package birchconfig; import*; import java.util.Date; //import birchconfig.runCommand; //import; /** *

Title: Install a BIRCH system.


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005


Company: University of Manitoba

* *

Description: This program calls external scripts to install a new BIRCH system * or update an existing one. It can be run as a method from birchconfig.jar, * or as a standalone commandline program


Logfile: $BIRCH/install-birch/install.log. *

This program must be run from the $BIRCH/install-birch directory.


To avoid accidently clobbering the master copy of BIRCH, this program will stop * and print an error message if the userid of the person runing it is 'psgendb'.

@param -new do a new BIRCH installation. This option will create a new $BIRCH/local * directory by renaming 'local-generic' to 'local'. Without the -new switch, * install will update the BIRCH site using settings in $BIRCH/local * * * * @author Dr. Brian Fristensky * @version 0.1 */ public class install { public install() { try { jbInit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } static runCommand runner = new runCommand(); //----------------------------------------------- /** * Write a message to the logfile. */ static void progressMessage(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile, String S) { logfile.PW.println(S); } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the nobirch script. This script deletes lines from .cshrc, .profile, * .bashrc etc. which add BIRCH to the PATH and set environment variables *needed for BIRCH */ static boolean runNobirch(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; String COMMAND; COMMAND = "../admin/nobirch -Q"; logfile.PW.print("nobirch: Temporarily removing BIRCH access for this account: "); OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script makelinks.csh. This script creates * symbolic links to directories in the master copy * of BIRCH, so that these directories do not need * to be duplicated for each mini-BIRCH instance. */ static boolean makeLinks(String BirchMasterCopy, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; logfile.PW.print("Creating links to master copy of BIRCH"); System.out.println("Running makelinks.csh"); OKAY = runner.runCommand("./makelinks.csh " + BirchMasterCopy); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** rename local-generic directory to local * */ static boolean makeLocal(String BIRCH, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; mv mover = new mv(); String oldname = BIRCH + "/local-generic"; String newname = BIRCH + "/local"; logfile.PW.print("Move " + oldname + " to " + newname); try { OKAY =,newname); } catch (Exception e) { OKAY = false; logfile.PW.println(e); } if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Files added to local-generic since the previous release * will be missing from local. Copy these files from local-generic to local */ static boolean copyLocal(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; logfile.PW.print("Copying new files from local-generic to local"); System.out.println("Running"); OKAY = runner.runCommand("./ "); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script birchhome.csh. This script goes through * configuration files in BIRCH and changes '/home/psgendb' * to the local BIRCH home directory. */ static boolean BirchHome(String BIRCH, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; logfile.PW.print("Set BIRCH homedirectory to " + BIRCH + ": "); System.out.println("Running birchhome.csh"); OKAY = runner.runCommand("./birchhome.csh"); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script setplatform.csh. This script uncomments * the appropriate line in profile.source and platform.profile.source * to set the enviroment variable BIRCH_PLATFORM */ static boolean setPlatform(String platform, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; logfile.PW.print("setplatform.csh: Set default platform to " + platform + ": "); String COMMAND = "./setplatform.csh " + platform; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } /** * makeParamFile - create the file $birch/local/admin/newstr.param, * which contains strings to be substituted for those in oldstr.param. */ static void makeParamFile(BirchProperties tempBP, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { BirchProperties BP = tempBP; String FN = BP.homedir + "/local/admin/newstr.param"; BufferedTextOutputFile outfile = new BufferedTextOutputFile(); if (outfile.WriteOkay(FN)) { logfile.PW.println("Create substitution strings for "); try { String S; S = "~"; outfile.PW.println(S); S = "file://" + BP.homedir + "/public_html"; outfile.PW.println(S); BP.birchURL = S; S = "file://" + BP.homedir; outfile.PW.println(S); BP.birchHomeURL = S; S = BP.adminEmail; outfile.PW.println(S); S = BP.homedir; outfile.PW.println(S); S = BP.adminUserid; outfile.PW.println(S); outfile.PW.flush(); outfile.FW.