/* * spacingMain.cpp * * Created on: Jan 15, 2015 * Author: Aaron Quinlan */ #include "CommonHelp.h" void spacing_help(void) { cerr << "\nTool: bedtools spacing" << endl; cerr << "Version: " << VERSION << "\n"; cerr << "Summary: Report (last col.) the gap lengths between intervals in a file." << endl << endl; cerr << "Usage: " << "bedtools spacing" << " [OPTIONS] -i " << endl << endl; cerr << "Notes: " << endl; cerr << "\t(1) Input must be sorted by chrom,start (sort -k1,1 -k2,2n for BED)." << endl; cerr << "\t(2) The 1st element for each chrom will have NULL distance. (\".\")." << endl; cerr << "\t(3) Distance for overlapping intervals is -1 and 0 for adjacent intervals." << endl << endl; cerr << "Example: " << endl; cerr << "\t$ cat test.bed " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 0 10 " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 10 20 " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 19 30 " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 35 45 " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 100 200 " << endl << endl; cerr << "\t$ bedtools spacing -i test.bed " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 0 10 . " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 10 20 0 " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 19 30 -1 " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 35 45 5 " << endl; cerr << "\tchr1 100 200 55 " << endl << endl; allToolsCommonHelp(); }