ACEDB User Group Newsletter - September 2003

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This month sees a change in the acedb staff at Sanger which will have some ramifications, a windows package of blixem and dotter, an article on text searching in acedb and a number of bug fixes.

General News

A month of change for Acedb at the Sanger Institute.

Simon Kelley, who has been a stalwart of acedb development for years, is to move on to pastures new working in the systems group here at Sanger.

Simon has been responsible for a lot of very important acedb features over the years including the genetic map display and many which, being internal to acedb, have probably passed most people by. He has been the solver of many horrible bugs and introduced many good things, not least the move to using the Cygwin/GTK libraries which have enabled us to port acedb to Windows and the Mac in a sustainable way and use a more modern graphics system. He will be sorely missed.

Good luck in the new job Simon !

(Please see "The Future of acedb" for a discussion of what this all means for acedb support and development.)

New Features

Blixem/Dotter for Windows

As a parting shot at Windows support Rob Clack has made a download package for blixem and dotter. You can grab these stand alone binaries (i.e. they are independent of acedb) from our downloads page.

Troubles with "make"

If you build your own acedb then you should probably read this.

Our makefile creates a subdirectory named "bin.XXXXX" where "XXXXX" is a name representing your machine architecture. In this directory it makes symbolic links to all the source files to be compiled in the w* directories. There is a problem with this though in that some versions of "ln" (the command to create the link) support overwriting an existing link while others do not.

To fix this we put a test into the makefiles:

test -L xxx.c || ln -s ../wXXXX/xxx.c .

i.e. if the link doesn't exist then make it.

Unfortunately some versions of the sh shell don't support this use of "test", you can't win can you...sigh.

Now you can set the make macro $(TEST) in your XXXXX_DEF file to a version on your system that will support this and the makefile will work, e.g. TEST = /bin/test

and hey presto it should all work.


The future of acedb

Owing to the current financial climate it is not anticipated that Simon will be replaced in the foreseeable future, this means that there will have to be some changes in what the acedb team at Sanger can do in the way of support, bug fixing and development.

After some dicussion we have decided to press ahead with the development of the new Zmap display which will in effect be a client-server version of the FMap. There are a number of reasons for doing this and there will be more discussion in the newsletters as we continue this work.

Clearly in order that we can do new development there must be some cuts in support and development of existing code. We have decided to essentially freeze our core acedb development and are currently finishing off existing "work in progress" before Simon leaves.

In more detail the implications of this are:

This probably all sounds a bit draconian and bleak but realistically we had more than we could possibly manage with 3 of us and with 2 of us this will be even more so. The choice is really between making progress or falling into a purely bug-fixing support role.

Searching text in acedb

(This article is courtesy of Jean Thierry-Mieg

A recent user question was:

Do you know how to query LongText?

It seem in the old versions of xace you can do TextSearch or Grep. You can still do it now.

Once you have stored LongText away in the database, then it is hard to query it.

select l from l in class longText will return all the keys for LongText.

Is there a way to say

where l->content_of_longtext like "*my favorite word*" or something like this ?

Jeans has written this reply which deals generally with querying text in acedb as well as with longtext specifically:

Text entry and text searches in acedb

Acedb has 3 types of text fields


None of these are limited in size, the daily aquila regression test reads and writes Text of 1 megabyte in a length.

The difference is in the way they are stored (the cost in memory) the way they are searched and the way they are read in and out, to give an example:

1) Schema

here is a minimal schema with the 3 types

?Paper Title ?Text                                                                        
       Citation Text                                                                      
       Abstract ?LongText                                                                 

2) Here is a corresponding ace file

Paper p1                                                                                  
Citation "PSWC, 1980, vol 12 pp 30-40"                                                    
Title "About the hidden face of the moon"                                                 
Abstract p1                                                                               
LongText p1                                                                               
The moon                                                                                  
always shows                                                                              
the same face...                                                                          

Notice that there is no difference between entering a Text and a ?Text. If you dump all papers, remove all citations, read a new model where Citation is declared as ?Text and parse the exact ace file you have just dumped, all citations will be promoted from Text to ?Text.

3) Memory cost

The Text entry are stored on disk, inside the object they belong to. They cost nothing.

The ?Text entries are constantly in RAM. Typically, they define the largest dictionary in an acedb database. The size is given in the graphic interface by going to status, then the submenu "number of object per class". To spend 10 to 100 Mb on that distionary is probably perfectly ok, depending on your machine. Another important cost is that a ?Text is cross referenced in to all the objects it belongs to. However acedb slows has linear algorithms and deep recursive calls associated to the XREF system. It is therefore costly to XREF over a few hundred objects, very costly over say 5000. Therefore, you must really avoid to enter in ?Text some sentence shared by thousands of objects. The same is true of any other objects. For example, consider the RNAi experiemnts. Well over 10,000 genes have been tested. About half have a special phenotype, you can store that as a ?Text, but for the other half it is much preferable to have a special tag called "No_RNAi_phenotype" then to enter those same words as a ?Text pointing back to 5000 genes.