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script This script substitutes * strings (eg. URLs, directory names, userid of BIRCH admin., * email address of BIRCH admin.) in HTML documentation from * the original values to local values */ static boolean customDoc(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; logfile.PW.print(" Changing HMTL documentation to correspond to local directory structure: "); String COMMAND = "python ./ oldstr.param newstr.param htmldir.param"; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script This script creates web pages * organizing documentation by category, package, and an index. */ static boolean htmlDoc(String BIRCH, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; logfile.PW.print(" Creating web pages that index documentation for all programs: "); String COMMAND = "python ./"; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script This script creates .GDEmenus * files for all platforms. */ static boolean makemenus(String BIRCH, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; logfile.PW.print(" Creating GDE menus: "); String COMMAND = "./runmakemenus.csh"; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the script fasta2install.csh and fasta3install.csh. * These scripts download the fasta2 and fasta3 packages by FTP * compile the programs, and install programs and documentation. */ static boolean makefasta(String BIRCH, BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; String COMMAND; COMMAND = "./installfasta2.csh"; logfile.PW.print("installfasta2.csh: Downloading and compiling fasta2 package: "); OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); logfile.PW.print("installfasta3.csh: Downloading and compiling fasta3 package: "); COMMAND = "./installfasta3.csh"; OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //----------------------------------------------- /** Run the newuser script. This script adds lines to .cshrc, .profile, * .bashrc etc. to add BIRCH to the PATH and set environment variables * needed for BIRCH */ static boolean runNewUser(BufferedTextOutputFile logfile) { boolean OKAY = true; String COMMAND; COMMAND = "../admin/newuser"; logfile.PW.print("newuser: Setting up your account to use BIRCH "); OKAY = runner.runCommand(COMMAND); if (OKAY) { logfile.PW.println("Succeeded"); } else { logfile.PW.println("FAILED!"); } return OKAY; } //============================= MAIN ===================================== public static void main(String[] args) { BufferedTextOutputFile logfile = new BufferedTextOutputFile(); boolean OKAY = true; // read command line arguments boolean newInstallation = false; BirchProperties BP = new BirchProperties(); for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-new")) { newInstallation = true; } else { BP.loadProps(args[i]); } } // Install or update BIRCH System.out.println("BirchProperties read. BIRCH home dir: " + BP.homedir); if (logfile.WriteOkay("../birchconfig.install.log")) { if (newInstallation) { progressMessage(logfile,"New BIRCH Installation"); } else { progressMessage(logfile,"Updating BIRCH"); } Date D = new Date(); String TimeStamp = D.toString(); progressMessage(logfile,TimeStamp); progressMessage(logfile,""); } // For testing purposes, we allow psgendb to get as far as this // point. Since psgendb is the the userid for the master BIRCH // site, we don't want to accidently clobber the master copy of // BIRCH! String userid = System.getProperty(""); if (userid.equals("psgendb")) { progressMessage(logfile,"UPDATE ABORTED! - psgendb can't run install"); System.out.println("UPDATE ABORTED! - psgendb can't run install"); } else { // for update, temporarily remove BIRCH access for this account. if ( ! newInstallation) {runNobirch(logfile);} // create links to master copy of BIRCH if (BP.minibirch.equals("true")) {makeLinks(BP.BirchMasterCopy,logfile);} // move local-generic to local if (newInstallation) {makeLocal(BP.homedir,logfile);} else {copyLocal(logfile);} // run birchhome.csh BirchHome(BP.homedir, logfile); // set BIRCH_PLATFORM in platform.source and platform.profile.source if (newInstallation) {setPlatform(BP.platform, logfile);} // run if (newInstallation) {makeParamFile(BP, logfile);} customDoc(logfile); // run htmlDoc(BP.homedir, logfile); // generate GDE menu files makemenus(BP.homedir, logfile); // install FASTA packages if (BP.minibirch.equals("false")) {makefasta(BP.homedir, logfile);} // set up .rc files so that BIRCH Administrator cn use BIRCH runNewUser(logfile); } logfile.PW.close(); } // MAIN private void jbInit() throws Exception { } }