#!/bin/csh # FEATURES - a c-shell script (version 30 July 08) # FEATURES is a front end for GETOB. FEATURES provides an interactive # menu interface, as well as automating the process of resolving # nested database expressions # This script automates, as much as is possible, two tasks. First, getob # expects all of its input to come from files, as described in getob.doc. # The parameter menu lets the user input some of the data directly at the # keyboard, for cases in which only one data element (eg. accession number) # is needed. Otherwise, FEATURES prompts the user for a filename. # The second thing that FEATURES does is to run getob and check to see # whether there are unresolved expressions in the output. If there are, # getob is called as many times as is necessary to resolve all expressions. ##################################################################### # set parameter defaults #################################################################### set mode = "interactive" set NICELEVEL = '+10' set jobid = $$ set featype = "" set features = "" set entrytype = "n" set entries = "" set dbtype = "g" set database = "" set where = "a" set outfile = "" set resolve = "" set acno = "OFF" set needtosplit = "OFF" set options = "" # RM_CMD - command to be used for removing files and directories if (-e /usr/bin/rm) then set RM_CMD = /usr/bin/rm else if (-e /bin/rm) then set RM_CMD = /bin/rm else set RM_CMD = rm endif endif ##################################################################### # Read options from the command line and set parameters, # or prompt user for parameters at terminal. #################################################################### set numargs = $#argv if ($numargs != 0) then #--------------------------------------------------- #parameters given in command line set mode = command set files = "" #One argument form: a FEATURES expression is given as the input, returning ONLY #the resultant sequence to the standard output. if ($numargs == 1) then # -h : print usage message if ($1 == "-h") then echo "Usage: features" echo " features expression" echo " features [-f featurekey | -F keyfile]" echo " [-n name |-a accession | -e expression |" echo " -N namefile |-A accfile | -E expfile]" echo " [-u dataset | -U dataset | -g ]" exit else set resolve = "r" set features = "" set entries = $1 #Make sure the expression begins with '@' if (`echo $entries |cut -c1-1` == @) then else set entries = "@"$entries endif echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf #make dummy infile echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf #for getob echo $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam #accession number will be used for output filenames set base = `cut -c2-80 FEA.$jobid.nam | cut -f1 -d':'` set acno = "ON" endif else #Multiple argument form: feature keys, entries, expressions, and databases are #specified on the command line. Message, sequence and expression files are written. set index = 1 while ($index < $numargs) switch ($argv[$index]) case "-f": @ index++ set features = $argv[$index] set resolve = "" echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf echo $features >> FEA.$jobid.inf echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf breaksw case "-F": @ index++ set features = $argv[$index] set resolve = "" set features = $argv[$index] echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf cat $features >> FEA.$jobid.inf echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf breaksw case "-n": @ index++ set entries = $argv[$index] set base = $entries #entry name used for output file names echo $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "OFF" breaksw case "-a": @ index++ set entries = $argv[$index] set base = $entries #accession number used for output file names echo $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "ON" breaksw case "-e": set resolve = "r" set features = "" @ index++ set entries = $argv[$index] #Make sure the expression begins with '@' if (`echo $entries |cut -c1-1` == @) then else set entries = "@"$entries endif echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf #make dummy infile echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf #for getob echo $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam #accession number will be used for output filenames set base = `cut -c2-80 FEA.