PMID- 23039619 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DA - 20121008 DCOM- 20121205 IS - 0094-2405 (Print) IS - 0094-2405 (Linking) VI - 39 IP - 10 DP - 2012 Oct TI - Effects of different parameters in the fast scanning method for HIFU treatment. PG - 5795-813 LID - 10.1118/1.4748329 [doi] AB - PURPOSE: High-intensity focused ultrasound is a promising method for the noninvasive treatment of benign and malignant tumors. This study analyzes the effects of scanning path, applied power, and geometric characteristics of the transducer on ablation using fast scanning method, a new scanning method that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound at different blood perfusion levels. METHODS: Two transducers, six scanning paths, and three focal patterns were used to examine the ablation results of the fast scanning method using power densities from 1.35 x 10(7) Wm(3) to 4.5 x 10(7) Wm(3) and blood perfusion rates from 2 x 10(-3) mlmls to 16 x 10(-3) mlmls. The Pennes equation was solved using the finite-difference time-domain method to simulate the heating procedure. RESULTS: Based on the results of the fast-scanning method, the different scanning paths exhibited small effect on the total treatment time supported by both simulation and least-square fit. Similar-sized lesions can result from the five different repeated paths, whereas a random path may lead to relative large fluctuations in ablation volume because of asymmetry of the lesions. Higher power levels increase the lesion volume and decrease the treatment time required for ablating a target area using the fast scanning method, whereas increased blood perfusion has the opposite effect on ablation volume and treatment time. A symmetric lesion can be produced through fast scanning method using a 65-element and a 90-element transducer. However, lesion production using the same operation scheme differs between the two transducers. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike traditional scanning methods, fast scanning method produces a planned lesion regardless of scanning path, as long as the path consists of repeated subsequences. This attribute makes fast scanning method an easy-operation scheme that produces relatively large symmetric lesions in homogeneous tissues. Applied power is the most important factor; however, high blood perfusion levels can limit or even hinder the full ablation of the target area. Therefore, tissue perfusion and transducer type should be given special attention to ensure the success and safety of ablation treatment. FAU - Qiao, Shan AU - Qiao S AD - School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China. FAU - Shen, Guofeng AU - Shen G FAU - Bai, Jingfeng AU - Bai J FAU - Chen, Yazhu AU - Chen Y LA - eng PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't PL - United States TA - Med Phys JT - Medical physics JID - 0425746 SB - IM MH - Blood Circulation MH - High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation/adverse effects/instrumentation/*methods MH - Humans MH - Models, Biological MH - Sonication MH - Temperature MH - Time Factors MH - Transducers EDAT- 2012/10/09 06:00 MHDA- 2012/12/10 06:00 CRDT- 2012/10/09 06:00 AID - 10.1118/1.4748329 [doi] PST - ppublish SO - Med Phys. 2012 Oct;39(10):5795-813. doi: 10.1118/1.4748329.