name "gff2gtf - Create GTF file from a GFF file using gffread" icon "$BIRCH/dat/blreads/CCBlogo.png" tip "Convert a GFF file to a GTF file using gffread." var "GFFFILE" type file label "GFF file (.gff/.gff3)" default "" var "NONTRANSCRIPT" type chooser label "Process non-transcript features?" default 1 choices "Yes" "-O" "No" "" var "INFRAMESTOP" type chooser label "Discard CDSs with in-frame stop codons?" default 1 choices "Yes" "-V" "No" "" var "NOPSEUDO" type chooser label "Filter out records matching the 'pseudo' keyword?" default 1 choices "Yes" "--no-pseudo" "No" "" var "ADDITIONAL" type chooser label "Move additional exon attributes to the mRNA level?" default 1 choices "Yes" "-G" "No" "" panel var "Run" type button label "Run" shell " %GFFFILE% %NONTRANSCRIPT% %INFRAMESTOP% %NOPSEUDO% %ADDITIONAL%; blreads& " close true var "Help" type button label "Help" shell "$BIRCH/script/ $BIRCH/doc/ccb/" close false