package birchconfig; import javax.swing.JTextField; /** Holds components of URL as set by URLbuilder * Objects of this class are used to store the values entered * using URLbuilder so that each time you call the URLbuilder, * it remembers what you entered last time. *


* */ public class URLholder { String URLtitle; // title used in URLbuilder String prefix; String secondary; String primary; String tilda; String useridDir; String URLstr; boolean isValid; JTextField URLTextField = new JTextField(); /** Copy fields from another URLholder */ void copyValues (URLholder UH) { this.URLtitle = UH.URLtitle; this.prefix = UH.prefix; this.secondary = UH.secondary; this.primary = UH.primary; this.tilda = UH.tilda; this.useridDir = UH.useridDir; this.makeURLstring(); this.isValid = UH.isValid; this.URLTextField.setText(this.URLstr); } /** Set URLstr to a string representation of the URL, based * on the other variables. */ void makeURLstring () { this.URLstr = "http://"; if (!this.prefix.trim().equals("")) { this.URLstr = this.URLstr + this.prefix.trim() + "."; } this.URLstr = this.URLstr + this.secondary.trim() + "." + this.primary.trim(); if (this.useridDir != null && this.useridDir.trim().length() > 0) { this.URLstr = this.URLstr + "/" + this.tilda.trim() + this.useridDir.trim(); } } // Use this constructor to create a URLholder without initializing. public URLholder() { URLstr = ""; isValid = false; } // Use this constructor to create a URLholder whose values // are guessed from the BirchProperties file. public URLholder(BirchProperties BP) { URLtitle = ""; // title used in URLbuilder int atindex = -1; prefix = "www"; // We can make a wild guess that the email address of the // birch admin contains the name of the host eg. // secondary = ""; if (BP.adminEmail != null) { atindex = BP.adminEmail.indexOf("@"); if (BP.adminEmail.length() > atindex & atindex > 0) { int rightdot = BP.adminEmail.lastIndexOf("."); secondary = BP.adminEmail.substring(atindex+1,rightdot); primary = BP.adminEmail.substring(rightdot+1); } } else { primary = ""; secondary = ""; } primary = "ca"; tilda = "~"; useridDir = BP.adminUserid; URLstr = ""; isValid = false; } }