/***************************************************************************** unionBedGraphsMain.cpp (c) 2010 - Assaf Gordon, CSHL - Aaron Quinlan, UVA Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licenced under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //for basename() #include "GenomeFile.h" #include "unionBedGraphs.h" #include "version.h" using namespace std; // define our program name #define PROGRAM_NAME "bedtools unionbedg" // define our parameter checking macro #define PARAMETER_CHECK(param, paramLen, actualLen) (strncmp(argv[i], param, min(actualLen, paramLen))== 0) && (actualLen == paramLen) //STLized version of basename() // (because POSIX basename() modifies the input string pointer) // Additionally: removes any extension the basename might have. std::string ubg_stl_basename(const std::string& path); // function declarations void unionbedgraphs_help(void); void unionbedgraphs_showexamples(void); int unionbedgraphs_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool haveFiles = false; bool haveTitles = false; bool haveGenome = false; bool haveFiller = true; bool printHeader = false; bool printEmptyRegions = false; bool showHelp = false; string genomeFile; string basePath; string noCoverageValue = "0"; vector inputFiles; vector inputTitles; //Parse command line options if(argc <= 1) unionbedgraphs_help(); for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { int parameterLength = (int)strlen(argv[i]); if((PARAMETER_CHECK("-h", 2, parameterLength)) || (PARAMETER_CHECK("--help", 5, parameterLength))) { showHelp = true; } } if(showHelp == true) { unionbedgraphs_help(); exit(1); } // do some parsing (all of these parameters require 2 strings) for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { int parameterLength = (int)strlen(argv[i]); if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-i", 2, parameterLength)) { if ((i+1) < argc) { haveFiles = true; i = i+1; string file = argv[i]; while (file[0] != '-' && i < argc) { inputFiles.push_back(file); i++; if (i < argc) file = argv[i]; } i--; } } else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-names", 6, parameterLength)) { if ((i+1) < argc) { haveTitles = true; i = i+1; string title = argv[i]; while (title[0] != '-' && i < argc) { inputTitles.push_back(title); i++; if (i < argc) title = argv[i]; } i--; } } else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-g", 2, parameterLength)) { if ((i+1) < argc) { haveGenome = true; genomeFile = argv[i + 1]; i++; } } else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-filler", 7, parameterLength)) { if ((i+1) < argc) { haveFiller = true; noCoverageValue = argv[i + 1]; i++; } } else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-header", 7, parameterLength)) { printHeader = true; } else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-empty", 6, parameterLength)) { printEmptyRegions = true; } else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-examples", 9, parameterLength)) { unionbedgraphs_help(); unionbedgraphs_showexamples(); exit(1); } } //Sanity checks if (inputFiles.empty() == true) { cerr << "Error: missing BedGraph file names (-i) to combine." << endl; exit(1); } if (inputFiles.size() == 1) { cerr << "Error: Only a single BedGraph file was specified. Nothing to combine, exiting." << endl; exit(1); } if (printEmptyRegions && (genomeFile.empty() == true)) { cerr << "Error: when using -empty, the genome sizes file (-g) must be specified using '-g FILE'." << endl; exit(1); } if ((haveTitles == true) && (inputFiles.size() != inputTitles.size())) { cerr << "Error: The number of file titles (-names) does not match the number of files (-i)." << endl; exit(1); } UnionBedGraphs ubg(cout, inputFiles, inputTitles, printEmptyRegions, genomeFile, noCoverageValue); if (printHeader) ubg.PrintHeader(); ubg.Union(); return 0; } void unionbedgraphs_help(void) { cerr << "\nTool: bedtools unionbedg (aka unionBedGraphs)" << endl; cerr << "Version: " << VERSION << "\n"; cerr << "Summary: Combines multiple BedGraph files into a single file," << endl; cerr << "\t allowing coverage comparisons between them." << endl << endl; cerr << "Usage: " << PROGRAM_NAME << " [OPTIONS] -i FILE1 FILE2 .. FILEn" << endl; cerr << "\t Assumes that each BedGraph file is sorted by chrom/start " << endl; cerr << "\t and that the intervals in each are non-overlapping." << endl << endl; cerr << "Options: " << endl; cerr << "\t-header\t\t" << "Print a header line." << endl; cerr << "\t\t\t(chrom/start/end + names of each file)." << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-names\t\t" << "A list of names (one/file) to describe each file in -i." << endl; cerr << "\t\t\tThese names will be printed in the header line." << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-g\t\t" << "Use genome file to calculate empty regions." << endl; cerr << "\t\t\t- STRING." << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-empty\t\t" << "Report empty regions (i.e., start/end intervals w/o" << endl; cerr << "\t\t\tvalues in all files)." << endl; cerr << "\t\t\t- Requires the '-g FILE' parameter.\n" << endl; cerr << "\t-filler TEXT\t" << "Use TEXT when representing intervals having no value." << endl; cerr << "\t\t\t- Default is '0', but you can use 'N/A' or any text." << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-examples\t" << "Show detailed usage examples." << endl << endl; } void unionbedgraphs_showexamples() { cerr << "Example usage:\n\n" \ "== Input files: ==\n" \ "\n" \ " $ cat 1.bg\n" \ " chr1 1000 1500 10\n" \ " chr1 2000 2100 20\n" \ "\n" \ " $ cat 2.bg\n" \ " chr1 900 1600 60\n" \ " chr1 1700 2050 50\n" \ "\n" \ " $ cat 3.bg\n" \ " chr1 1980 2070 80\n" \ " chr1 2090 2100 20\n" \ "\n" \ " $ cat sizes.txt\n" \ " chr1 5000\n" \ "\n" \ "== Union/combine the files: ==\n" \ "\n" \ " $ unionBedGraphs -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg\n" \ " chr1 900 1000 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0\n" \ " chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80\n" \ " chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0\n" \ " chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20\n" \ "\n" \ "== Union/combine the files, with a header line (titles are the file names): ==\n" \ "\n" \ " $ unionBedGraphs -header -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg\n" \ " chrom start end 1 2 3\n" \ " chr1 900 1000 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0\n" \ " chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80\n" \ " chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0\n" \ " chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20\n" \ "\n" \ "== Union/combine the files, with a header line and custom names: ==\n" \ "\n" \ " $ unionBedGraphs -header -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg -names WT-1 WT-2 KO-1\n" \ " chrom start end WT-1 WT-2 KO-1\n" \ " chr1 900 1000 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0\n" \ " chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80\n" \ " chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0\n" \ " chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20\n" \ "\n" \ "== Union/combine, showing empty regions (note, requires -g): ==\n" \ "\n" \ " $ unionBedGraphs -header -empty -g sizes.TXT -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg\n" \ " chrom start end 1 2 3\n" \ " chr1 0 900 0 0 0\n" \ " chr1 900 1000 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0\n" \ " chr1 1600 1700 0 0 0\n" \ " chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0\n" \ " chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80\n" \ " chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80\n" \ " chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0\n" \ " chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20\n" \ " chr1 2100 5000 0 0 0\n" \ "\n" \ ; } std::string ubg_stl_basename(const std::string& path) { string result; char* path_dup = strdup(path.c_str()); char* basename_part = basename(path_dup); result = basename_part; free(path_dup); size_t pos = result.find_last_of('.'); if (pos != string::npos ) result = result.substr(0,pos); return result; }