$jobid.nam |cut -f1 -d':'` set acno = "ON" breaksw case "-N": @ index++ set entries = $argv[$index] set base = $entries:t set base = $base:r #raw filename used for output filenames cat $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "OFF" breaksw case "-A": @ index++ set entries = $argv[$index] set base = $entries:t set base = $base:r #raw filename used for output filenames cat $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "ON" breaksw case "-E": set resolve = "r" set features = "" @ index++ set entries = $argv[$index] set base = $entries:t set base = $base:r #raw filename used for output filenames cat $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf #make dummy infile echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf #for getob set acno = "ON" breaksw case "-u": set dbtype = u @ index++ set database = $argv[$index] set dbname = $database:r set extension = $database:e if ($extension == gen) then #If user-defined database is one or more #GenBank entries, it will have to be #split by splitdb for use by programs. set needtosplit = ON else set needtosplit = OFF endif set anofile = $dbname.ano set seqfile = $dbname.wrp set indfile = $dbname.ind breaksw case "-U": set dbtype = U @ index++ set database = $argv[$index] set dbname = $database:r set base = $dbname set extension = $database:e if ($extension == gen) then #If user-defined database is one or more #GenBank entries, it will have to be #split by splitdb for use by programs. set needtosplit = ON else set needtosplit = OFF endif set anofile = $dbname.ano set seqfile = $dbname.wrp set indfile = $dbname.ind breaksw endsw @ index++ end # while #Make sure all necessary data has been entered if ($resolve != r && $features == "") then echo '>>> Features must be specified' exit endif # csh subtlety: $entries must be quoted to allow for blanks in # the string if ("$entries" == "" && $dbtype != "U") then echo '>>> Entries must be specified' exit endif endif else #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Interactive parameter input set mode = interactive set complete = 0 while ($complete == 0) #Display current parameter settings echo '___________________________________________________________________' echo ' FEATURES - Version 28 Jan 05 ' echo ' Please cite: Fristensky (1993) Nucl. Acids Res. 21:5997-6003' echo '___________________________________________________________________' echo 'Features: ' $features echo 'Entries: ' $entries echo 'Dataset: ' $database echo '___________________________________________________________________' echo ' Parameter Description Value' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '1).................... FEATURES TO EXTRACT ....................> '$featype echo ' f:Type a feature at the keyboard ' echo ' F:Read a list of features from a file' echo '2)....................ENTRIES TO BE PROCESSED (choose one).....> '$entrytype echo ' Keyboard input - n:name a:accession # e:expression' echo ' File input - N:name(s) A:accession #(s) E:expression(s)' echo '3)....................WHERE TO GET IT .........................> '$dbtype echo ' u:Genbank dataset g:complete GenBank database' echo ' U: same as u, but all entries' echo '4)....................WHERE TO SEND IT ........................> '$where echo ' s:Each feature to a separate file a:All output to same file' echo ' ---------------------------------------------------------------' echo ' Type number of your choice or 0 to continue:' #Prompt for parameter to change set paramnum = $< switch ($paramnum) case 0: set complete = 1 breaksw case 1: if ($resolve == r) then echo '>>> No features needed to resolve expressions.' else echo 'Enter one of {fF}:' set temp = $< if ($temp == f | $temp == F) then set featype = $temp switch ($featype) case f: set resolve = "" echo 'Enter feature:' set features = $< echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf echo $features >> FEA.$jobid.inf echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf breaksw case F: set resolve = "" echo 'Enter filename:' set features = $< cat $features > FEA.