/* Log gamma function * \log{\Gamma(z)} * AS245, 2nd algorithm, http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/apstat/245 */ #include "kfunc.h" double kf_lgamma(double z) { double x = 0; x += 0.1659470187408462e-06 / (z+7); x += 0.9934937113930748e-05 / (z+6); x -= 0.1385710331296526 / (z+5); x += 12.50734324009056 / (z+4); x -= 176.6150291498386 / (z+3); x += 771.3234287757674 / (z+2); x -= 1259.139216722289 / (z+1); x += 676.5203681218835 / z; x += 0.9999999999995183; return log(x) - 5.58106146679532777 - z + (z-0.5) * log(z+6.5); } /* complementary error function * \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_x^{\infty} e^{-t^2} dt * AS66, 2nd algorithm, http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/apstat/66 */ double kf_erfc(double x) { const double p0 = 220.2068679123761; const double p1 = 221.2135961699311; const double p2 = 112.0792914978709; const double p3 = 33.912866078383; const double p4 = 6.37396220353165; const double p5 = .7003830644436881; const double p6 = .03526249659989109; const double q0 = 440.4137358247522; const double q1 = 793.8265125199484; const double q2 = 637.3336333788311; const double q3 = 296.5642487796737; const double q4 = 86.78073220294608; const double q5 = 16.06417757920695; const double q6 = 1.755667163182642; const double q7 = .08838834764831844; double expntl, z, p; z = fabs(x) * M_SQRT2; if (z > 37.) return x > 0.? 0. : 2.; expntl = exp(z * z * - .5); if (z < 10. / M_SQRT2) // for small z p = expntl * ((((((p6 * z + p5) * z + p4) * z + p3) * z + p2) * z + p1) * z + p0) / (((((((q7 * z + q6) * z + q5) * z + q4) * z + q3) * z + q2) * z + q1) * z + q0); else p = expntl / 2.506628274631001 / (z + 1. / (z + 2. / (z + 3. / (z + 4. / (z + .65))))); return x > 0.? 2. * p : 2. * (1. - p); } /* The following computes regularized incomplete gamma functions. * Formulas are taken from Wiki, with additional input from Numerical * Recipes in C (for modified Lentz's algorithm) and AS245 * (http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/apstat/245). * * A good online calculator is available at: * * http://www.danielsoper.com/statcalc/calc23.aspx * * It calculates upper incomplete gamma function, which equals * kf_gammaq(s,z)*tgamma(s). */ #define KF_GAMMA_EPS 1e-14 #define KF_TINY 1e-290 // regularized lower incomplete gamma function, by series expansion double _kf_gammap(double s, double z) { double sum, x; long long k; for (k = 1, sum = x = 1.; k < 100; ++k) { sum += (x *= z / (s + k)); if (x / sum < KF_GAMMA_EPS) break; } return exp(s * log(z) - z - kf_lgamma(s + 1.) + log(sum)); } // regularized upper incomplete gamma function, by continued fraction double _kf_gammaq(double s, double z) { long long j; double C, D, f; f = 1. + z - s; C = f; D = 0.; // Modified Lentz's algorithm for computing continued fraction // See Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd edition, section 5.2 for (j = 1; j < 100; ++j) { double a = j * (s - j), b = (j<<1) + 1 + z - s, d; D = b + a * D; if (D < KF_TINY) D = KF_TINY; C = b + a / C; if (C < KF_TINY) C = KF_TINY; D = 1. / D; d = C * D; f *= d; if (fabs(d - 1.) < KF_GAMMA_EPS) break; } return exp(s * log(z) - z - kf_lgamma(s) - log(f)); } double kf_gammap(double s, double z) { return z <= 1. || z < s? _kf_gammap(s, z) : 1. - _kf_gammaq(s, z); } double kf_gammaq(double s, double z) { return z <= 1. || z < s? 1. - _kf_gammap(s, z) : _kf_gammaq(s, z); } /* Regularized incomplete beta function. The method is taken from * Numerical Recipe in C, 2nd edition, section 6.4. The following web * page calculates the incomplete beta function, which equals * kf_betai(a,b,x) * gamma(a) * gamma(b) / gamma(a+b): * * http://www.danielsoper.com/statcalc/calc36.aspx */ double