?LongText is stored on disk as an independant object but point only to its parent. The cost in RAM is the name of the LongText, not its content.

4) Querying

There is always a trade of. The high cost of the ?Text is compensated by the ease of querying. The following queries will work:

query find paper Title = *moon*                                                           
query find paper Citation = *PSWC*                                                        

There is no difference in syntax or in speed between these 2 queries, the speed is linear in the number of papers containing the relevant Tag. Each paper has to be retreived from disk, so the whole search may be slow. However, for ?Text you may also use

query grep *moon*                                                                         
grep moon                                                                                 

This query is solved completelly in RAM, so it will be quasi instantaneous. A contrario 'grep *PSWC*' will not work. Finally, longtext may only be queried using the xace graphic long search button or the tace command:

LongGrep "same face"                                                                      
Longgrep moon                                                                             
This search is linear in the number of LongText entries, one disk access per LongText. Notice that "query longgrep " does not work, longrep must be issued at the tace prompt, and that Longgrep retrieves ?LongText and ?Text but not Text.


Use Text for things which amy be very repetitive or which do not have to be searched out of context. Use ?Text if you wish to use that text as an entry point, without knowing the exact class and tag where it is located, or if you wish great speed of access. Use ?LongText for abstarcts.

We know that the whole system is confusing. In the draft version of acedb.5, we have had for several years a system that no longer slows down on very large Text, or on very large XREF, and we are working on direct indexing of LongText. But for the moment, things work are described above.

More on Querying longText

In acedb, paper abstracts and other long documents are stored in a special class called LongText. You can list all those objects by using the query

Find longtext                                                                           

either from xace or from tace. This may be usefull to create a .ace file, but otherwise it is not very informative, since you just get the identifiers.

However, it is also possible to search them by content. From the xace interface, type some words in the main window and select 'even in longtext'. For example, typing the words 'binding proteins' should bring back several papers containing these exact words in their abstract. Typing 'binding*hairpin' may bring back pubmed 9049306, if you have that abstract in your database, because the * allows to find these 2 words although they are not contiguous, but are in this order.

The same list can be found in tace by the command longrep, which is described in the command help:

acedb> ?  // lists all commands                                                           
acedb> ? longgrep  // to get help on longgrep                                             
LongGrep template : searches for *template* also in LongTexts                             
acedb>  longgrep protein*hairpin                                                          
// I search for texts or object names matching *protein*hairpin*                          
// Found 1 object                                                                         
// 1 Active Object                                                                        
acedb> list                                                                               
KeySet : Answer_1                                                                         

// 1 object listed                                                                        
// 1 Active Objects                                                                       

CAVEAT: in tace, after longgrep, do not use "" and do not add terminal white spaces unless you mean it.

HORRIBLE LIMITATION: longrep explores the longtexts and moves back to the parent paper with the same identifier. It would be much better if it could move back to the parent object of any type of longtext, not just abstract, and even if the names differ.

A much more complete text indexing system is in developement. It is driving the query system of AceView (, but for the moment it is schema specific. Since it is wonderfully fast, I hope someday to make it general and synchrone. The current implementation needs of line recalculation if the database is edited.

Bugs Fixed

DNA highlighting lost in FMap

A perplexing and bamboozling bug, sometimes the highlighting of the DNA sequence in FMap just stopped working. This is now fixed.

Reusing an FMap and reverse-complementing

If the FMap code reused an existing FMap display and the old display was reverse-complemented, but the new object to be displayed was on the reverse strand, then the display needed to be flipped back from reverse complement mode.

No_display tag in Method class

The Method class has two main uses in acedb, to provide options for displaying and for dumping any objects that reference that Method. To this end it is sometimes useful to specify that an object should never be displayed (although it may be dumped). After a request from Wormbase, the code has been around for some years to implement this but ironically the tag that controls this behaviour has been missing from our canonical models.wrm file that we distribute with acedb.

You need to update your Method class like this:

?Method	Remark ?Text
        // the Display information controls how the column looks.
	Display No_display                                      // column is not displayed at all.
                Colour #Colour
                etc. etc.

Developers Corner

New vtxt functions

(This article is courtesy of Jean Thierry-Mieg

vtxt library is very convenient for preparing complex text documents it is simply a nice wrapper for printf to an elastic string buffer and getting the result data out of it

it ressembles aceOut a bit has a different purpose and is not a duplicate, at least i think it is not !

September monthly build now available.

You can pick up the monthly builds from:

Sanger users
External users

Next User Group Meeting - D319, 3.00pm, Thursday, 9th October 2003

Ed Griffiths <>
Last modified: Fri Oct 24 08:23:16 BST 2003