$jobid.inf breaksw endsw else echo '>>> Invalid choice' endif # f,F endif # resolve == r breaksw # 1 case 2: echo 'Enter one of {naeNAE}:' set temp = $< if ($temp == n | $temp == a | $temp == e |\ $temp == N | $temp == A | $temp == E) then set entrytype = $temp switch ($entrytype) case n: echo 'Enter name:' set entries = $< set base = $entries #entry name used for output file names echo $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "OFF" breaksw case a: echo 'Enter accession number:' set entries = $< set base = $entries #accession number used for # output file names echo $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "ON" breaksw case e: set resolve = "r" set features = "" echo 'Enter expression:' set entries = $< #Make sure the expression begins with '@' if (`echo $entries |cut -c1-1` == @) then else set entries = "@""$entries" endif echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf #make dummy infile echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf #for getob echo $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam #accession number will be used for output filenames set base = `cut -c2-80 FEA.$jobid.nam |cut -f1 -d':'` set acno = "ON" breaksw case N: echo 'Enter filename:' set entries = $< set base = $entries:t set base = $base:r #raw filename used for output filenames cat $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "OFF" breaksw case A: echo 'Enter filename:' set entries = $< set base = $entries:t set base = $base:r #raw filename used for output filenames cat $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam set acno = "ON" breaksw case E: set resolve = "r" set features = "" echo 'Enter filename:' set entries = $< set base = $entries:t set base = $base:r #raw filename used for output filenames cat $entries > FEA.$jobid.nam echo "OBJECTS" > FEA.$jobid.inf #make dummy infile echo "SITES" >> FEA.$jobid.inf #for getob set acno = "ON" breaksw endsw else echo '>>> Invalid choice' endif #naeNAE breaksw case 3: echo 'Enter one of {uUg}:' set temp = $< switch ($temp) case u: set dbtype = u echo 'Enter filename:' set database = $< set dbname = $database:r set extension = $database:e if ($extension == gen) then #If user-defined database is one or more #GenBank entries, it will have to be #split by splitdb for use by programs. set needtosplit = ON else set needtosplit = OFF endif set anofile = $dbname.ano set seqfile = $dbname.wrp set indfile = $dbname.ind breaksw case U: set dbtype = U echo 'Enter filename:' set database = $< set dbname = $database:r set base = $dbname set extension = $database:e if ($extension == gen) then #If user-defined database is one or more #GenBank entries, it will have to be #split by splitdb for use by programs. set needtosplit = ON else set needtosplit = OFF endif set anofile = $dbname.ano set seqfile = $dbname.wrp set indfile = $dbname.ind breaksw case g: set dbtype = g breaksw default: echo '>>> Invalid choice' breaksw endsw breaksw case 4: echo 'Enter one of {sa}:' set temp = $< if ($temp == s | $temp == a) then set where = $temp else echo '>>> Invalid choice' endif breaksw endsw #Make sure all necessary data has been entered if ($complete == 1) then if ($resolve != r && $features == "") then echo '>>> Features must be specified (option 1)' set complete = 0 endif # csh subtlety: $entries must be quoted to allow for blanks in # the string if ("$entries" == "" && $dbtype != "U") then echo '>>> Entries must be specified (option 2)' set complete = 0 endif endif end #while endif # argv #set options if ($resolve == r) then set options = "$options -r" endif if ($acno == ON) then set options = "$options -c" endif if ($where == s) then set options = "$options -f" endif ##################################################################### # For a given database, extract the specified features. #################################################################### if ($mode == interactive) then set termout = /dev/tty echo 'Messages will be written to '$base.msg if ($where == a) then echo 'Final sequence output will be written to ' $base.out else echo 'Output for each entry will be written to individual files.' echo 'Filenames will be in the form: name.obj' endif if ($resolve != r) then echo 'Expressions will be written to '$base.exp endif else set termout = /dev/null endif # $mode == interactive # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # The first pass will usually resolve all feature expressions. #Retrieve GenBank entries, if necessary if ($dbtype == g) then if ($resolve == r) then #Unresolved expressions will begin with '@' in first column. #Find lines with unresolved expressions and extract the #accession numbers for use by fetch. egrep -e ^@ FEA.$jobid.nam > UNRESOLVED.