsize" type number label "Size of hashtable to use (-t)" min 100000 max 1000000000 default 100000 var "buckets" type chooser label "Print no. of sequences per bucket (-p)?" default 1 choices "Yes" "--buckets" "No" "" var "outdir" type text label "Name for output directory" default "../reads.trimmed.corrected.fastq_pair" # Enclose %ADDRESS% in single quotes, which prevents # an error if no custom adaptor sequence is specified. var "email" type chooser label "Notify of completion by email" default 1 choices "Yes" " --recipient %ADDRESS% --subject 'fastq_pair completed' --message bl_fastq_pair.log;" "No" " bl_fastq_pair.log;" var "address" type text label " email address" default "$BL_EMAIL" panel var "Run" type button label "Run" shell "nice --tsv %in1% --hashsize %HASHSIZE% %BUCKETS% --outdir %OUTDIR%; cd %OUTDIR%; %EMAIL% blreads " close true var "Hints" type button label "Hints" shell "$BIRCH/script/ $BIRCH/doc/bioLegato/blreads/fastq_pair.hints.html" close false var "Guide" type button label "Guide" shell " $BIRCH/doc/fastq-pair.html" close false