name "Pollux - DNA read correction (k-mer)" tip "Corrects DNA sequencing reads based on k-mer frequencies. Works for all sequencing platforms. " var "in1" type tempfile direction in format tsv save false var "paired" type chooser label "Paired-end reads?" default 0 choices "Yes (default)" "-p" "No" "" var "klength" type number label "k-mer length" min 16 max 31 default 31 # The author mentions this in the paper, but we'll have to experiment # to find out how pollux wants us to specify "size eg. # nucleotides, # RAM in byes, RAM in Mb or Gb etc. #var "batch" # type combobox # label "limit RAM: # bases processed at a time" # default 0 # choices # "off (default)" "" # "200,000,000" "200000000" # "250,000,000" "-b 250000000" # "30 Gb" "-b 30" # "30000 Mb" "-b 30000" var "fastqc" type chooser label "Run FASTQC on corrected reads?" default 0 choices "Yes" "FILES=`cat %in1%.nam | sed -e 's/$/.corrected/'`; echo 'FASTQC Start: '`date` >> pollux.log; fastqc -t %THREADS% $FILES >> pollux.log; echo 'FASTQC Finish: '`date` >> pollux.log; rm %in1%.nam;" "No (default)" "" var "threads" type number label "Number of threads to use for FastQC" min 1 max $BL_CORES_MAX default $BL_CORES_DEFAULT var "outdir" type text label "Name for output directory" default "../pollux" var "email" type chooser label "Notify of completion by email" default 1 choices "Yes" " --recipient %ADDRESS% --subject 'pollux completed' --message pollux.log;" "No" "" var "address" type text label " email address" default "$BL_EMAIL" panel var "Run" type button label "Run" #shell " %in1% %in1%.nam; FILES=`cat %in1%.nam |tr '\n' ' '` ; mkdir %OUTDIR%; echo 'Start: '`date` > pollux.log; nice pollux %PAIRED% -k %KLENGTH% -o %OUTDIR% -i $FILES >> pollux.log; echo 'Finish: '`date` >> pollux.log; mv pollux.log %in1%.nam %OUTDIR%; cd %OUTDIR%; %FASTQC% %EMAIL% blreads " shell "mkdir %OUTDIR%; echo 'Start: '`date` > pollux.log; %in1% %OUTDIR% %PAIRED% -k %KLENGTH% ; RCODE=$?; echo 'Finish: '`date` >> pollux.log; if [ $RCODE -eq '0' ]; then (mv pollux.log %OUTDIR%; cd %OUTDIR%; %FASTQC% %EMAIL% blreads) fi " close true var "Help" type button label "Help" shell " $BIRCH/doc/" close false