$jobid.fea # first, extract ACCESSION number from between @ and : # If it is in the form ACCESSION.VERSION, truncate the version field cut -c2-80 UNRESOLVED.$jobid.fea |cut -f1 -d':' |cut -f1 -d'.' > UNRESOLVED.$jobid.nam set fetchfile = UNRESOLVED.$jobid.nam else set fetchfile = FEA.$jobid.nam endif set anofile = $base.ano set seqfile = $base.wrp set indfile = $base.ind fetch $fetchfile FEA.$jobid.gen > $termout if (-e FEA.$jobid.gen) then nice $NICELEVEL splitdb FEA.$jobid.gen $anofile $seqfile $indfile $RM_CMD -f FEA.$jobid.gen else exit endif endif #Extract features from the entries if ($mode == interactive) echo 'Extracting features...' if ($needtosplit == ON) then nice $NICELEVEL splitdb $database $anofile $seqfile $indfile endif if ($dbtype == 'U') cp $indfile FEA.$jobid.nam # quick test to make sure that FEA.$jobid.nam and $anofile aren't empty @ NUMLINES = (`wc -l FEA.$jobid.nam | sed -e "s/^[ ]*//" | cut -f1 -d" "`) grep 'LOCUS' $anofile > FEA.$jobid.test if ("$NUMLINES" != 0 && ! -z FEA.$jobid.test) then if ($where == a) then if ($numargs == 1) then nice $NICELEVEL getob $options FEA.$jobid.inf FEA.$jobid.nam $anofile $seqfile\ $indfile /dev/null FEA.$jobid.out /dev/null > $base.$jobid.term else nice $NICELEVEL getob $options FEA.$jobid.inf FEA.$jobid.nam $anofile $seqfile $indfile\ $base.msg FEA.$jobid.out $base.exp > $base.$jobid.term endif else nice $NICELEVEL getob $options FEA.$jobid.inf FEA.$jobid.nam $anofile $seqfile $indfile\ $base.msg $base.exp > $base.$jobid.term endif endif # Clean up a bit. Database files could be huge! if ($dbtype == g | $needtosplit == ON) then $RM_CMD -f $anofile $seqfile $indfile endif #Pull out all lines containing indirect references if ($where == a) then egrep -e ^@ FEA.$jobid.out > UNRESOLVED.$jobid.fea else egrep -e ^@ *.obj > UNRESOLVED.$jobid.fea endif # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # This part resolves any unresolved expressions that can be resolved. # Only in very rare cases will this loop execute more than once. while !(-z UNRESOLVED.$jobid.fea) #is not empty if ($where == s) then echo ">>> Can't resolve references sent to separate files." echo '>>> Re-run FEATURES separately for each unresolved reference' echo ">>> See $base.msg to find unresolved references." exit else if ($mode == interactive) echo 'Resolving Feature expression(s)...' #extract accession numbers to be retrieved # first, extract ACCESSION number from between @ and : # If it is in the form ACCESSION.VERSION, truncate the version field cut -c2-80 UNRESOLVED.$jobid.fea | cut -f1 -d':' | cut -f1 -d'.' > FEA.$jobid.nam #retrieve the sequences into a new file, and create #a database subset to be used by getob. If $GB is set, then #entries will be fetched from the online GenBank database. #Otherwise, features will attempt to get entries from the #user-generated database subset. if (${?GB} | ${?XYLEM_RHOST}) then set fetchoptions = "" else set fetchoptions = "-G $database" endif # fetch $fetchoptions FEA.$jobid.nam FEA.$jobid.gen >$termout lfetch $fetchoptions FEA.$jobid.nam FEA.$jobid.gen >$termout # test for empty GenBank file grep 'LOCUS' FEA.$jobid.gen > FEA.$jobid.test if !(-z FEA.$jobid.test) then splitdb FEA.$jobid.gen FEA.$jobid.ano FEA.$jobid.wrp FEA.$jobid.ind #run getob again to resolve indirect references echo 'Extracting features...' > $termout mv FEA.$jobid.out UNRESOLVED.$jobid.out if ($numargs == 1) then nice $NICELEVEL getob -r -c FEA.$jobid.inf UNRESOLVED.$jobid.out FEA.$jobid.ano\ FEA.$jobid.wrp FEA.$jobid.ind /dev/null FEA.$jobid.out >>\ $base.$jobid.term else nice $NICELEVEL getob -r -c FEA.$jobid.inf UNRESOLVED.$jobid.out FEA.$jobid.ano\ FEA.$jobid.wrp FEA.$jobid.ind FEA.$jobid.msg FEA.$jobid.out\ >> $base.$jobid.term cat FEA.$jobid.msg >> $base.msg endif else echo "" > FEA.$jobid.out endif #Pull out all lines containing indirect references #ie. lines beginning with '@' egrep -e ^@ FEA.$jobid.out > UNRESOLVED.$jobid.fea endif end # while if ($where == a) then #One argument form, command mode #Sequence output only goes to standard output. if ($numargs == 1) then cat FEA.$jobid.out #Multi-argument form or interactive mode else cat FEA.$jobid.out > $base.out endif endif ##################################################################### # Clean up. #################################################################### $RM_CMD -f FEA.$jobid.* UNRESOLVED.$jobid.* *.$jobid.term