package birchconfig; import; //----------------------------------------------- /** * We can probably delete this method now. I believe that after Jave 1.5, getenv * was restored to the API. * WARNING: This doesn't work. What seems to happen is that * echo runs, and prints out the rest of the string, rather than * taking the entire string as a command and arguments. Escaping * the quotes doesn't help. * Get the value of an environment varialbe. Similar to the C getenv command. */ public class getEnv { public static String getEnv (String varname) throws Exception { String value = ""; try { runCommand runner = new runCommand(); String comstr = "nice echo \"$" + varname + "\" > GETENV_TEMP_FILE"; runner.runCommand(comstr); BufferedTextInputFile tempfile = new BufferedTextInputFile(); if (tempfile.OpenOkay("GETENV_TEMP_FILE")) { value.equals(tempfile.nextLine()); } tempfile.F.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } System.out.println(varname + ": " + value); return value; } }