package birchconfig; import*; import java.util.Date; //import birchconfig.runCommand; //import; // bogus comment as a test /** *

Title: Change URLs in BIRCH web pages for access by local webserver.


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005


Company: University of Manitoba

* *

Description: This program calls


Logfile: $BIRCH/install-birch/install.log. *

This program must be run from the $BIRCH/install-birch directory.


To avoid accidently clobbering the master copy of BIRCH, this program will stop * and print an error message if the userid of the person runing it is 'psgendb'.

@param - none * * * * @author Dr. Brian Fristensky * @version 0.1 */ public class customdoc { public customdoc() { try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } static runCommand runner = new runCommand(); //----------------------------------------------- /** * Write a message to the logfile. */ static void progressMessage(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile, String S) { logfile.PW.println(S); } /** * makeParamFile - create the file $birch/local/admin/newstr.param, * which contains strings to be substituted for those in oldstr.param. */ static void makeParamFile(BirchProperties tempBP, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { BirchProperties BP = tempBP; String FN = BP.homedir + "/local/admin/newstr.param"; BufferedTextOutputFile outfile = new BufferedTextOutputFile(); if (outfile.WriteOkay(FN)) { logfile.PW.println("Create substitution strings for "); try { outfile.PW.println("~"); outfile.PW.println(BP.birchURL); outfile.PW.println(BP.birchHomeURL); outfile.PW.println(BP.adminEmail); outfile.PW.println(BP.homedir); outfile.PW.println(BP.adminUserid); outfile.PW.flush(); outfile.FW.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script This script substitutes * strings (eg. URLs, directory names, userid of BIRCH admin., * email address of BIRCH admin.) in HTML documentation from * the original values to local values */ static boolean runCustomDoc(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; String MSG = "Changing HMTL documentation to correspond to local directory structure"; logfile.PW.print("birchconfig: " + MSG + ": "); screenMsg scr = new screenMsg(); scr.printSubHeading("",MSG); String COMMAND = "python ./ oldURLs.param newURLs.param htmldir.param"; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** *

Read in newURLs.param and update BIRCH properties.

* @param BP BirchProperties */ static void readNewURLs(String [] newstrings) { BufferedTextInputFile infile = new BufferedTextInputFile(); if (infile.OpenOkay("newURLs.param")) { String line = infile.nextLine(); for (int i=0; i<=1; i++) { newstrings[i] = line; line = infile.nextLine(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------- /** Run the script This script generates * HMTL pages with links to documentation files. URLs from * links come from */ static boolean runHtmlDoc(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; String MSG = "Rebuilding program documentation pages to correspond to local directory structure"; logfile.PW.print("birchconfig: " + MSG + ": "); screenMsg scr = new screenMsg(); scr.printSubHeading(" ",MSG); String COMMAND = "python ./"; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //============================= MAIN ===================================== public static void main() { BufferedTextOutputFile logfile = new BufferedTextOutputFile(); boolean OKAY = true; // Install or update BIRCH if (logfile.WriteOkay("../birchconfig.customdoc.log")) { progressMessage(logfile,"Changing URLs in BIRCH documentation"); Date D = new Date(); String TimeStamp = D.toString(); progressMessage(logfile,TimeStamp); progressMessage(logfile,""); } // For testing purposes, we allow birchconfig to get as far as this // point. Since BIRCHDEV is the master copy of BIRCH, we don't allow // to run on BIRCHDEV. String userid = System.getProperty(""); BirchProperties BP = new BirchProperties(); System.out.println("BirchProperties read. BIRCH home dir: " + BP.homedir); BP.loadProps("../local/admin/"); //if (userid.equals("psgendb")) { if (BP.homedir.contains("BIRCHDEV")) { progressMessage(logfile,"UPDATE ABORTED! - running on BIRCHDEV prohibited"); System.out.println("UPDATE ABORTED! - running on BIRCHDEV prohibited"); } else { // run if (runCustomDoc(logfile)) { // Update newstr.param and with the new URLs // read command line arguments String [] newstrings = new String [2]; readNewURLs(newstrings); BP.birchURL= newstrings[0]; BP.birchHomeURL= newstrings[1]; BP.writeProps("../local/admin/"); makeParamFile(BP, logfile); // run to update the URLs for documentation files, // based on the new URLS in runHtmlDoc(logfile); } else { progressMessage(logfile,"Update of URLs in documentation failed.\n"); progressMessage(logfile,"See birchconfig.customdoc.log"); } } logfile.PW.close(); } // MAIN private void jbInit() throws Exception { } }