name " - Separate valid reads and bad reads into two files" icon "$BIRCH/public_html/images/birch_black_ico.png" tip "For each selected fastq file, divides the reads from a fastq file into two files, one for valid reads (validfile) and the other for bad reads (badfile)" var "in1" type tempfile direction in format tsv save false var "minseq" type number label "Min. length of a valid read" min 1 max 500000000 default 50 var "out1" type tempfile direction out format tsv save false overwrite true content canvas var "output" type chooser label "Notify of completion by email" default 1 choices "Yes" " --recipient %ADDRESS% --subject ' completed' --message fixfq.log;" "No" " fixfq.log;" var "address" type text label " email address" default "$BL_EMAIL" panel var "Run" type button label "Run" shell " %in1% %in1%.tsv; --filelist %in1%.tsv --minseq %MINSEQ% > fixfq.log; rm %in1%.tsv; %OUTPUT% %out1%" close true var "Manual" type button label "Manual" shell " $BIRCH/doc/fixfq.html" close false