#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2000 by Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten. # Copyright 2016 by Markus Piotrowski. # All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # Created: Thu Jul 13 12:09:58 2000 # thomas@cbs.dtu.dk, http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/thomas # File: xbb_utils.py try: # Python 2 import Tkinter as tk import ttk import tkFileDialog as filedialog except ImportError: # Python 3 import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk from tkinter import filedialog class NotePad(tk.Toplevel): def __init__(self, master=None): tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, master) self.menubar = tk.Menu(self) self.filemenu = tk.Menu(self.menubar) self.filemenu.add_command(label="Save", command=self.save) self.filemenu.add_separator() self.filemenu.add_command(label="Dismiss", command=self.destroy) self.menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=self.filemenu) self.configure(menu=self.menubar) self.yscroll = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical') self.tid = tk.Text(self, width=88, yscrollcommand=self.yscroll.set) self.yscroll.configure(command=self.tid.yview) self.tid.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=1) self.yscroll.pack(side='right', fill='y') def text_id(self): return self.tid def insert(self, start, txt): self.tid.insert(start, txt) def save(self): file = filedialog.asksaveasfilename() if file: with open(file, 'w') as fid: fid.write(self.tid.get(0.0, 'end'))