========================================================================= AceDB - September MAR Executive summary. ------------------ A big change in the AceDB team this month, Simon is leaving for pastures new (working for Phil Butcher on Linux kernel type stuff). This has meant some reassessment of priorities including the following: - in future we will only be supporting the Unix and Mac builds, Windows support will be dropped unless someone else wants to take this up. - work will continue on the replacement for FMap (aka ZMap) which will be available as part of xace and as a stand alone client. - bug fixing and modifications to acedb will be limited in the future to time allowed by work on Zmap. Porting work ------------ Windows port now includes: - MakeAceDB, a script to create new databases with correct subdirectories, files, permissions etc. - dotter/blixem package - much work to get a final windows build done with a new version of cygwin. Mac port now includes: - xremote added, allows programmatic control of a running xace process. - dotter/blixem package All available from AceDB downloads page(s). Move to GTK 2 ------------- Its time for AceDB to move on to a later version of GTK (the graphics package used by AceDB) as the current version (1.2) is no longer actively supported. This is work in progress (including getting GTK installed on the Alphas). Support of Wormbase ------------------- Much testing of code to allow building of virtual sequences that contain only specified subsets of features. Provides much needed efficiency improvement both for Wormbase and for the bi-weekly worm DB builds here at Sanger. As a spin off we improve our overnight test system with extra Smap/virtual sequence tests. Extending gene curation tools in fMap to allow annotation of objects in any class that is sMappable, part of on going work to support complete revision of wormbase schema for representing genes. ZMap ---- Have working multi-threaded prototype which contacts servers and displays the results in simple text windows currently. All server contact/data processing is via sub-threads allowing user to cancel database connections/continue working while waiting for data etc.