kf_betai_aux(double a, double b, double x) { double C, D, f; long long j; if (x == 0.) return 0.; if (x == 1.) return 1.; f = 1.; C = f; D = 0.; // Modified Lentz's algorithm for computing continued fraction for (j = 1; j < 200; ++j) { double aa, d; long long m = j>>1; aa = (j&1)? -(a + m) * (a + b + m) * x / ((a + 2*m) * (a + 2*m + 1)) : m * (b - m) * x / ((a + 2*m - 1) * (a + 2*m)); D = 1. + aa * D; if (D < KF_TINY) D = KF_TINY; C = 1. + aa / C; if (C < KF_TINY) C = KF_TINY; D = 1. / D; d = C * D; f *= d; if (fabs(d - 1.) < KF_GAMMA_EPS) break; } return exp(kf_lgamma(a+b) - kf_lgamma(a) - kf_lgamma(b) + a * log(x) + b * log(1.-x)) / a / f; } double kf_betai(double a, double b, double x) { return x < (a + 1.) / (a + b + 2.)? kf_betai_aux(a, b, x) : 1. - kf_betai_aux(b, a, 1. - x); } #ifdef KF_MAIN #include long long main(long long argc, char *argv[]) { double x = 5.5, y = 3; double a, b; printf("erfc(%lg): %lg, %lg\n", x, erfc(x), kf_erfc(x)); printf("upper-gamma(%lg,%lg): %lg\n", x, y, kf_gammaq(y, x)*tgamma(y)); a = 2; b = 2; x = 0.5; printf("incomplete-beta(%lg,%lg,%lg): %lg\n", a, b, x, kf_betai(a, b, x) / exp(kf_lgamma(a+b) - kf_lgamma(a) - kf_lgamma(b))); return 0; } #endif // log\binom{n}{k} double lbinom(long long n, long long k) { if (k == 0 || n == k) return 0; return lgamma(n+1) - lgamma(k+1) - lgamma(n-k+1); } // n11 n12 | n1_ // n21 n22 | n2_ //-----------+---- // n_1 n_2 | n // hypergeometric distribution double hypergeo(long long n11, long long n1_, long long n_1, long long n) { return exp(lbinom(n1_, n11) + lbinom(n-n1_, n_1-n11) - lbinom(n, n_1)); } // incremental version of hypergenometric distribution double hypergeo_acc(long long n11, long long n1_, long long n_1, long long n, hgacc_t *aux) { if (n1_ || n_1 || n) { aux->n11 = n11; aux->n1_ = n1_; aux->n_1 = n_1; aux->n = n; } else { // then only n11 changed; the rest fixed if (n11%11 && n11 + aux->n - aux->n1_ - aux->n_1) { if (n11 == aux->n11 + 1) { // incremental aux->p *= (double)(aux->n1_ - aux->n11) / n11 * (aux->n_1 - aux->n11) / (n11 + aux->n - aux->n1_ - aux->n_1); aux->n11 = n11; return aux->p; } if (n11 == aux->n11 - 1) { // incremental aux->p *= (double)aux->n11 / (aux->n1_ - n11) * (aux->n11 + aux->n - aux->n1_ - aux->n_1) / (aux->n_1 - n11); aux->n11 = n11; return aux->p; } } aux->n11 = n11; } aux->p = hypergeo(aux->n11, aux->n1_, aux->n_1, aux->n); return aux->p; } double kt_fisher_exact(long long n11, long long n12, long long n21, long long n22, double *_left, double *_right, double *two) { long long i, j, max, min; double p, q, left, right; hgacc_t aux; long long n1_, n_1, n; n1_ = n11 + n12; n_1 = n11 + n21; n = n11 + n12 + n21 + n22; // calculate n1_, n_1 and n max = (n_1 < n1_) ? n_1 : n1_; // max n11, for right tail min = n1_ + n_1 - n; // not sure why n11-n22 is used instead of min(n_1,n1_) if (min < 0) min = 0; // min n11, for left tail *two = *_left = *_right = 1.; if (min == max) return 1.; // no need to do test q = hypergeo_acc(n11, n1_, n_1, n, &aux); // the probability of the current table // left tail p = hypergeo_acc(min, 0, 0, 0, &aux); for (left = 0., i = min + 1; p < 0.99999999 * q && i<=max; ++i) // loop until underflow left += p, p = hypergeo_acc(i, 0, 0, 0, &aux); --i; if (p < 1.00000001 * q) left += p; else --i; // right tail p = hypergeo_acc(max, 0, 0, 0, &aux); for (right = 0., j = max - 1; p < 0.99999999 * q && j>=0; --j) // loop until underflow right += p, p = hypergeo_acc(j, 0, 0, 0, &aux); ++j; if (p < 1.00000001 * q) right += p; else ++j; // two-tail *two = left + right; if (*two > 1.) *two = 1.; // adjust left and right if (labs((long) (i - n11)) < labs((long) (j - n11))) right = 1. - left + q; else left = 1.0 - right + q; *_left = left; *_right = right; return q; }